

"You're new here, huh, kid?" An older man wearing a white and green uniform asked, looking at a younger man wearing the same uniform.

"U-Uh, yes! I started a week ago, sir." The younger man replied as he switched his glance from the window to the older man.

Both men were sitting in a short, white transport truck with green letters that read "Oscorp Industries."

The older man gave a bitter chuckle as he remembered, "Ah, I remember my first day working for this damn company. I thought I would help change the world, and yet, I can only transport whatever they tell me. I don't even get paid well, too!"

Hearing the older man's complaints, the younger man asked, "Do you know what we're transporting and why?"

Sighing, the older man explained. "No, I don't. All I know is that Oscorp is opening new facilities across New York. Whatever is in the back is going into one of those facilities."

The younger man nodded quietly to himself as he pictured what his time working for his newly acquired job would be like. However, his thoughts ceased when a gray sedan suddenly hit the transport truck.

Because of the crash, the men felt the tremble of the cargo stored in the back fall. While the younger man lacked experience, the older man knew their jobs were as good as over.

This thought made the older man fume and step out of the transport truck, only to yell at the person driving the gray sedan. It was a soccer mom who was apparently on her phone while her kids were singing to kids' bop.

The older man and the soccer mom argued loudly, causing quite the scene outside a few local businesses. One of which was a bakery named "Laura's Sweet Delights."

Hoping nothing had broken, the younger man walked to the back of the truck and lifted the roll-up door. Afterward, he stepped onto the truck and surveyed the items they were transporting.

Unfortunately, all the items were in some kind of advanced glass case that was darkened, preventing someone from discovering whatever was inside. Only some of the glass cases fell to the floor, most of which were fine.

So, the young man could not find out the condition of whatever was inside the darkened glass cases. He could only hope and pray that everything was fine.

Though unknown to the young man, one of the glass cases had a crack wide enough for a strange black and purple spider to squeeze its way through.

Luckily for it, the roll-up door was open, allowing it to crawl out of the truck as the younger man's attention was focused on everything else.

The spider then sneakily crawled up the sidewalk, then into an alleyway between "Laura's Sweet Delights" and another building.

The accident caused many of the owners of the local businesses to exit their shops and see what was going on.

Since this was the case, a door leading into the bakery had opened, with a beautiful woman with long raven-black hair and crystal blue eyes walking out. As she scanned the accident with her captivating eyes, the spider crawled and entered the building without her knowledge.


After entering the bakery, the spider clung to the white walls and ventured toward the top, near the ceiling. Fortunately for it, the bakery had barely any people inside.

This meant it could freely explore the building despite sticking out like a sore thumb. Even if the bakery was packed, it wasn't as if anyone would pay any attention to the spider when the sounds of two people screaming were outside.

So, without hesitation, the spider started to explore and eventually found a staircase leading up to the second floor. Deciding that this was the path it wanted to take, the spider climbed up onto the next floor.

It didn't take long for it to reach its destination, and it was now crawling onto the wall leading to a room with a yellow sign hanging from the door that said, "Keep Out!"

Yet the spider didn't have good eyesight, nor could it read. So, it continued to crawl and squeeze its way through the door and onto the other side.

The room that the spider entered was dark and messy. There was trash and dirty clothes scattered everywhere throughout the room, creating a terrible, foul odor.

But this didn't seem to bother the spider in the slightest, as it continued to explore back on the wall and all the way until it reached the other side of the room.

Right beneath the spider was a sleeping young woman with long, raven-black hair that covered most of her face. From her neck down, there was a dark blue blanket that hid most of her body. Surrounding the bed were numerous plates of moldy food and empty or half-filled soda cans.

Once again, the spider didn't care for this as it sneakily crawled onto the bed. Undoubtedly, the young woman would've been frightened if she were awake, but since she wasn't, the spider could freely crawl onto her neck without her knowing.

And that's exactly what the spider did. It crawled right on the young woman's neck before stopping for a good few moments.

It was unclear what the spider intended to do until it suddenly decided to dig its fangs into her neck. It kept doing it for a few minutes before it unexpectedly fell lifelessly.

Whatever the spider did appeared, on surface, to have no effect on the sleeping woman until she sadly died after her body writhed in pain and agony. Fortunately, though, her suffering was only momentary, and it was a quick yet painful death.

Her lifeless body, now like the deceased spider, lied there for seconds, and seconds turned into minutes, and nothing happened. Well, that was until the woman suddenly shot open her crystal blue eyes and gasped for air like her life depended on it.

Looking around, the woman had no idea where she was. She looked at her surroundings in confusion, shock, and disbelief, all while thinking to herself, 'Where the hell am I? This isn't English class...'

She remembered that it was early in the morning, and she was sitting down in her seat while the teacher was teaching his subject when, all of a sudden, she passed out. Then, she woke up here for some reason and couldn't help but wonder why.

Sadly, she didn't have any answers to her questions.

Flipping the blanket off her body, the woman was about to get off the bed until she noticed two things. First, the room she awakened in was utter filth, causing her to scrunch her nose and curse the foul odor and scene.

Second, a pair of large breasts happened to sway into her line of sight, which made her look down and see that pair of breasts was none other than hers. But there was something deeply wrong with that realization.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The woman backed up into the wall and slammed her head, which caused a loud bang followed by cracks forming in the wall. Bits and pieces of rubble from the damage fell onto her bed, but she was too occupied with what's happening with her body.

She mumbled with a stutter, "W-Why do I have breasts? I'm a guy... or, wait, am I? No, I know that I'm a guy, 100%!" She second-guessed herself multiple times, as it was all confusing.

When she started recounting her life as a guy whose name was Abel, that's when something surreal happened. Countless memories of another life, a woman's life, started to surface inside her mind.

These memories included events from childhood all the way to last night—memories of the original owner this body belonged to, Abella Woods.

Now inside her mind were two separate memories, and it was starting to become bewildering about who she actually was. So much so that it was starting to hurt her head and cause an astounding headache.

After taking a few minutes to digest everything, she calmed down and thought, 'Okay, I'm both Abel and Abella. While I don't understand what's going on, I think that perhaps this is supposed to be me, but as a girl? After all, we do have very, very similar names.'

Whether Abel, now Abella, was right or not, she didn't know and couldn't prove it. But this was the best explanation she had, and it wasn't as if the exact answer was going to fall on her lap.

So, going with this assumption, Abella decided that maybe everything will make sense with time, and she will not panic like before. Thinking about this, she took a deep breath before exhaling to relax her nerves.

'Alright...' Sighing to herself again, she took her head from the wall and now noticed the damage she had done in her panic, causing her to give an awkward smile as she was very embarrassed. "How am I going to explain this to mom..." she thought aloud, but that proposed another question.

"Wait, Mom? That's right! According to Abella's memories, I have a mother and a older sister who work at a bakery connected to the apartment building right above." Abella thought aloud while putting her right hand under her chin.

Unlike Abella, Abel's mother had died during childbirth and was forced to live with his godmother since that was the only person who would willingly look after him.

In the midst of her thoughts, Abella heard an alarm go off from an alarm clock resting on the white nightstand right next to the bed. It read 7:00 a.m., and by her memories, Abella was supposed to get ready before heading to her local high school, Riverside High, located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC.

From her memories, it seemed like Abella was a D-student who was very lazy and never arrived on time. She had no friends, didn't have good grades, wasn't in any clubs or extracurricular activities—nothing. Just another loser who was trying to get by school through being lazy and anti-social.

"Yeah, that way of living has to go. I don't think I could stand living this way any longer." Abella said this while looking at the mountains of filth in her room.

Unfortunately, she didn't have time to complain since she was going to be late if she did, so she got out of bed with careful steps before walking over to a dresser and grabbing the last pair of clothing that was clean, or cleaner than whatever was on the floor.

"When I get home, I'll have to clean my room." She mentioned this before leaving her room and heading toward a bathroom in the middle of the hall. After knocking on it, she realized no one was in there and got into the shower to get ready.


Thank you for reading!

This is my first ever work of fiction, or writing in general. However, I hope that what I write appeals to you.

Of course, I'm not perfect, and what I write will not be for everyone, but I hope that you give it a shot before you drop it.

P.S. I can upload around 1-2 chapters daily.

Hah2creators' thoughts