
Druid's Curse

SPPrincess · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Did you know?"

Ward shot her a dark look. "Know what, Molly?"

"About the crystals. Is this why you want to find the child, you don't plan of killing him. Do you?"

"I did know about the crystal. And no, I wasn't planning on killing the boy, just Lester."

They were sitting in a cool room at a wooden table. The floor was made of dark marble and there were four columns holding up the ceiling.

"So instead of going through all this trouble why not just kidnap him?" Molly offered. "You can send a few of your men out to find him. No blood has to be spilled."

"So you do not think Lester should pay for his treachery?" Ward boomed. "You think we should leave him be? He broke the laws, Molly. As did your sister."

Molly looked away.

"Natalie knew what she was doing when she decided to bear his child." Ward got to his feet. "I will get my hands on that treasure no matter if blood is spilled in the process. I will find them."

Malani left the palace while the guards were changing shifts. She jumped onto the other side of the wall, landing in a bush.

Grunting she pushed herself to her feet and wrapped her cloak closer around her. She pulled the book from her bag and ran her hands over the cover.

She glanced around before walking off into the darkness.

A few moments later she saw two figures in the distance, one tall and one short. The short one was holding a small bag in one hand.

"Leon, think about what you're doing." Lester hissed. "The Druids will find you and kill you!"

"And they'll do the same or worse to you. I don't want to take that chance."

Malani stepped into view. "Excuse me?"

Lester's head whirled in her direction. His eyes widened. "Princess?" he grabbed her and Leon and dragged them inside a little cottage. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not here to spy. I want to help." Malani said, pulling out the book.

Leon snorted. "Help? With what?"

"I figured that you'd be out to search for the crystals. I don't think Ward should be the one to find them." Milana opened the book. "According to the text, it says that whoever has possession of the crystals will be more powerful than a god."

Lester moaned.

"That can't be good." Leon glanced at Lester. "How do we even find them?"

"I'm not sure." Lester massaged his temples. "But I do know Ward should not get an ounce of that power. Who knows what he'll do with it."

Malani shrugged. "What anyone would do. Destroy the world. Or take it over."

"And neither option sounds like it would be good," Leon said.

"It shouldn't be hard for us to find, it says that if you have the elemental powers, you can use your connection to the powers to help lead us to the crystals."

Lester frowned. "Us?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?" Malani folded her arms.

Leon gave her a look before going to sit down at he dining table. "Don't make a scene, pops. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow before sunrise."