
Chapter 2

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I turned and walked back onto the beach, leaping down the six feet like I really hadn’t a clue that I couldn’t fly. Of course I landed hard and fell onto my knee, where the scar from my surf encounter still stood out. That made me miss my boyfriend. Then I sat on the dry sand, and had a major pity party for myself.

How had I not known the tide was coming in? What did it matter? In Hawaii there was only about a two foot tide. I hadn’t realized that here it was as much as ten. It came in fast, the beach disappearing almost as I watched. I was momentarily visited by the dead-fairy, the maybe I’ll die and then they’ll be sorry they moved here fairy. I had to laugh at myself. What a dope.

Then, just because I could, I gathered up all the driftwood and started piling it up, trying to build a mausoleum—that’s the word I wanted before—for myself, or maybe it would be just a dog house, I don’t know. Some kind of erection—hah—you said erection—or maybe a monument.