

read the first chapter, and you'll see this isn't about politics or personal view. This world is multiple times larger than its normal self, Like ten times larger than this earth, so you can say the u.s is ten times larger than its normal self, So the world is much bigger than ours. the thumbnail isn't mine if you need it removed contact me.

watcherinthesky40 · Fantasy
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My name is

Three thousand years ago, George Washington and the founding fathers rebelled against the God of this world, nobody knows how they won, but Thomas Jefferson once said " Let it be known, that we mere mortals have and hath defeated a God, with the power of unity and love"

after defeating the God of this world, the 'limiter' was taken off the human species, We evolved, into something better, stronger, and smarter, we thought ourselves to be the dominant species of this universe, of this reality, but in truth that was all a lie.

On April 15, 1865 president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, The most powerful being that ever existed at that time, he knew the full power of the human body, After his death, John Wilkes booth was captured and killed.

After their deaths, the united states became corrupt, politicians took advantage and became tyrants, How does the phrase go? 'When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty' And that is what the citizens did, they revolted, another civil war happened, between the politicians and the American people.

the other countries saw this And on 1866 January 2, with all of their force the British invaded America, After leaving their land, Russia stabbed the brits behind their backs, and took their land, nobody knows how this happened, but all of Asia and Europe started fighting each other, brothers against brothers, they fought, this was known as 'World war 1'

After twenty years of fighting, and bloodshed, hundreds of millions dead, they realized it was pointless, they all stopped, But it was too late.

For thousands of year's, we thought to ourselves that there were no universes except ours, no earths except ours, no superior creatures except us, but we were proven wrong

On 1886, October 2, in Frankfurt Germany, The "Others" Created a portal to our earth, our universe, our realm, nobody knew who they were, even to this day there is no drawing or indication of their features.

After arriving they took Germany in a day, killing millions, It was only two days until the whole world heard of this, Monsters had traveled to our universe,

We fought separately, We were not united, nobody was, In 1895, The human species were on the edge of extinction, there was no hope, but there was one man, and his name was Audie murphy.

He took what was of the human species and united every single person, For he said " Without unity and love, there is no hope"

on June 6, 1944, Humanity made its last stand, On the beach of Normandy, Millions of humans fought, with sweat and blood, we had finally defeated them, They ran back from where they came from.

After that day, unity was formed, we vowed to never fight each other again, And to never forget what happened here,

even to this day, we don't know who they were, how they looked like, but we do know one thing, They will come back, and when they do we will be ready . . . . .


In 1960, every citizen that lived in the state of Canada was removed, They were all paid enough for them to buy a new home and start a career down south,

The entirety of Canada, which was six million square miles, was turned into eleven military districts, The biggest, fort Alaska, was for the speedsters, They were the ones who could run-up to a thousand mph, The exterior of their body was made for the conditions of running up to that speed.

The second-biggest, fort Nunavut, was the one for the main branch of cadets, The ones who were trained in that area had superhuman strength, They were capable of breaking boulders with one punch, and could averagely run-up to one hundred and twenty mph. they had Highly dense bones and extreme muscle mass.

The one near fort Alaska, fort Yukon, was for the humans that could make the water in the air freeze, meaning they could generate ice and freeze targets below negative temperatures, Their bodies are developed and born with natural immunity to cold.

the one below fort Yukon, fort Columbia were the ones that could control h20, It has been confirmed by the I.p.a, International powers association, That The ones who control water, are not ice users, for no matter how hard they try they can never freeze water, only move and create it.

Next to that is the third-largest fort, FORT Ontario, It used to be three separate forts, but now it's combined, The ones that are trained there, have fire manipulation, The ability to create fire, they are born with natural immunity to heat, In fort Ontario, There are also other power users, Like electricity users that can manipulate electrons and use them to their advantage. There are other users in fort Ontario as well, On the map, it might be big, but it's not.

Next to fort Ontario is the "Special" fort, Fort Quebec, it is the fourth-largest fort, there, they are the heavy hitters of the U.S army, They control the photons, Meaning they can fly for a short while, and make these blasts that can eradicate houses, Very very strong stuff.

next is. . . fort Fredericton, the smallest fort, These are where the "Normies go" Normies don't have any superpowers, But they have highly enhanced bodies with enhanced strength and endurance,

So you might be wondering, Where am I? Well according to the papers, I am nowhere, You see, I am what you call a "Cripple" I am A human, with no powers, no enhanced body, I am like my ancestors, I am not one of the evolved.

Normally you might think this is not a big deal, But it is, You see, After the rebellion, Every human evolved, and ever since then nobody was born a cripple or with a genetic defect, But me, Heh I am one in twenty billion.

A rare case indeed, I was once on the daily news for a few days, "first unevolved human to be born in a thousand years" to be honest, This world doesn't suit me.

I have been bullied half my life, verbally to be exact, because if I get hit by the normies, or hell anybody, My lungs will explode and my ribs will break, That's how weak I am, I sometimes wonder why I was even born, in this world as a pathetic excuse for a human being, Why?

There has always been a talk about God, The one who ruled over us for millennia, They always talk about how life was, Before, But then we read the scriptures, that life was hell.

Offerings we're made to him, He would one night come to your house and **** your mother and any daughters if you should have any, no matter the age, And when they would get pregnant it would've been best if they died, for they would breed deformed creatures.

I wonder what this God looked like, I guess we will never know, After thinking all my thoughts I started to slow down and wheeze, "Told you not to sprint cripple" The guy named Bryce told me, he quickly jogged past me.

We were on our morning jogs, We had to run ten miles, In under forty minutes, Impossible right? Nope, for the normies, this was barely a challenge.

So you're probably saying, Why the fuck did you sign up for this? I didn't, My life before this was going as it did, pure hell, just a few days ago after my freshman year, everybody on the western hemisphere was drafted, anybody over the age of 16 and under 50 was drafted, So I had no choice in this.

" CADET MOVE YOUR ASS NOW" One of the sergeants yelled, I quickly regained posture and ran towards my group who were a kilometer away, well shit I'm gonna get whipped again, I sprinted, My lungs were on fire I was wondering, Why did they draft us?

But my thoughts were interrupted by the sergeant once again, telling me to hurry, And did I mention my name? I apologize for my rude behavior.

My name is James Walker, I'm in fort Fredericton, And I don't even know why I'm talking to myself in my thoughts.

don't get offended, this is fantasy, and non fiction

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