

a man is reborn even though he didn’t want so now he is sent to another world what will he do. I do not own all the characters just my own

Voided_fox · Movies
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10 Chs


Waching as Ray went about puting the bones a little further away but there was also a smaller pile of bones.

Amusingly though he seemed to be doing this absent mindedly and I could almost guess why.

Smileing to my self I couldn't help but think that I have forgotten something, unable to think of what I could have possibly forgotten I decided to go and help him move the bones.

After picking up the bones and sharp rocks me and Ray sat against one of the cave walls we both were shareing a cup of water wean Ray looked at me his glowing purple eyes immediately drawing me to him.

"I just thought of a game we could play." He said with childlike intensity, makeing me laugh.

"I think I am a little too old to be playing games don't you think?" I replied with a smile however the childlike intensity only intensified as I said this.

"One is never to old to play games now let me teach you the rules." He said before picking me up and sitting me in front of him and all I could do was yell in surprise.

"Now the game is called rock,paper,scissors rock beats scissors while paper beats rock if you will two times you win." He said wile showing me signs.

After some practice rounds I got the hang of it however by that time I slowly started to get bored so I decided to put in a new rule.

"In this next game who ever wins has to do what ever the winner says." I said before throwing on my most serious expression and he did the same.

"Your on." He said and with just as much intensity however his was more childlike.




Looking at our hands I saw that I had paper while he had rock.

With a smirk I put my fist back into my hands while raising my eyebrows challengingly.

He just chuckled before geting back into position




"Seeing as you have paper and I have scissors that means I win and you lose ." I said as I stood up victoriously wile pointing at him and wean he tried to stand up I sat him back down by putting my foot on to his shoulder however I didn't expect him to do what he did next.

Grabbing my leg he licked it all the way to my thigh and wean I removed my leg he exaggeratedly jumped back.

"You will never catch me alive you Heinous, villain." He said before running away.

"Get back here you filthy vermin!" I said before chasing after him and because of how weirdly he was running it didn't take that much effort to chase him down and tackle him to the ground.

Makeing sure that I was properly mounted on correctly I then grabed both of his hands and leaned forward until both of our foreheads were nearly touching.

Looking into is beautiful purple eyes I couldn't help but acknowledge that in all my thousand years of liveing this young man was with out a doubt the most angelic looking man I've ever seen and with moth my immortality secured why not have the most beautiful man too? It is only right that someone as beautiful as me should have the best.

"I am not a good woman nor am I a frivolous woman and god forbid a virgin but choose mean and I will be with you for eternity." I said breathlessly makeing sure that he knew every word I said was the truth.

Moveing his hands out from beneath mine he leans forwards and with a voice like hunny.

"Well then you are mine." He said, however just then the cave started to shake.

Thankfully it only lasted a couple seconds before it stopped.

Looking around I found the reason as to why the cave started to shake and it was because of the tree behind the pond, however what confused me the most was why I was on the ground that was until I saw Ray looking down at me while his eyes were fuzzy but that was only for a moment before the clarity came back into his eyes and with a big smile on his face he got up and said.

"Looks like a new zone has been unlocked."

Looking at him confused I just stood up and walked over to the pond and now that I was closer I was able to see that one of the trees roots was the main reason for the cave it grew into the wall and with how fertilized the ground was it was no wonder why the tree could grow so rapidly.

Following the root with my eyes I saw that it opend out to a bunch of small bubbling ponds.

"Ray! Come look at this." I yelled.

"Alright." He yelled back.

Letting Ray take the lead we walked into the new area I wached as Ray picked up a stick and dipped it into the bubbling water and wean he let a droplet of water fall on to him he gasped before literally throwing himself into it.

"Come on in it's a hot spring!" He yelled in excitement however wean he saw my look of confusion he rolled his eyes before yelling.

"It's a warm ponds you can bathe in." and not even a second later I pulled the small bone out of the bandage and let it fall down to the ground revealing my medium sized breast and with out wasting a beat I did the same thing for bottom bandages too.and knowing that he was looking I made sure to put in as much flair as possible.

Slowly stepping into the whater I was slightly surprised to find out that the water was indeed warm just like the ones in the mountains.

Slowly walking towards me Ray had a look in his face that I knew all too well, it was the look of guilt and trepidation and I already knew what it was but today mother was going to get what she wanted.