
Dropped X9

"Outer Heaven" The place where one can start a new life of Paradise. The world is suffering from a huge surge of suicides that are done in pursuit of a land called "Outer Heaven". According to a cult, if you place a brand on your arm and chant magic words, after dying you are transported to a new world of paradise. After losing his fiancé in a devastating catastrophe, Lucius, an arrogant man who had never known loss commits' suicide, transporting him to this new world. When he gets reincarnated as an Angel, he receives a strange system that Allows him to rival the god of Outer Heaven himself! But as he spends more and more time in this Sanguine Paradise he begins to question whether he truly has made it to heaven, and sets out on a journey to find the truth of this mysterious place. "Holder of the book of Revelations, the end times have come, what is your message of fate? Will you choose light or darkness?" "Quest completed!" "Access to the Evangelion system has been granted"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: The Evangelion System Pt. 1

[Lvl UP! ]

[How would you like to spend your Points?]

"Hmmm" Lucius thought, "It's too early to figure out the most important skills in this world, so I'll just distribute them equally for now."

User: Lucius Lumin

Race: Angel

Level 2: 100/200 to next level

HP: 105/105

Strength: 11

Agility: 11

Stamina: 11

[For Your Next Quest Purge 100 enemies or Consume Them! Grants 800 EXP]

"Purge 100 enemies?" Lucius thought. "With what weapon?"

[Now that you are level 2 you have access to the skill tree! And access to the core of the core of the Evangelion system, the Nietsche.]

[In order to draw this weapon you must purge yourself of light and darkness.]

"Nietsche" Lucius said.

As he spoke a giant blade erected from his hand

In an instant a blade of red and gold appeared in his hand. It was like a large saber that had been split down the middle, one side shinin the bright light of heaven, and the other the red darkness of Hell. As its two sides flew from the hilt of the blade like a beam of energy, blue sparks of electricity emitted from it, making sparking sounds as it was drawn.

"The blade of revelations has finally been drawn," The giant sphynx said "Are you ready to begin the trial?"

"What sort of trial is this?" Lucius asked.

"It is a trial to challenge your battle skills, as an angel you are a protector of your realm, it is my duty to simulate overwhelming enemy forces" The sphynx answered.

"I see" Lucius answered.

"I still don't know much about this weapon, but I should be able to defeat any enemy, I've never lost at anything before, this should be no different"

"Very well" Lucius said, "Bring it on!"

"Children of Nef, arise!" The sphynx commanded.

As the Sphynx chanted, dozens of little white halos began to form on the ground.

"Amazing" Lucius remarked.

From a small encantation writen around the halo, dozens of creatures began to appear from each of the halos. They were humanoid cat creatures, each with a set of wings, a halo, and razor sharp claws.

"Let the trial begin!" The sphynx yelled.

Three cat angels jumped at him all swiping at him witht heir razor sharp claws." He dodged their attacks effortlessly and swiped his blade at them.


He missed all three unable to keep up with heir agile speed.

"GYAA!!!" Lucius heard behind him.

One of the cats kicked him in the back sending him crashing to the ground.

[HP: 90/105]

"Damnit" Lucius said getting up. "It's been a while since I've faced adversity. The last time I was injured was by that man..."

(7 years ago)

"Whats wrong? Are you goin gto let me beat you?" A man with a chisled beard said laughing.

"It's not fair" Lucius said. "How am I supposed to beat you, your faster smarter, and bigger... we can do this all week, I'll never land a blow on you."

"Exactly" The man said. "Knowing you will never land a blow, you must continue to fight!" The man said. He swung his wooden sword smacking Lucius across his back.

"Lucan!" Lucius's mother cried. "Why are you doing this to him hes only 12 years old? You will send him to the hospital at this point!"

"If that is what it takes then so be it!" Lucan said hitting Lucius again.

"Father stop!" Lucius cried.

"If you are unable to take this pain, you will never survive the pain of life!" Lucan yelled. "You must become a strong man! One capable of watching over the family! I won't always be here to beat your ass into line!"


"Stupid old bastard" Lucius groaned. "Who'd of guessed you were right? I'd take that beating 10x over to get Lucas and Evelyn back!" He yelled

"GYAAA!" A cat creature yelled jumping at him.

All of a sudden a strange power came over Lucius, causing him to chant.

"Oh holy blade, purge my enemies, blade of Order! Neitche!"

"HAAA!" Lucius cried swiping the blade across the cat creatures body.

After Lucius had sliced through the creature, his blade turned completely golden for a second, and lost its hellish tint on the other blade. Strangely enough, after he had penetrated his blade completely through the creature, there was no signs of a cut, or damage.

"What the?" Lucius said.

The creature he had penetrated with the blade, stood frozen in mid air, almost as if time had stopped. The tiny rocks of debris that were flying from the creatures jump were also frozen in time. The other creatures around him stopped as well, still in mid attack with their razor sharp claws. A status window popped up as he admired the time stopped landscape.

[System message]

[First enemy purged (soul count=1)]

"Does this blade have the power to stop time?"