

Pov Mina

I'm still in my room with Amaya , Maybe I'm watching her too much and I think she find about it because she is smiling

" Why are you looking at me like. Look like You fell under my charm." She look at me with a satisfy look

" No don't say think like that I won't fall in love with you . Never! "

" Your sure about that ?." she come near me and whisper in my ears

" I'm not sure about that Mina ." I think it's first time she said my name and I can deny it , I love that but I step back

" I have a question for you Amaya ."

" What is it princess?."

" Your a Vampire don't yoou feed with blood ?" It's been a while since I want to know this answer because I had never seen her drink blood

" Well... I feed with blood but it's not necessary for me but if it's you that I feed from I would accept ."

"What?You want to feed from me but I don't want that ." I blush a litlle but look like she didn't notice it

" Don't worry ,if I feed from you , before that you will have to give me your approval." she said with a big smile

" It will never happened Amaya ." I said with a naughty tone

" If you say so , do you know that our school is special for something ?" she said energetically

" No I don't really no why , Yuto didn't told me anything about it ."

" Every weeks we have the visit of the royal family of the vampire and they are so cool you know ." She look verry interested by the royal family and I find that cute

" Why are you so interested by them ?" I said watching her with an interested look

" They save my parent by turning my dad into a vampire, and then when I was born I was a half vampire , at this moment they are in the forest where we met ."

I've never seen her like that she look like a child , I just want hug her so much but If I do that , that would mean that I love her , but friend hug each other too

" You want to take me in your arms princess ?" what is it that evident

" What me huging you don't say thing like that Amaya ." It's embarassing I can't take it

" That's not embarassing to hug each other princess ." she took me in her arms and after a few minute I hug her back, I can feel her heart beating and I want to stay like this for ever, in her arms I feel like nothing can happened to me , she smell so good

" Look like you really liked my hug princess." she gave a kiss in my cheek and then take a few step back and I already miss her touch but I can't say anything about it

" No why are you saying Amaya it's wasn't so good ."

" But your though tell me exactly the opposite." she said caressing my hair at the same time

" Can you read minds Amaya ?" If she does, I'm in trouble, it's so embarassing

" Yeah, I can read mind it's part of my power and like the other days I can heal too ." She look satisfy

" So all this time you were reading my minds Amaya ?" I don't really know how to react in fact I'm angry and embarassed at the same time , and Amaya is here looking at me with desire in her eyes

" Yes... I was but don't worry ,if you don't want me to I won't, I will do anything for you Mina , please forgive me ." She is begging me right now , what should I do , I'm angry at her but now I'm not verry sure of that , I don't want to see her like that

" It's okay Amaya I forgive you so please get up and never beg me again ." I said clearly , I don't like people begging me it's make me feel bad

" It's okay. Tomorow let's go to school together?"

" Yeah why not , now go to your room because I want to sleep you know ." I just want to be alone now, I'm not tired

" See you tomorow then ." she said before leaving me alone in my room

Now it time for me for a walk, I open my window and go outside and took a dager

I wasn't made for running, and I certainly wasn't dressed for it, but I pushed forward, running until I could see the vampire's camp through the trees, then I paused within the shadows.

Unlike the other day, the camp was alive with activity, and I was taken aback by how human everyone appeared. They were dressed in red and black colors.

Flashes of gold armor that looked almost featherlike ignited like flame as they milled about, some gathered around the fire, while another group looked to be playing cards.

They seemed carefree ,as if they were not an army that protect someone.

Then again, they had little to fear. They were unbeatable. I Think that if someone tryed to get here, he would have been captured by now.

Just as I was about to dart from the tree line and head straight for a tent, a voice sounded from behind me.

"That was very unkind, what are you doing here alone."

I whirled to find a vampire I did not recognize behind me, and I hated that I had not been able to sense his approach. I stumbled back and, consequently, out of the tree line, and the vampire advanced.

The moonlight cast beams of light over his body, illuminating slivers of dark skin and pretty face wide cheekbones, full lips, and a set of dimples on either side of his mouth.

"How long have you been following me?" I asked.

"I wasn't," he said.

My back met something hard, and hands clamped down on my shoulders. I reached back, grabbed them, and released my daggers into the person's forearms. A scream that sounded more like a wounded growl erupted into the night, and I twisted to find another vampire.

This one was slimmer, his hair hanging straight and lanky around a thin face. His fists were clenched, and blood dripped from his forearms.

"Wow, she stabbed me!" he cried.

Behind me, the other vampire laughed. "Serves you right for assuming she was unarmed."

"Yagi, what is going on?" another voice joined the mix. This one was female.

"I caught a mortal sneaking into camp," said the dark vampire. "She stabbed Luc."

The woman who approached was blond, her hair pulled into an intricate braid that ran from the top of her head to the middle of her back. She was beautiful and fierce, and she sounded as if she were laughing.

"Stabbed you, Luc?"

"Shut up, Miha," he snapped.

There were now three vampires standing in an arc before me, and I was shocked I was still alive. Even the one I'd stabbed seemed relatively calm, and I'd expected him to retaliate quickly. Instead, his arms quit shaking, and blood stopped dripping from his wounds.

Soon, he let them fall to his sides, healed.

An explosion of cheers sounded behind us suddenly, and I turned to see the group of vampires who had previously been playing cards on their feet. Two men were on the ground, fighting.

Miha rolled her eyes while Yagi and Luc chuckled. "I knew that game would end in a quarrel."

"Four kings always does,"said Yagi.

I did not ask what four kings was. Instead, I started to shift away from the trio of vampires, until their attention returned to me and I froze.

"So what are you doing here, little one?" Miha continued. "Have you come to seduce and kill our princess?"

I was too surprised by her question to complain that she'd called me little one. My brows rose. "Excuse me?"

"It wouldn't be the first attempt," Yagi said.

"I...no," I said and paused. "Did you just say it wouldn't be the first attempt?"

"That's right," Yagi quipped.

"What happened to the woman who tried that?"

I couldn't help myself. I was curious. Was the princess capable of being seduced, or had she murdered every woman who tried?

The three of them exchanged a look, and before Luc could speak, another voice joined the fray.

"A human here. What a surprise."

To be continued in the next chapter

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, so you want more chapter about Mina , I will do more chapter about her

Hope you like the chapter if so give power stone ^^

nini45000creators' thoughts