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UmLeitorCansado · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Between Life and Death

In a forest near the city Blue Lotus ...

"Argh ... Quick run"



"I will seek help, please do not die"

After saying he would look for help, Lisa runs off towards the city. She pity that it looks like it will be useless ...

"STUPID BOY, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER, YOU ARE CUTTING DEATH" shouted the tall, sturdy guy pointing at the body of a dead man similar to him.

Well, to understand what happened we need to go back a few minutes ago ...

Thales, a 15 year old man, was going for another day of hunting in the forest that is close to the city. As the forest is close to the city, there is no risk of running into a beast in the Renaissance Kingdom or above, because local farmers have already eliminated them all.

When Thales was in the middle of the forest he heard a girl scream and went to see what was going on.

Looking ahead, Thales saw 3 people walking towards the center of the forest, 2 robust men were dragging a beautiful girl with them.

The problem is that these two guys were in the Kingdom of the Renaissance, the one who led was in the 5th layer while the one who was holding the girl was in the 2nd layer.

The girl didn't seem to be weak, more of her energy was chaotic, as if she couldn't control it.

Thales could just put that story aside and go on with his life as if none of this had happened. Well he could but he didn't.

What man would not try to save a beautiful damsel in distress?

Thales climbed a tree and took a wooden bow that he made himself, took an arrow from the quiver on his back, placed it on the bow and pointed at the man who was holding the girl.

Thales always had a good vision, in fact his body was much better than a normal human being, especially his speed which was much, much greater than a normal human being, surpassing even those from the 1st to 3rd layer of the Kingdom of Rebirth.

A pity that Thales has crippled spiritual veins, which prevents him from cultivating.

After Thales took aim, he held his breath and released the rope.

* Woosh *

The cultivators' senses were much better than those of humans, so when Thales shot the arrow, Glau (the one walking ahead) felt the danger.

"Brother, look out-" he tried to shout to warn his brother.

But it was too late, when Glou (the one holding the girl) heard his brother shout the arrow had already hit him in the throat.

"Aaah" the girl being dragged gave a cry of fear when she saw Glou falling to the dead floor.

Then she felt someone lift her up like a princess and run towards the city.

"Aaah, let me go, let me go" she started to struggle in Thales' arms.

"Easy girl, I won't hurt you, I'm helping you" said Thales hurriedly.

When the girl heard Thales' gentle voice she calmed down and looked at her face, she was surprised by what she saw.

Even though she hasn't had contact with other people besides her family, she was sure that men weren't that beautiful.

"Why are you more beautiful than a woman?" She blurted out.

"Huh? -" but before they could finish talking Thales felt the danger and quickly fell to the ground.

"Do you think you're going to run?" Shouted Glau.

"Damn" Thales can't help cursing.

Even though he is fast compared to normal humans and some low-level Renaissance Kingdom cultivators, he cannot compete with those at the middle or higher level.

(Author's note: to avoid placing 1st to 3rd layers, I will separate the layers into 3 levels.

Low level - 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer.

Medium level - 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer.

High level - 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer.)

But Lisa (the girl) was worried about something else. She was all red in the face because Thales's hand was over her breasts.

"P-pervert, what-what are you doing," she said as she started struggling again.

Thales, seeing her revolt, started to think 'what an idiot girl, she is struggling even when I'm trying to save her life. But then he realized that his hand was on something very soft and elastic, which was very comfortable.

When he looked at where his hand was he immediately took it off and tried to disguise it.

But in the meantime Glau threw himself at him again, by reflex Thales rolled on the floor with Lisa in his arms, but he ended up rolling towards the bank.

"Aaaahhhh" Lisa started to scream again when she saw that they were rolling on the floor.

But after a while she opened her eyes to see what was going on, she didn't understand what was going on because she didn't feel any pain from the fall.

It was then that she saw that she was lying on top of Thales while he protected his head and back with his arms that were already injured by the fall.

"Hey, are you okay?" When she saw what Thales did for her, she was touched and worried about his situation.

"Argh ... Quick run" Thales said when he saw that Glau was already approaching them again.

"Ma-mas-" she tried to debate but before she completed what she was going to say Thales shouted "DO YOU WANT TO DIE !? IDIOT! RUN!"

"I will seek help, please do not die"

After saying that she would look for help Lisa runs off towards the city. Too bad it looks like it will be useless ...

"STUPID BOY, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER, YOU ARE CUTTING DEATH" she shouted the tall, sturdy guy pointing at de Glou's body.

But he didn't run towards Thales, he ran towards Lisa.

When Thales saw this he immediately drew another arrow and shot Glau, even if he didn't get it right he could at least slow him down.

When Glau saw the arrow coming towards her, he immediately dodged.

"Damn boy, you really want to die, I'll have to let that girl get away, damn it" Glau was very upset to have failed to kidnap Lisa, now that he had failed once, surely her parents will be more careful next time .

Thales was very happy to see that Glau gave up chasing the girl. The problem is that he is in danger now and is likely to die. He has no chance of fighting someone from the mid-level Renaissance Kingdom.

The only thing he could do is run for time, and that is exactly what he did. He didn't even look at Glau when he started running in the opposite direction from the girl.


Somewhere in the forest, a woman so beautiful that even the Goddesses would lose their brightness next to her was sitting on the branch of a tree looking at Thales as he ran and dodged Glau's punches and kicks.

"Interesting little boy, he has something different from other humans that I can't see ... I don't know what it is" the Goddess looked thoughtful as she looked at Thales who was all hurt at that moment.


"Little boy, you are very agile for someone who doesn't cultivate," said Glau when he missed another shot. Then he continued "Too bad you're going to die now hahaha"

Thales' clothes were all ripped, he was almost out of breath after so long dodging.

When the Goddess saw that Glau was preparing to throw the last punch that would probably kill Thales if he got it right she prepared to intervene, she found Thales interesting and did not want him to die, at least until she found out what was wrong with him.

But when she was going to intervene Thales acted and risked everything in the next move.

Suddenly his blue pupils were sharp as a sword and gracefully he dodged the punch at the last second.

But it's not over ...

When Glau's fist passed millimeters from his head, Thales pulled a dagger from his waist and spun it in reverse when he stuck it in the grade head.

Even though Renaissance Kingdom cultivators had a stronger body than normal humans, it still wasn't strong enough to avoid Thales' dagger.

Soon after stabbing Glau, Thales couldn't stand the fatigue and passed out from exhaustion.

The Goddess appeared in front of Thales and murmured with a smile that could bring down entire kingdoms "Interesting hehe"

Then she and Thales were gone.

(Author's note: comment what you think of the chapter, so you can motivate me to keep posting for you)