
The Master and Best Friend

Abella had arrived at Alice's house to seek training in Kung-Fu from Sarah. Though when she proposed this, Abella was met with a terrifyingly fast punch that she caught with ease, though unfortunately, she was soon tripped and fell on her back moments later.

"You have great potential but lack in many areas. Fine, I'll train you. Stand up so that we can talk." Sarah said as she walked over to a table with a bottle of water resting on it.

Picking it up, she drank the water nonchalantly while Abella picked herself up off the floor and looked over at Alice, who just stuck out her tongue cutely.

"So, why do you want to learn Kung-Fu? I assume that your sister sent you over here, right?" Sarah asked as she turned her head toward Abella, but not her body. She then took another sip of the water bottle while hearing her response.

Abella took a few moments to think about her answer, and so she soon said, "I want to learn how to fight so that I can protect my family. I don't want whatever happened at that tournament to happen to either me or the people close to me."

Sarah looked at her with an expression that was hard to read, and soon she only said, "Really? That's the only reason, huh?" which Abella looked at her weirdly as she replied, "Yeah, that's the only reason. Why else would I want to learn?"

Sarah didn't respond right away and instead looked out the window closer to her, which showed an overview of the vast city of New York. A few moments later, she responded, "Hmm, maybe I was mistaken. Anyway, I can train you assuming that you agree that you will follow all of my teachings without question or fail, yes?"

Abella hesitated but ended up nodding, and then Sarah continued. "Alright then. Since your potential is the greatest I've seen, I will train you to be my personal disciple and shape you into the perfect martial artist. Even better than any other person that I had the pleasure of teaching."

When she heard this, Abella couldn't help but question in her thoughts why Sarah was acting as if she were some old master of Kung-Fu. But then, when Sarah stared into her eyes all of a sudden, Abella's hairs on her body started to stand, and her spider sense was screaming at her that she would die if she didn't leave and escape.

On instinct, Abella distanced herself from Sarah to get ready for any possible attack from her until she heard Sarah give a hearty laugh. "Oh, you really are good, you know. I can already tell that we're going to have so much fun."

Relaxing her posture, Abella couldn't help but ask. "What the hell are you? Are you even human?" which made Sarah giggle again.

Abella thought that there was no way a human could move like she was or could make her feel threatened, as if she were a tiny bug waiting to be squashed.

"You are asking me if I'm human? Oh, of course I am. But shouldn't I be asking you that question?" This question from Sarah caused Abella to squint her eyes, making her think, 'Does she know...?'

But before she could even get more information, Abella heard a notification go off on Alice's phone. "Oh, Abella. You know that Steven guy? The metal worker that my mother recommended a few weeks ago? He asked for your number. It seems like he wants to take you out on a date."

Abella carefully took her eyes off of Sarah and switched her gaze to Alice. Hearing what she said, she remembered a big, burly man that she requested for the metal parts needed to make her web shooters.

The reason why Abella knew to ask Alice for any contacts was because she learned that Alice's mother and father, because of their jobs, had various connections that they dealt with.

And after Abella asked if Alice could ask her mother to put her in contact with someone who deals with metalworking, that's how they found Steven.

She had the money needed to pay for the parts after working at her job, and she got a decent discount because of her looks and her connection to Alice.

However, she had completely forgotten about Steven after getting what she needed from him, as it was a simple business transaction.

So, hearing that he wanted to take her out on a date didn't really interest her at all. Abella wasn't really interested in big macho men, but rather women, futanari, and feminine guys.

"Could you politely decline him? I'm not interested." Abella said that made Alice and Sarah smile, "Not interested? Why, he's a cute guy. Surely you find him attractive, no?" Alice asked.

Shaking her head, Abella responded, "No, not really. He's not my type. Anyway, enough about that Steven guy; can we talk about why I came here?" She realized that they were getting off track, but both Sarah and Alice didn't care about Kung-Fu right now.

"I already said that I'll gladly train you, but as your master, I can't help but be interested in my disciple's "type." Sarah said, while Alice chimed in. "Yeah, she's right. And since I'm her sister, that makes me your superior!"

Just after saying that, both Abella and Sarah said in unison. "No, it doesn't," which only made her pout. "Aw, you guys are mean."

Alice then walked up to Abella before grabbing her arm and holding it tightly against her c-cup breasts. "Well, I'm Abella's first friend. I saved her like a knight in shining armor when she was in dire need of rescuing!"

Hearing how pathetically she sounded in her words, Abella was about to correct her, saying that it was only homework she needed help with, but she couldn't focus clearly because of the soft sensation pressed against her arm.

Twitching her eyebrow, Sarah walked over to Abella's other arm before doing the same thing as her sister, saying, "Yeah? Well, I'm her master. And that makes me more important than you will ever be!"

So much softness was overflooding Abella's mind, and just as Alice was about to make a retort, Abella resisted a certain desire from rising as she stormed out of the penthouse, not without saying, "I have to go, but please tell me when you're available to train me!"

Moments later, the door closed, and both Alice and Sarah stood there with confused expressions on their faces.

"Do you think we overdid it a little?" Alice asked, and Sarah responded, "I think so. To think that she'd get overwhelmed so easily. It seems like I have to train her a lot, in both physical aspects."

A few moments of silence later, Sarah then said in a serious tone, "Alice, do not meet her unless I am present. That woman holds a scary amount of power, and until I'm confident that she can properly control it, you cannot meet her alone."

Alice, who had a cute and adorable expression before, was now serious as well. "Yes, I understand. But, how do you think she had gotten that much power anyway?"

Walking over to the bottle of water again, Sarah picked it up and drank some of it while looking out the window. Afterward, she mysteriously said, "Who knows..."


Abella had just left Alice's and Sarah's penthouse and was now walking back home with a flushed face. When they suddenly bombarded her with so many sensations, something deep inside her wanted to push them down, so she had to get out of there.

With how scary Sarah appeared to be at first, Abella was surprised that she could joke and flirt the way that she did. From her memories, Sarah always had an expressionless face and cold attitude, never would she smile in front of anyone.

And Alice too. She wasn't as cold as her sister, but in no way was she as open as she was a few minutes ago.

"Great, now I'm all riled up." Abella could feel a certain member hardening and becoming larger the more she thought about what happened.

Ridding herself of these nasty thoughts, Abella calmed down and focused on the game plan. "I have just made my web shooters; I am now going to be trained by Sarah in Kung-Fu, so I now need to get a suit and get used to web slinging before I go out and do anything."

Abella wasn't so foolish as to believe that just because she got her web shooters, she could immediately go out and fight crime like it was nothing. A good portion of criminals have guns and such, and in no way was she faster than a speeding bullet.

"Certain things cannot be rushed..." Abella sighed and walked for half an hour when she arrived at her apartment. Upon entering and walking upstairs, Abella saw both Skye and Laura sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her to come home.

"Oh, welcome back, lovebug. Dinner is almost ready; so good thing that you came home so early!" Laura smiled at Abella before getting up and walking over to the stove that was boiling a pot of spaghetti.

Still at the table, Skye had two crutches leaned up against the chair so that she could get up and use them when she wanted to move. "So, what did Sarah say about you wanting to learn Kung-Fu?"

Remembering what happened a half hour ago while leaving out some details, Abella said, "Sarah agreed to train me, but we haven't set up a schedule for when that'll be. Alice should text me over StarLight when she's free."

StarLight was an application that users could post pictures, videos, and even livestream on and gain a large following. But it could also be used for direct messaging, which was useful for Abella since she didn't own a smartphone to do any of that stuff.

Smiling from ear to ear, Skye said enthusiastically, "That's great! With Sarah training you, you'll undoubtedly be very skilled in the future. But don't think that means I won't kick your butt! It's my job as an older sister, after all." She finished with a cheeky grin.

"Hah, hah! We will see about that!" Abella walked over and gave Skye a hug before walking back to her room and putting something comfortable on.

As she was about to head back out into the kitchen, her personal laptop emitted a notification sound, and when Abella opened it up to see what it was, Alice had sent a text over StarLight, like she thought.

Alice: Sarah said that you can come over Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for training. But feel free to stop over anytime you like so that we can hang out with you!

Seeing the message, Abella just smiled and replied with a simple, "Alright, I will" before closing her laptop and heading back into the kitchen. As she did this, she thought, 'My life will get so very busy, especially if those sisters act like this the next time we meet.'


Thank you for reading!

I just want to mention that I am writing a new novel called "Rise of the Peerless Succubus" but I will still be writing here, hopefully daily, at least one chapter a day.

Thank you all for the support, and I hope that you'll enjoy what's to come in the future chapters.

(P.S. Thank you all for asking so many questions and pointing things out, because I haven't even thought of the specifics of anything. I have just been thinking and writing as I go, so I really appreciate all of you.)

Hah2creators' thoughts