
Chapter 8

After Chu Minshen shot out, his entire person became more sober.

He hardened his face and turned the shower on. He stood up and quickly washed himself and Chu Jiao clean then used a towel to wrap Chu Jiao into a small Zongzi, carrying her and stuffing her in the quilt that was already set out in the guest room.

Zongzi. Wrapped Glutinous Rice. Photo taken from seriouseats.com

And then without looking back, he closed the bedroom door and walked off.

Chu Jiao bit the little quilt.

She suddenly understood the sour feeling caused by "people who don't recognize other people after finishing their business" that was always talked about in stories.

Stinky second uncle, bad second uncle.

It was currently late autumn and the southwest was a rainy area. Chu Jiao listened to the howling wind outside the window and thought to herself, it was probably about to rain and thunder.

While thinking, her body couldn't fight off the assail of drowsiness and she gradually shut her eyes.


The gloomy thunder sound roused Chu Jiao. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the wall clock.

It was already 12 o'clock.

Wind and rain ran amok outside.

She wore an azure blue lace nightgown and held her little panda stuffed toy near her. She put on her slippers and pitter-pattered towards Chu Minshen's bedroom

She didn't need the system to remind her because she also knew that the bedroom was a good place to cultivate feelings and body contact.

Besides, she was still this small and was afraid of thunder so she wanted to sleep with an adult. This kind of excuse was without any loopholes.

Of course.

As long as she got on that bed, even if Chu Minshen to want her to get off, it wouldn't be that easy.


Hearing the sounds of a knock, Chu Minshen was currently looking at a drill plan in his hands with a serious face but in his heart, he knew that his thoughts were already someplace far away.

In one moment, he thought of the corpses of his older brother and sister-in-law that hadn't gone cold yet he had already done immoral things to their daughter. He really deserved death.

In another moment, the picture of Chu Jiao's soft white skin and bright, moving big eyes floated before his eyes. His body couldn't help but remember the never-felt-before pleasure that he experienced when his desire burst forth.

Since nobody had opened the door for a long time, Chu Jiao tiptoed to turn the knob on the door herself.

"Jiao Jiao, what's wrong?"

Looking at the drowsy eyed little girl who wore night clothes and was hugging a stuffed toy, Chu Minshen placed the documents in his hands down and sat up.

"Wuu, Second Uncle, I'm scared."

Chu Jiao rubbed her eyes and used her little arms and feet to swifty climb up the bed and squeezed into the spacious quilt, burying her head in Chu Minshen's waist.

Chu Minshen listened closely and heard the lightning and thunder sounds from outside the room so he didn't push Chu Jiao away. The little lady was without parents right now and the only person she could depend on was him.

Thinking like this, Chu Minshen's heart softened a bit again.

The matter that happened tonight was just a one-time mistake.

Jiao Jiao was still small so she'll be able to forget it quickly.

Chu Minshen told himself this, like he was hypnotizing himself to quickly forget about this mistake. He was still Jiao Jiao's good uncle.

I am her only relative left.

I need to spoil her and love her.

I am going to raise her to become the world's best unrivalled lady.

Chu Minshen patted Chu Jiao's hand, signalling her to let go. He got up and went to fetch Chu Jiao's little pillow and quilt over.

How heartless was he to leave a little lady in a pitch dark room all by herself?

Coming back from the cold bedroom, Chu Minshen secretly gave himself a punch on the inside.

She was still so small and delicate. She still needed a lot of attention in every way possible.

She should sleep with him together.

What if she kicked her blanket away in one night? He needed to look after her all the time then.

"Uncle, I want to hear a story."

After having slept for a while, Chu Jiao didn't have any drowsiness at all. She leaned on the bed, blinking her big eyes, staring at Chu Minshen.

Heng. Since you left me alone.

I'll punish you with telling me a story.

Tell a story?

Chu Minshen's brain was only filled with military rules. What kind of story was appropriate to be told to a child?

He suddenly thought of something and walked towards the book shelf.

On the top, there was an unopened book. That book was the birthday gift he had prepared for the little lady this year.

This was good since it had now come into good use.

Chu Minshen tore the packaging off, held the book and sat back down on the bed.

He turned the bedside lamp on and under the bright yellow light, he slowly turned to the first page.

"In a little prince's planet, there was a group of simple one petal flowers that grew since a long time ago. Although these flowers were very small, they didn't take up a lot of space and they have never troubled anybody. They would bloom in the early morning among the underbrush and would wilt by night. Suddenly, on one day, a seed sprouted and the people didn't know where the seed came from.

The little prince took special care watching this bud because it differed from the rest. This thing must be a new Boabab tree. He thought. But, soon, the little bud stopped growing and instead began to produce a flower. Looking at the bud growing out a very very big flower bud, the little prince felt that this flower bud was going to show a miracle.

However, this flower hid herself in its lush green room and took a really long time to dress herself up. She meticulously picked out the color she was going to be and slowly decorated herself, matching her petals one by one. She didn't want to look like a corn poppy with a face full of wrinkles. She wanted to be born into the world with a bright and beautiful appearance.

That's right. She loved looking pretty. She used several days to dress up like a goddess. Then, one early morning, just when the sun was rising, she bloomed.

She had already meticulously made such preparations yet she yawned while saying:

"I just woke up, I'm really sorry that you had to see my hair still tangled…."

The little prince couldn't control his own adoring feelings at that moment:

"You are so beautiful!"

The flower contentedly replied:

'Right? I was born at the same time the sun came out…'

The little prince could see that this flower wasn't too modest but she was indeed really gorgeous.

She soon spoke again. 'It's now time to eat breakfast. Could you please be thoughtful to prepare something for me…'

The little prince felt a bit embarrassed so he took out a watering can and poured in a pot of cold water before irrigating the flower.

'You better protect me well at night. Your place is too cold. It's not good for living. The place where I came before…'

She didn't continue further because she was previously just a small seed….'

Speaking up to here, Chu Minshen stopped. He realized that Chu Jiao had already fallen into a deep slumber.

Chu Minshen gently carried Chu Jiao who was inverted on top of him and spread out the quilt before placing her beside him.

Softly turning the lights off, Chu Minshen laid down on the bed and planted a soft kiss on Chu Jiao's forehead.

He thought. Compared to a little prince.

He was more willing to become a gardener.

Right now, he had a germinating flower seed in his hands.

Sweet and delicate.

She was still small and weak so he will have to wait for a very very long time for her to grow up.

She would still need him to protect her from strong winds and irrigate and fertilize her.

She would then slowly grow up and become a beautiful, aromatic and alluring rose.

A rose that belonged to a little prince.

And before all of this, he will carefully protect her.

Good night, my little lady.

Good night, my little rose.