
First Lesson

A few days have passed since Abella was accepted as Sarah's disciple, and it is now Monday, which marks the first day of her training.

Instead of meeting at Sarah's penthouse, she sent Abella an address to a dojo that she and her team usually train at. With it not far from Abella's apartment, she was able to get there relatively fast and easily.

Now entering the building, Abella saw a sign that said, "Take off shoes upon entering," and she had no choice but to comply with the rule. Now slipping off her shoes, she started looking around the place and was amazed.

The main room's floor was covered by a black mat with an imprint of a golden tiger, and the walls were covered with several posters displaying members of Sarah's team.

There was even a stand full of trophies of their victories in tournaments or other events, including the tournament a month ago, where Sarah managed to win for their team.

As Abella was viewing her surroundings, she caught sight of Sarah talking to their supposed 'leader', who looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

He was a tall yet skinny man with short brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a loosely fitted martial arts uniform and no socks or shoes on his feet.

Because Abella wasn't that far from them, she could hear them talk about possibly training a new member for their team, and she assumed that they were talking about her.

'I don't really have any interest in being on a martial arts team, though.' She thought before deciding to call out to Sarah so as to not be rude and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hey, Sarah! I'm here and ready to learn." Abella said, now catching Sarah's attention, before she told the leader that they would talk more later.

Sarah then walked over to Abella before giving her a casual hug, surprising Abella in the process. "Good to see you, my disciple. How's your sister doing?"

Trying to pull away from the hug, Abella responded, "Oh, Skye? She's been doing great. Her nose is way better than before, and it'll be some more time before her leg is fully healed."

"I see. That's very good to hear. Anyway, before we get started, I want you to change into something more fitting. Your current clothes are not suited for orientation." Sarah pointed at the black and purple jacket and blue jeans that Abella wore, which would make it hard for her to move freely.

Leaving Abella alone temporarily, Sarah went to grab her a uniform somewhere in another room before she gave it to her. "Here, this should be a perfect fit for you." she mentioned.

Being handed a white and black uniform, Abella was confused about two things. The first was that it was a different color than all of the members she saw at the tournament. The second, "Should be a perfect fit? How?"

"Hmm? Oh, I managed to check your body's size, weight, and proportions the last time we met. You don't remember?" Sarah then went to press her breasts against each other with a smirk, successfully teasing and arousing Abella greatly.

'Calm down, Abella. Calm down...' She thought and then responded, "Alright then... Is there a bathroom or someplace that I can change in?" After asking this, Sarah pointed in the direction of a door, which was a changing room.

Entering the changing room, Abella took a few seconds to a minute to properly get dressed in the uniform, which was indeed a perfect fit. She then walked out of the changing room, and she saw Sarah standing in the middle of the mat waiting for her.

"Alright, now that you've changed into your uniform, I'll start explaining how your training will proceed." Sarah said and 'explained' shortly after, which was her running at an incredible speed from her position over to Abella in just a short time.

Thankfully, her reflexes and spider senses kicked in, and she was able to block and catch the first punch that was awfully familiar.

And like she'd expected, Sarah tried flipping her body over but failed since Abella predicted this and used her great strength to stand in place.

"Oho~ You remember? Good~" Sarah then struck Abella's forearm in a specific spot, which allowed Sarah's arm to be free, though she soon used her newly-free hand to land an open palm on her chest, then another on her stomach with the other hand.

Abella couldn't block these attacks, and she couldn't figure out why. 'Even though my reflexes and agility, as well as my spider sense, should give me an edge against her, somehow it isn't!'

As she was in the midst of her thoughts, she was soon hit in the head by Sarah, who had then said, "You're thinking way too much, and it's clouding your judgment. Stop thinking and start feeling!"

After saying these words, Sarah continued to land successful attacks on Abella's body one after another. It was only thanks to Abella's great superhuman durability that she could continue the fight.

However, she was completely overwhelmed. 'Stop thinking and feel? Feel what and how?' Still getting hit, Abella had no other choice but to try and feel rather than think, and once she first started that, something in her mind clicked.

Sarah's fast and unpredictable attacks were now slowing down considerably and were becoming more predictable as the seconds passed.

Seeing an incoming palm strike making its way to her chest, Abella pushed it away and prepared for the one that soon followed and pushed it in the same direction.

Doing this allowed the right side of Sarah's body to be free and open for her to strike, and when she tried throwing a fast punch, Sarah moved her body in such a weird way that it caught her off guard.

Using this moment of stupor, Sarah twisted her body up in the air before sending a spinning kick to Abella's head really hard, hard enough to cause her to get pushed down to the ground on her knees.

Now landing on both her feet, "Okay, I think this is a good stopping point for a break." Sarah said, as she soon did some sort of breathing exercise to calm down her body and mind.

Still on the ground, Abella allowed her body to fall to the floor and on her back. She wasn't out of breath or anything, but the state that she found herself in was a bit taxing.

"You did good, Abella, really. You're already progressing much faster than I originally anticipated, and that's saying something." Sarah claimed before sitting down on the dojo mat right next to her, now laying her body with her right arm propping up her head.

Staring up at the ceiling, Abella couldn't help but ask. "Do you always train your members this way? I feel so bad for them." She was half joking and half serious.

"Not at all. None of my disciples can even withstand the first punch, let alone what comes after. Though the only one I could say is really talented is your sister." Sarah said.

'My sister, huh...' Abella thought and knew that her sister always loved fighting from a young age. Skye wasn't very bright in other areas, but when it came to fighting or violence, she excelled at it like no other.

"Why are we taking such a fast approach, though? Shouldn't there be some sort of, I don't know, verbal instructions or techniques I have to follow?" Abella asked and was immediately answered,

"Because that's useless. The main part of fighting is, well, fighting. Getting punched and beaten is always the fastest way to learn. In my opinion, at least." Sarah laughed at the last part.

She then continued, "Everything else that comes after will naturally develop in time. And from what I've gathered, this is the sort of training that'll suit you best."

"What do you mean by that?" Abella asked, but this time it was not answered at all. Instead, Sarah straddled over Abella's body, leaning her head down to her ear. "Now, there are two different ways of fighting I'll be training you in. One of them is hand-to-hand combat, and the other..."

Abella then felt Sarah grinding the lower half of her body over Abella's crotch, which suggested something very, very clear about what she meant even without saying it.

Feeling a certain member rise down below, Abella's breath was hastening, and her heart rate was skyrocketing. From what it sounds like, she was about to reach cloud nine in a few moments until Sarah suddenly got off of her and acted like nothing had happened.

"But, unfortunately for both of us, I will not start training you in that regard until you manage to land at least one strike on my body. Until then, I forbid you from jacking off or finding other means of sexual relief." Once Sarah had said those words, she now really looked like a demon in Abella's eyes.

"What?! I'm not listening to—" Abella was about to finish her sentence before she was interrupted. "Nuh, uh. You agreed that you would follow all of my instructions without question or fail. That was the condition for you to be my disciple. Or what, are you saying that those were just empty words?"

Gritting her teeth, Abella just nodded before saying in a firm tone. "Fine..."

"Great. I'm glad that you're a woman of your word. Don't worry, Abella. With your progress speed, I'm sure that you will be able to land a strike on me in no time. And if you don't, then I guess I'll just have to punch you harder until you get it, okay~?" Sarah said in an 'innocent' tone of voice.

"Whatever..." Abella mumbled before rising to her feet and getting ready to begin another round of getting punched over and over by Sarah.

She did better this time and was able to stop a bit more strikes than before. At the moment, the biggest problem was that her footwork was absolutely terrible.

Sarah was just moving around Abella however she wanted, and this was not because she was faster than her, but because her footwork was that much better than that of an amateur like Abella.

Granted, Abella did hold back her abilities to a considerable degree since she didn't want to reveal her powers at a great extent to someone like Sarah.

But as time went on, she would soon realize that she might not have any other choice if she wanted a chance at landing a strike on her body.

Not to mention the fact that Sarah was true to her word and started punching her harder and harder until she couldn't take it anymore.

The only choices she had were to either go all out and hope for the best or wave a white flag and call it a day. They haven't been training for that long, but she thought it was a good start for her training, so she called it a day by putting up her hands as a sign of surrender.

"What? Giving up so soon? I guess you weren't all that serious, huh?" Sarah joked, but she too thought it was best to call it here rather than drag it on.

Hearing what she said, Abella shook her head and said, "No, I am very serious. It's just that I have some stuff I have to do, and I didn't expect that we would be sparring on the first day."

"Okay, okay. Whatever you say." Sarah then allowed Abella to go and get changed back into her casual clothes before they exchanged a few words.

Soon, Abella was about to exit the dojo until Sarah stopped her by yelling, "I wasn't kidding! No fapping until you land a hit on me!"

"I won't!" Abella yelled right back and left the dojo. The other thing she wanted to do was start practicing web slinging in a safe and quiet place where she wouldn't be bothered.

"After combat training, it's time to really train as Spider-Man."
