
Meeting Steve Rogers

After saying those words, Lucifer looked at Death who was tapping his shoulders. He looked at her and asked, "What are you tapping me for Death? You could just have called my name." Death looked at him seriously and said, "What's your plan now? And can you tell me how strong you are now?"

Lucifer then had a thoughtful look about the plan thing but he smiled at the thought of his strength. He looked at his status and saw;


Name: Daemon Morningstar

Species: Fallen Archangel

Noticeable Aliases: Lucifer Morningstar, The Lightbringer, Satan, The Lord of Lies, The Devil, The Prince of the East, The Morningstar, The Sunlighter of God, The Adversary

Cultivation: None

Forms: Devil and Archangel

Powers: Godlike strength, Nigh-Omniscience, Omnipotence (DC Multiverse), Omnipresence, Creation, Invulnerability, Immortality, Regenerative healing factor, Flight, Pyrokinesis, Disintegration, Thermal-Blast, Reality warping, Energy manipulation, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Matter Manipulation, Soul manipulation, Time manipulation, Darkness manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Shapeshifting, Dimensional Travel, Magic, Molecular Reconstruction, Healing, Molecular Acceleration, Photokinesis, Power Distribution, Ressurection, Teleportation, Size Alteration, Reality Alteration, Necromancy, Interstellar Travel

SP: 609,000,084,000

Lucifer smiled that he was now as strong as his father. Now his dear old dad can't scare him that he can erase him out of existence! He can now go toe-to-toe with him and still be to have some energy left! He smiled at Death and said, "Well, this handsome Devil can now go toe-to-toe with his dad."

Death looked at him with wide eyes and asked in a surprised voice, "Lucy, you're as strong as the One Above All now?" Lucifer scratched his head and said, "Well, I don't know about the One Above All. I didn't have the chance to see him in action. BUT! To my knowledge, the One Above All is stronger than father so I can't say that I'm as strong as him. Maybe, I'm as strong as the Beyonder but not Kirby."

Death looked confused at him and asked, "Who is this 'Kirby' that you speak of? I do not know any Supreme Beings who have a silly name as 'Kirby'." Lucifer laughed at her and said in a teasing way, "Death, dear. Don't you find it kind of insulting that somebody says that your name is silly?"

Death nodded at her words and said in a confused voice, "Well, yes of course. But what do you mean by that Lucy?" Lucifer laughed and when he was done, he said, "Because the One Above All's other names is Jack Kirby!"

Death's face turned paler than it was and that made Lucifer laugh even harder. Death glared at him and slapped him on the head and said, "Don't you dare laugh at me!! You didn't tell me anything about that in the first place!"

Death then 'humphed' and angrily stomped off back to their house. Lucifer just looked at her fleeing away in embarrassment and smiled while shaking his head in amusement. He then started to walk around New York when the system said;

[The host is not as strong as The Presence or even the Beyonder but the One Above All. The Presence too was still a Nigh-Omnipotent being but slightly above the host. But now, if the host considers going back to the DC Multiverse then he is far stronger than his father.]

Lucifer stopped then on his tracks when he heard that and smiled. He then thought, 'Well now this is interesting. It seems that my father is weaker than me now. So if I wanted to go into any other world then I would be one of the strongest beings there?'

[Yes host. For example; if the host were to go to the Percy Jackson Universe then he would be as strong as Chaos or even stronger due to his same power with Order.]

Lucifer smiled creepily and thought, 'Lucifer likes!' What he didn't notice was that the other people around him were creeped out by him. Lucifer then started walking again and soon stopped as he saw a little guy being beaten up by a bigger man than himself.

He then started to walk towards them but not letting out any sound and watched the show. When the little guy finally goes down, he sensed another man walk past him and grabbed the other man's arm, and dragged him back while saying, "Hey! Pick someone your own size."

The man then tried to punch the new arrival but it didn't hit and got punched on the face. The man then held his face with his back facing his attacker and got kicked on the ass. He then walked away grumpily while Lucifer watched all this happen with a smile on his face.

The 'hero' then walked towards the little man and said, "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." The little man then wiped the blood on his face and said, "I had him on the ropes."

Hearing the little man say that, Lucifer laughed loudly making the two people who were with him look at him. The bigger guy of the two said, "Hey, I didn't notice that you were still there. Why didn't you help little Steve over here?"

Lucifer smiled charmingly at them and said, "Why would I help him? I don't even know the little guy. And he just said that he had that guy on the ropes. See that certificate of acceptance for service over there? It seems that he's in the army so he should have the ability to take care of himself."

The 'hero' then looked at where the certificate was and picked it up and said, "How many times is this?" Steve just ignored his words and looked at the other man's clothes and said, "You get your orders?" The man just smiled at him cheerfully and said, "107th."

Lucifer just faked a cough and said, "It seems that I'm not needed here anymore so I'll just go. Baboosh!" He then started to walk away when "Hey! What's your name?"

Lucifer looked back at him and said, "Isn't it rude to ask others for their names without giving theirs first?" The guy looked embarrassed at that and said, "Ah! The names James Barnes, what's yours?" Lucifer charmingly smiled at them and said, "Lucifer Morningstar at your service." He then bowed gracefully.

James and Steve looked at each other before simultaneously saying, "Like the Devil?" Lucifer grinned and said, "Finally! Someone who knows me!"

James and Steve then laughed and James then said, "You really shouldn't lie mister. It's not a good thing lying about your name." Lucifer looked at them angrily and said, "What I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn't believe in what they say." He then turned around and left.

Steve and James looked at each other in wonder and James said, "Did we say anything wrong?" Steve shook his head and said, "I don't believe that we did."

Lucifer then angrily walked towards the house he and Death were staying at and after a few minutes, he arrived. He then entered and saw Death looking at him with a questioning look and said, "What happened? What made you so angry, Lucy?"

Lucifer just sighed and said, "Two people I met called me a liar and you know how much I hate liars." Death then gave him an understanding look but still asked, "Well, what did you tell them that made them call you a liar?" Lucifer gave her a confused look and said, "That my name is Lucifer Morningstar and that I'm the Devil. What are you getting at?"

Death looked amused at him and said, "Those humans must be confused about what they did wrong right now. You just said to them that you were the Devil and not giving them any proof, why do you think that people don't believe you?" Lucifer just sighed and said, "I don't need to give people any proof just so that they will believe me. If they don't believe me then screw them! But the fact is; I'm not a liar."

Death just smiled at him in amusement and hugged him. Lucifer hugged back and thought, 'Why don't I make a living? I kind of miss my old Club.' He then looked at Death with a cheerful look and said, "Hey Honey! Why don't we make a club?"

She gave him a confused look and asked, "Do you mean Taverns?" Lucifer shook his head and said, "No! It's like a kind of Tavern but a more modern one! It's just that it isn't made yet and if we do make one then we will mess the timeline up."

Lucifer then thought, 'Wait, aren't I one of the strongest existence in this Multiverse? Then why the hell am I so adamant on Timelines? Oh yeah, for the plotline of the MCU to not take a turn. Bloody Hell! If I didn't want that Avengers thing to happen then I would mess with this world so much.'

Death looked at Lucifer's face who was showing many different expressions on his face. She laughed at the ridiculousness of his face when he kept changing his expressions. Hearing Death laugh at him, Lucifer looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

She just shook her head but still kept laughing. Lucifer just shook his head and went towards their bedroom. He then jumped on the bed and laid down waiting for Death to come towards him. After a few seconds, Death came inside the room and walked towards the bed and laid down beside him.

Lucifer suddenly said, "Remember that time where we had Jesus to wed us?" Death chuckled and said, "Of course! He had a very confused look on his face when we asked that. Why?" Lucifer said, "Nothing, I just remembered how we wedded. Hey Death? Do you think we should do that Tavern thing that I was thinking about?"

Death looked at him and said, "Well, it's your choice. I'll just support you if you do." Lucifer smiled brightly at her and said, "Well then, let's make that Tavern tomorrow morning."

Lucifer then closed his eyes and fell asleep just for the hell of it. Death looked at Lucifer and wondered why he loved sleeping so much but he wouldn't tell her why. She then promptly fell asleep.

When Death woke up, she noticed that the house they were in was a two-story house now and that she was now on the second floor while Lucifer was on the first wiping some glass that he made.

Seeing that Death was already awake, Lucifer smiled but kept wiping a cup of glass and waited for Death to finish showering. After wiping the cup of glass, Lucifer then opened the Tavern and Waited for any customers to come.

Death then came down the newly made stairs and walked over to Lucifer and gave him a peck on the cheek. She then sat on a chair of the many tables that were in the Tavern and said, "Why didn't you wake me up? I could have helped you with the cleaning."

Lucifer smiled at her and said, "Because I knew that my lovely wife would try to help little old me. So I just let you sleep a little longer." Death just shook her head at him and asked, "By estimation, how many people do you think that will go to our bar?"

Lucifer smirked at her and said, "Didn't you just say last night that this is a tavern? Well, by my estimation then I think that our first customer is going to enter in one minute." He didn't try to make any more jokes when he saw her glaring look.

Death then gave him a questioning look but still waited for a minute and saw a little man walk through the front door. She then saw a larger man running after the little guy and both of them stopped when they saw Lucifer. She gave him a confused look but was ignored.

Lucifer cheerfully waved at them and said, "Dear customers! Finally! After two hours of waiting, people finally tried to enter my club. How can I help you, Steve? James?"

Steve and James looked at him with questioning looks and Steve suddenly said in his surprising masculine voice, "Why are you here? Are you the owner? I thought that you said that you were the Devil or something. Why the hell do you want to run a club if you have Hell to look over?"

James looked at Steve with an incredulous look and said, "You believe his words!? And how come this place magically appeared!?" Lucifer laughed and said, "Well I am the Devil, James. And I am the owner of this fine establishment, Steve. And I want to run a club because I quit my job as the Sovereign of Hell."

Steve and James looked nervous at his words and thought, 'If his words are true then we are screwed for laughing at him.' Both of them looked at the other person in the club and saw a beautiful woman and were suddenly mesmerized.

Seeing them looked at Death, Lucifer smiled charmingly at them and said, "Oh! You guys seem to notice my wife over there. Don't mind her coldness, Honey, go and introduce yourself." Death rolled her eyes and coldly said, "My name is Death Morningstar and I am that idiot's wife."

Hearing her say that she was Death, the two of them were even more scared and thought, 'These guys just must have peculiar names. They're not the real thing, they're not the real thing.'

Steve then nervously said, "Hello there Lady Death, my name is Steve Rogers and I met your husband yesterday."

James followed suit and said in an even more nervous voice, "Hello there Mrs. Morningstar, my name is James Barnes and I was with Steve when he met your husband yesterday."

Looking at them being nervous around Death, Lucifer thought, 'Wow, these guys are even more afraid of her than me! Well, the world thinks that Death is more powerful than me so that seems reasonable enough.' But Lucifer can't shake the feeling of wanting to strangle the two.

Death just smiled at her husband being so irritated at the two humans and walked towards him and hugged his back. Feeling Death's embrace, Lucifer smiled and looked at the two humans and said, "So what do you two want?

James smiled and said, "Give me your strongest drink!" Lucifer looked at him funnily and thought, 'This mortal really wants some Divine Wine? I specifically made those for future divine beings who want to come here.' Lucifer just shook his head and prepared the drink.

Steve noticed Lucifer shaking his head and said, "I don't want anything that James is having!! I'll just have some Margarita." Lucifer smiled at him and said, "Good choice, coming right up."

The two humans then watched the Devil moved skillfully as he made their drinks. James was puzzled at what Lucifer used as materials for his drinks but just shrugged it off. Lucifer then served the two of them their drinks and when James tasted the drink, he passed out.

Steve looked at James in concern and shocked before looking back at Lucifer and angrily said, "What did you do to him!?" Lucifer just smiled at him and said, "The boy said my strongest drink and I gave it to him. It's his fault for not being up to it when he tasted my drink."

Steve gave him a confused look and asked, "So you mean, that he's drunk?" Lucifer nodded at him and gestured at the muttering James and said, "As you can see, the guy is clearly drunk with all his ramblings."

Steve then came closer to James and heard his muttering and said, "This guy." While saying these two words, Steve was shaking his head. Lucifer walked to his side and said, "You should drink your Margarita already and carry this guy off before he wakes up and makes a mess in my bar."

Steve nodded at him and drank the Margarita in one gulp and pulled a ridiculous face and started to drag James with clear difficulty. Lucifer cheerfully waved at him and looked at his wife and noticed that she already drank the Divine Wine.

He noticed that she was already starting to get tipsy and laughed. He then started to help her get inside the bedroom so that she can't make any mess on the bar.

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