

The Lich's eye flickered green for the first time in multiple years, looking around for a few second before his eye socket turned black again.

I bet that's what the news headlines are because my cube right now is surrounded by news stations.

I've been stuck for 2 days now and I flickered my eye- well they are more like green dots once to look around me, I can see without them but I didn't know that when I first entered this body.

They are all a meter away from my box and don't dare to get close. Like cmon there are statues of me all around and a literal boba shop themed after me a 30 seconds walk away from me.

I've seen people come close and take pictures touching the box but the moment some eye movement is seen they become all scared suddenly.

Like I haven't moved from the same cross-legged sitting position in like 40 years or so. Some eye movement isn't gonna make a difference.

Although it is pretty good entertainment, The lichs memory's got boring after 2 hours. I already learned all his abilities by then.

I mean this is pretty much like hell. I remember wishing to be reincarnated on my birthday once as my favorite character. Is this some form of cruel irony by god?

Well it's not like I can change anything. From my memories the lich has tried literally everything to escape but nothing worked. I mean the room is like 3 meters wide and 4 meters tall while the hero could produce hundreds of meters worth of barriers so it must be very dense.

Well I guess-



Are those ...




*Third person*

The reporters came close to the cube with microphones to see if the lich was making any noise.

however they suddenly phased through the barrier and fell in. A one in a million chance that no-one else had seen.

The reporters, Haruto and Shoko looked at the lich in horror.

But to their suprise, and relief.

The lich ... Didn't move at all.

He was still like a statue.

But the bigger problem was that they were stuck in a ultra-strong barrier, with no food or water.

Meanwhile the Lich was almost jumping in joy, in his own mind of course.

'They have to send someone to save them right? This is the MHA world so there has to be some hero with the ability to break the barrier!'


1 day later.

The reporters outside has intensified but no heroes has arrived, the government was deciding whether to send a hero and risk the chance that the lich might still be alive and escape to save the people, or let them die slowly and painfully in public and risk the backlash.


2 days later

The government decided to send a hero to break the barrier after a heavily signed petition reached their attention.


3 days later

The rainbow hero, Stargirl arrived at the scene by jumping off a small building near the cube.


She made a thumbs up before sending a blast which blew a small hole on the barrier.

The lich's lit up once again.

"This is the best case scenario! I just gotta-"

The lich turned into gas and flew throught the hole in the barrier, turning solid again the moment he went outside.

The press and Stargirl froze in fear.

'Oh man this is gonna be fun, I'll really freak them out.'

The lich pointed his half skeletal, half dead skin finger at stargirl and the press. And with a booming yet smooth and haunting voice simply stated

"I have risen again, thanks to you. Child."

In almost ancient imperial Japanese.

Stargirl shot a blast at the lich but he simply turned into gas and tried to fly away.

But a teen almost next to him had different plans had different plans.


The lich's still gas body was sucked into a air vortex into the teens hand that was glowing yellow.

The Lich was absorbed into the yellowness.

The Lich felt himself enter the Teens mind, He felt the Teens consciousness dying as The Lich felt himself become the kid.

The first thing he said in this body was.

"What the fuck?"

In modern Japanese this time. How he learned it? He had absorbed the memories of the teen- Fuji's mind.

He looked around and saw a shocked press. Before a purple smoke enveloped him and he fell asleep.

First real chapter, sorry if its a bit short. More will come out soon. Longer ones too.

DLich8creators' thoughts
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