
Dropped X9

"Outer Heaven" The place where one can start a new life of Paradise. The world is suffering from a huge surge of suicides that are done in pursuit of a land called "Outer Heaven". According to a cult, if you place a brand on your arm and chant magic words, after dying you are transported to a new world of paradise. After losing his fiancé in a devastating catastrophe, Lucius, an arrogant man who had never known loss commits' suicide, transporting him to this new world. When he gets reincarnated as an Angel, he receives a strange system that Allows him to rival the god of Outer Heaven himself! But as he spends more and more time in this Sanguine Paradise he begins to question whether he truly has made it to heaven, and sets out on a journey to find the truth of this mysterious place. "Holder of the book of Revelations, the end times have come, what is your message of fate? Will you choose light or darkness?" "Quest completed!" "Access to the Evangelion system has been granted"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Final Moments

Maybe In Outer Heaven I will meet her again...

And as for him....

If I ever see him again...

I don't care if its in a holy church, or the kingdom of God himself...

I'll kill him, even if it means I'll be sent to hell...

"OUTER HEAVEN! KINGDOM OF LIGHT FREE THIS SOUL FROM THE SHACKLES OF LIFE!" Lucius yelled as he jumped off the building.

I'm falling now. The concrete is getting closer and closer...

But I don't feel pain, I don't feel fear, I feel nothing at all. Maybe I'll be able to feel something again soon. I haven't been able to feel a thing since that day…

(1 month ago)

'Lucius!" A girl cried.

Lucius stood on the roof of his hotel suite overlooking the city skyline.

"We're not supposed to see each other yet" He said chuckling to himself. "They say it's bad luck for us to meet like this."

He looked at his beautiful fiance as she gleefully skipped to him. The early rays of the sun just barely reached her beautiful blue eyes as her hairreflected a radiance so stunning it was almost blinding.

"I… just couldn't help myself" She said wrapping her arms around him."I knew you would be here watching the sun rise, you're still thinking about him aren't you?"

"He would have been 14 today, Eve," Lucius said. "He was bullied at school, so on a morning like this he took his life, hoping to reach Outer Heaven, if only I had been a better brother…"

"Don't beat yourself up," Eve said. "Not on a day like today, Tragedy happens, it's a part of life hun."

"I know, I just wished tragedy came with a warning prior.."

Luciuss closed his cold turquoise eyes, remembering his brothers passing. After a moment he realized how much of a downer he was being and turned to Evelynn trying to change the subject.

"How was your bachelor party, the one night you get to enjoy as an unmarried woman? You didn't do anything reckless did you?" He asked.

"I didn't do anything, the whole time I kept worrying about you seeing a stripper!"

"I know" Lucius laughed. "I got about 100 calls from you last night"

"This is your night as well, where's the alcohol and strippers?" She said laughing

"You know me" Lucius replied "I like my women like I like my wine." He said.

"Thin and fair?" She said running her fingers through his beautiful blakc hair.

"No, they have to come from the top shelf" He said pressing his forehead against her. "And there is no woman that is on the same level as you, your shelf is too high, even with a ladder a stripper couldn't reach."

"Lucis…" She said blushiong

"What are you talking about Lucious? You had 3 strippers last night all at the same time." A voice said

A timid man with glasses came out of nowhere and with the weight of his words, nearly shoved Lucius off the balcony.

"Lucius! You tramp!" Evelynn said smacking him across the head.

"Judo, Why the hell did I make you the best man." Lucius said, shaking his head.

"Because I'm the best!" He said laughing

"Why are you two up here anyway?" Judo said sitting on the roof. "It's bad luck for the groom and wife to see each other before a wedding. Everyone knows that!" He said, shaking his head.

"Haha we were just sitting on this balcony, like we used to in high school remember?" Lucius said sitting down.

"Yeh those were the days, before you two started spending all that time alone and stop inviting me out"

"That's not true! We always invited you! You just never wanted to come because you didn't want to be a third wheel remember?" Lucius said.

"Yeh… I guess." Judo said "Things have always been like that huh?"

"They say a wedding is a great place to meet someone! Maybe you'll get lucky?" Lucius said.

"Actually that's what I came up here to tell you, I've... Iv met someone Lucius."

"What!" Lucius exclaimed "Who is this person?"

"Actually I snuck her up here on this roof, haha do you want to meet her?"

"Where!" Lucius said getting up and walking around. "How could you have found a place to hide on this roof?"


When he turned around he saw Evelyn, his wife to be, held hostage with a knife at her throat.

"Judo, this isn'tt funny, what the hell are you doing?" Lucius said

"Don't move! Or I'll splatter your wifes blood all over the place!"

"Judo Stop!" Eve screamed

"What is this all about!" Lucius yelled

"You were always Mr perfect! You always got all the girls while me the loser could do nothing but watch. And then you took her from me! She was my friend first and now you've married her!"

"But you guys were just friends! I asked you before we even went out!"

"I never thought she would say yes! I was just being nice!"


Judo carved the image of Outer Heaven into Evelynns arm.

"I'm going to take my life! And hers as well!"


"I want you to feel like I felt! Lonely, depressed and suicidal! But while you mope here, me and her will begin our life anew in Outer Heaven!"



"Evelynn!" Luicus cried extending out his hand.

(Back to present)

That tragedy, that unexpected pain. In one day my whole life was ruined.

So God

If your out there

I want to know

If it's possible to ruin your entire life from one day

Is it possible

To have your entire change for the better just as the same?

Outer Heaven

What is your answer?

Soon I will be at your gates and a new life will await me.

Lucius crashed into the pavement landing in the crowded streets of Tokyo. A crowd of people cowered in fear as his blood ran into the streets. The Mark of Outer Heaven forming from his bleeding body.