1 Particle Jounral 1

I was a cloud, a particle of water vapor, one of millions, floating in the air.

And I was always getting run over by airplanes.

It was irritating, really, I mean I didn't get hurt obviously, but it was kinda annoying.

My group had been traveling for about a few hours, and we were preparing to precipitate.

I felt the air start whipping around, Oh? We had started.

I let out a small sigh as the air around me fell. Splish! I fell into a small puddle of water, on the concrete of a sidewalk in what looked like to be New York City.

This place again… I would be here awhile. The rain carried on for a good three and a half hours, and by then more had joined us.

We would soom sink.

This seemed like a nice place to rest I thought before we went flying again.
