
Chapter 3

I began to ask my questions.

"Where am I?" I asked, still confused about where exactly I was, even after mom and Explained it.

"You are in the higher plane, a place where only those with divine blood may enter" she said.

I nodded, I guess that was all that there was to it.

"You said I'm a Demi-God and that you were a Goddess, can you... Explain more than that?" I needed answers, my heart burned with the want to know.

"Of course, I am the Goddess of Creation, I reside over all things that have to do with creation. Be it art, technology, innovation, all things that have to do with new things that have never been made before or just the manufacturing of things. You are my son, which means you inherited my divine blood and are, therefore, a Demi-God of the Highest Calibre" she explained.

"Where did you go, you obviously didn't die, so... Where have you been, was it here?"

This... This was my biggest question.

"Yes... I've been here, and before you feel angry, I had no control over not being there, I wept every day I couldn't be with you, but it is council rules that Gods and their children are allowed to meet, I put off dying in the mortal plane so I could at least hold you in my arms, Which, I got in serious trouble for" she said, also starting to get emotional.

"..." I didn't say anything, I just digested all the information I had been told.

I was happy beyond belief to see and meet my Mother, but I knew that now wasn't the time.

While first explaining the situation to me, she called this, prep time.

Which meant that after this, I'd need to do something important.

So I kept my emotions bay for now.

After that, mom led me out of the room.

She led , e through a complex maze like corridor, it wphad turns, twists, at or point there was even a spiral leading downwards to a mother level of the maze like corridor system.

We passed door after door, never stopping.

"Mom... Where are we going?" I asked, nervous about what was to come.

"In order for you to be fully recognised by the Divine Council as my youngest son and there for, the heir to the seat I have in the council and my complete Godly Bloodline, you must pass a test"

"What test?"

My mother stopped and turned to me.

"... Your not the only child I've had, I've had many, but not all of them have Godly Powers, in order to inherit the throne, you must have some form of Godly Power. Their was already someone set to take the seat on the council, it was your eldest half-sister, Mordrid. But now your here, it is your choice whither she keeps that future seat, because as the youngest, which means a lot to the Gods in the higher plane, you have he right to challenge her for that seat-"

"I don't want to" I said, cutting her off.

She looked at me, surprised.

"I thought... You of all people would want to... Ok, I won't pry, but just know that by doing this, your giving up a lot"

"I don't need anything, I just got to meet you, and if I have to be apart of some stuffy council and sit through boring meetings, I'd rather just spend time with you" I said with a smile.

My Mother smiled back at me and brought me into a bear hug, tears starting to form in her eyes.

It lasted for what seemed like forever, but even then I never wanted it to stop.

After it did, we continued on our way and mother continued to explain about the test.

This test was more like a diagnosis of sorts.

The Gods/Goddesses would all focus there powers and 'scan' me. After that was down I would be led through a series of tests and activities to determine how my power manifested now I was in the Higherg Plane.

It was a simple test that was hard to mess up.

And afterwards, I'd get to do whatever I wanted.

Although there were still things I had planned to do, like meet with my new siblings and spend some time with mother, I had generally no plans for what to do.

Apwhen I told mom this, she gave a few ideas.

"You could start training, even if you don't want to be the new God of Creation after I retire, you will still be one of the Heralds of our Lineage, meaning that you will have to do a few jobs here and there if you plan on staying here in the higher plane

"I'll pass, I'm happy to do a few jobs if it means I can stay here, but I don't want a title or anything like that"

"Hmm, ok... What about traveling, there is a whole multiverse of worlds out there to see, its also a great way to learn about your own powers as well. Seeing what I can do is a great way to plan your own growth, even if you'll never be able to do what I can do, its important to learn"

I nodded.

'maybe I could travel, but then I'd have to cut my time with Mom short...'

As if reading my mind Mom started to speak.

"I know what your thinking, and it's actually not a big problem to solve, I can simply come with you..." mom went on to explain how she can split a part of her Infinite attention and soul, to go with me, although it won't be as strong as the main Me, and only possessing a simple 5% of my original power, but it will still be me... That is... If you want me to come with you..." she explained.

My eyes widened as I realised what she was trying to tell me.

I could spend time with her outside of this place. And this multiverse, when she was explaining it to me, she said it held every world imaginable.

'Does that include Anime Worlds?!' I thought to my self.

After a long time of walking, we finally arrived at a large auditorium like room.

There were countless people in the stands and at the other end of the room there were five giants.

Each looked unmistakably human, but each had his aura around them, it felt calming and my mind felt clearer just by entering this room.

My mother led me to a small circle on the floor in front of all the giant Gods and Goddesses.

"Stand there" she told me.

I did what I was told and stood in the middle of the circle.

Mom went up and took a seat with the giant Gods, becoming a giant herself.

After a few minutes the room went quiet as the Gods began to speak.