
Celestial Dragon

No one can beat me in this world, what should I do? I think I leave this world.

I just need to hunt pirate to gain more SP and save some SP for my next world, I'm always low at SP.

Max: is that a celestial dragon ship over there?


Most of celestial Dragons are horrible, I hope to do a hidden quest.

Max:Hi hi ,"I'm here to steal your goods. Men stand on the right and woman stand on the left, put your valuable goods in middle of ship."

Celestial dragons bodygard:"Who the hell are you? How dare you to attack to god ship, die."

Max:"Normal punch."

I always want to act like saitama.

"Don't force me to kill all of you."

Celestial dragon:"Do what he say,don't do anything bother him"

Bodygard:"Dragon sama he is just a pirate, there is no need to let him do what he want."

Celestial dragon: "You didn't read newspaper."

"He is a famous man he got 1000000 bounty on his head for his first reward If you do your best you can beat pirate with 500000 bounty but he is far stronger than you and I know he know I am celestial dragon and he still attack me, it means he is not afraid of celestial Dragons at all."

If we fight him we will lose our life but if we surrender now we can live.

Max: "That celestial Dragons isn't the one who will save Shirahoshi?"

Ai:[Yes, his name is Donquixote Mjosgard]

Max: I never exept to see him here."I change my mind I don't want your goods, I just want to talk to Donquixote Mjosgard."

Unknown man: "What do you think about...."

Max: Word soul magic.


"I didn't tell you, I don't want to kill anyone."

"I'm Donquixote Mjosgard. What did you want?"

Max:"I perfer to talk in a private place."

Donquixote Mjosgard:I don't have a problem." my ship have private room, we can talk there."

Bodygard:"It's too dangerous, let me follow you at least."

Donquixote Mjosgard: "If he want to kill me he can kill me right now. I don't think he has a bad target."

Max:It's rare to see a good celestial Dragon. "I have request for you, you can accept or reject my request.There is nothing happend if you reject my request, I just vanish it's like we don't met each other."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"What is that? I can't think of anything you could want from me"

Max: Lets be friend.

Donquixote Mjosgard:haaaaaaaa.... "Why should I be friend with pirate?"

Max:"I'm looking for devil fruit user, You help me to find them and I save your life and position in future. if It's not enogh I can help you to live longer or show you one or two place no one see them in this world."

Donquixote Mjosgard: "If your word were true. tell me, why should I lost my life and position in future? How can you help me? and I think It's not possible to make someone life longer."

Max:"You are really different from celestial dragon." "I don't know you can believe or not but celestial Dragons will fall less than 20 years and the those who survive that moment will being killed by the people hatred. If you want to know how to live longer, there is two possibility, first find special devil fruit, which is have power to turn people younger and older for 12 years and secend one is special pills, I have pills that can clean your body and give you a eternal youth."

Donquixote Mjosgard: "I have doubts in your word, if your right tell me how can celestial Dragons fall?

Max:I will destroy celestial Dragons.

Donquixote Mjosgard:"If you want to die go and die somewhere else, don't kill me with yourself and did you really think you can do that?"

Max:"I know you can't belive that but I tell you something more unbelievable,I told you I will show you a place no one know in this world. I'm not from this world I can make a portal between other world and use a power that only can be learned in other world."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"I guess you were crazy from start but now I'm sure."

Max:"If you can't belive that I don't have anything to tell you but when I come to this world I see some memory of this world from the past and future like when you being saved by Otohime in fisherman island or when one of celestial Dragons want to make Shirahoshi as Slave and you save her.I don't want change future so much but I can't accept something happend in future."

Its obvious I lied I can't say anything about anime.

Donquixote Mjosgard:"How did you know that?"

Max:"I didn't tell you I'm from other world."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"I don't have belive in you but I give a chance to you to prove your world."

Max:haha "I will show you other world in future."

I don't know why but I like Donquixote Mjosgard.

Donquixote Mjosgard:"What should we do with your wanted poster, I can't walk with a famous pirate."

Max:"there is no problem I can change my appearance, look at me."

Donquixote Mjosgard: "impossible, people can only have a one devil friut. what was that power you used on the ship?"

Max:"You still don't understand, that power was from other world, It name is word soul magic, one of the most powerfull magic in other world. This magic attribute allows the user to manipulate their surroundings through speech.

there is two weakness, first I can't tell you die or back to life, secend this magic need lots of magic but I don't have problem with that."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"I can't call them weakness, It's more like a god power."

Max:"Your right, in this world I'm invincible beacuse no one have magic to resist against some kind of world like stop or prostrate."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"It's hard to belive your word, but I accept your request.Don't make a problem for other people with the face that you work with me.

Max: "There is one problem. I can't call you with

Name extension like sama or word like master."

Donquixote Mjosgard:"I think you're quite proud of yourself?"

Max:"Its not like I'm proud of myself but I can't accept to call someone like they are higher than me. I only call god like that."

Donquixote Mjosgard:What is your idea about call me boss?


Donquixote Mjosgard:"Yes It's more like you work under me. If someone notice that you don't act like other people in front of celestial Dragons, I say I like you act like that ."

Max:"It's good. I leave the ship and follow you, when I see you in next island you can say I'm your new servant."

Donquixote Mjosgard: "you told me you couldn't call someone like they are higher than you and you say I call you my servant."

Max:"Yes I never call someone like they are higher than me but I don't care about what other say."

Donquixote Mjosgard:wierdo.

Max:"We will travel around the world."

Its been a six month since I spend a time with Mjosgard, the other celestial Dragons change their mind about him, he was very famous for the one who don't have any slave and bother other dragons but now other dragons think he loves battle between devil fruits user and he only buy them.

I'm not a man who kill other people for my sake I buy some veracity card to examine other pirate.

Author note: veracity card allow user to know other person telling the truth or lying.

in 19 devil fruit user we can find in other celestial Dragons house 7 of them were a good people and other were a bad people. I buy pills for erase their slave mark and use a especial item to change their appearance forever. I made a good friendship with Mjosgard, I tell him to some about dunmachi world and demon slayer world, It's hard to belive but he cried for Tanjiro when I tell a story and he say "he want to save them if its possible."

I don't know why but what the hell is that?why am I enjoy a time that I spend with this fatty dragon.

I don't know why but I say If you beacome strong enough I will take you in a time befour Tanjiro's family dying. It's unbelievable he wants to find a logia fruits to become stronger. I stop him for being so hasti, I told him if you were weak you can't use your devil fruits correctly and anyone with Haki can beat you.you can't belive that but he wants me to train him to become stronger person. I say It's very painfull but he don't change his mind.

at the first I force him to eat less and do a marine training for a month to lose some weight when he become more like marine soldier I start to train him.

max:Did you know a place no one can distrub us?

Mjosgard:I read about Long Ring Long Land before in a book. Long Ring Long Land is a chain of ten islands in a ring shape, with a path between the islands that surfaces once every year. Because the ten islands of the archipelago are actually linked together as one giant island, an  eternal pose can't be used to get from one island to another.

Max:"It's not a good place for increase your power but you only want to build your base."

l use near 1000000 SP to buy a valuable products for him, at the first I don't want to spend that much SP for him but he helped me to gain so much SP. I gain 12 devil fruits and sold them to System for 9500000 SP.

we spend a lots of time together he can beat Arlong if they want only use a raw power I start to teach him about how use Haki I attack him with sword and he try to dodge my attack with close eyes. I use my magic to heal him after he got several wound, I think he really made his mind to become stronger. When he learned to use observation Haki, I tell him: "if you want to beacome stronger you need love or hatred."

Mjosgard:"I don't understand, I only want to beacome stronger but why should I be in love or have hatred."

Max:"love and hatred are most strongest emotion in this world if you want to become strong you don't need them but if you want to become stronger than strong you need them, if you love to fight you can become stronger, if you love justice you can become stronger to bring justice, if you hate someone, if you want to take your revenge if you can't forgive someone you can become stronger to take your revenge from him."

Mjosgard:"I don't fully understand but you means love and hatred can support your willpower?"

Max:"you can think that way. but true power come from your heart it can be love or hatred, when you can use Hardening Haki we will leave. use that pill before your bath and powder when you bath, don't use to much powder for first time It's a bit painfull."

I start to cultivate for 3 month and he learnd to use

his Hiki for fight.

When we back soldier can't recognise him and wants to catch him but when they see me they stop attacking us. I tell to them Donquixote Mjosgard had a surgery and become like this.

It was really hard but when he act like other celestial Dragons they belive he is celestial dragon.

Max:Ai show my status.






HP =1260/1260

MP =9205/9205

stamina =995/997

■Strength =2393

■Agility =2290

■Vitality =89

■Intelligence =151

■sense =64

■Luck =120

■Charisma =1080



☆Object gigantification quirk(A rank 74%)

☆Sword grand master (S rank 42%)

☆Observation Haki(S rank 87%)

☆Hardening Haki(S rank 61%)

☆conqueror Haki(S+ rank 22%)

☆World soul magic(S+ rank 52%)


I waste a lots of time, my status didn't grow like before.

I just need to find some good devil fruits and combine them for Mjosgard. It was a really hard I spend 4 month to find 5 devil fruit for Majosgard, but I think I just sold them and buy a devil fruit from system for him. I had good luck beacuse I found 2 logia type and sold them to system, I search for devil fruit in my system, dark dark fruit cost 5000000SP and calm calm fruit is 1000000SP I thought calm calm devil fruit is most useless devil fruit but Jacket Jacket devil fruit is cheapest one in system. I buy Rumble Rumble fruit 3800000SP and Vortex Vortex fruit for 280000SP.

auther note:Vortex Vortex (paramecia fruit) can make whirlwind with vibration power and able to make weaker or dissipates other logia devil fruit power(This fruit vibration is not weaker than Tremor Tremor fruit but vinration limited to the whirlwind).

Ai:[do you want to combine two devil fruit for 50000SP?]

Max:[Yes and please remove devil fruit weakness.]

Ai:[The devil fruits you can find in a shop are special, they don't have weakness against sea stone or sea water and when devil fruit user die their devil fruit will vanish forever.]

2days later

Max:"long time no see Mjosgard, what did you do in this four month ?"

Majosgard:"Hi, When you leave I continue my training, I want to ate devil fruit but I stop for you to come and draw out strong devil fruit for me."

Max: "It's good for vaiting for me I bring you a gift, look at it."

Majosgard: "It's mine😀🤯!! What is that devil fruit?

I never think you give me a devil fruit!!!"

Max:"It cost more than half of the devil fruit you find for me."

Majosgard: "what kind of fruit is that?"

Max:"I made it from one of the strongest logia and paramecia fruit. It's made from Rumble Rumble fruit and Vortex Vortex fruit, don't worry about eating two devil fruit beacuse they combine with each other and become one."

Majosgard eat piece of fruit and say ahh h

ahhhhhh, I never ate something like this. "It's good I don't need to eat all of that."

Ai:[If he eat all the fruit he can increase his devil fruit power faster.]

Max:Thats a new information I don't know about that in one piece world.

"You should eat all of that if you want to increase your devil fruit power faster"

he look at that fruit and say:"I don't have any choise"

I buy a potion to remove devil fruit flavour.

Majosgard: "You can't use that potion earlier?"

Max:"You should test that flavour its only once on your life."

Majosgard:"Can we leave this world?"

Max: "Yes but you need sometime to train with your devil fruit."

"we will leave this world after a 2 week."