

In a world where Humans and demons used to live together till "The Great War of Driesville" happened and the continent of Driesville was divided in two, The Land Of Humans and The Land Of Demons. As I, Phenex go on a journey to find the truth about the world and the history behind the war of Driesville, with his new found Human friend Waleed.

MAadilR · Fantasy
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We arrived near the village and he took out a rope to tie my hands up. I asked him what this is for, and he replied with

"This is for your safety, just remember you are my slave, and just don't speak up to anyone, and you will not even utter a word until I say so. Got it?"

"Yeah, got it."

With my hands tied, we walked into the village and I saw humans just crowding around us as if we were some royalties walking, and at this point, I just wanted to wave with my chest up but the only thing wrong with that is, my hands are currently tied and I am currently acting as a slave. Suddenly, a loud voice comes from the crowd,

"Waleed! Why have you brought a demon into our village? You know what happens to those who go against the rules of the village."

So his name is Waleed, it's nice to have more information about each other. As Waleed was about to say something in return, a group of people came forward calling Waleed,

"You have been called by the village head, young Waleed."

Well, it seems like we have been summoned, and this group of people seems to be the elders or the elites of the village. What is Waleed's end goal in all of this, what is he going to achieve from doing this? I guess I'll know after reaching there.

Wow, this is a big house or should I consider it a palace, wait a palace is surely bigger than this, ahh well let's just walk in and find out what's in store for us. Just as I imagined the head of this human village is a fat f*ck, who loves to drink wine.

"Hmmm, so you have arrived."

As Waleed bowed he said, "Yes, Head of the village, I Waleed am here."

"And you should know what is about to happen to you?"

He put his head up and asked, "What is it that you may be talking about?"

"I like your guts, but today's youngins love to go against the rules and the laws that are set for their safety."

"What rule have I broken your honor?", as he asked this simple question, the elders that brought us here got enraged and as for the head of the village started laughing.\

One of the elders shouted at Waleed and said, "You dare open your mouth in front of the head."

"It's okay, elder Shahid"

"Sorry, sir."

"So you are telling me that you don't know that the thing that you have brought here, the thing that is beside you, that demon. Is alright to bring such a thing here?"

"As far as the rules state I can bring anyone here if he or she is a slave."

"But that's a thing, and that demon over there is not invited here. And today you not only brought a demon here but you have endangered the safety of everyone. You should know that since the division never has a single demon found about this place, and you have just brought one here just because you wanted a slave."

Through this whole speech, Waleed stood upright with his chest out, his face and even his posture were saying that what he has done is not wrong but the one that is wrong is the head himself.

"Through our whole life, we were told that if a demon ever attacked our village, we were to defeat them and keep this village safe. Am I right?"

"So then why is there a demon in this room."

"Because he is my slave and there is no rule against having a demon slave."

"And what if the demon goes against you will you be able to control him."

"He is my demon and I can assure you that he will never go against my command."

"Then tell him to cut his hand off or at the very least two or four of his fingers."

"I'm sorry but I can not do that, he is someone who is going to pro..."

The royal guards started to seize us as if we were criminals, they dragged us down on to the ground and cuffed both of us, he kept on screaming through this, that he has the right to speak, he is also one of the villagers but the head gave no heed to his words and had us put in the cells. Waleed was kept in a regular cell with other prisoners, as for me they had me tied up from chains and I couldn't even scratch my head. The chains on both my hands and feet were stretched and I was just like a star.

Waleed was infuriated and wanted to get back at the king and so he kept on screaming for an hour, as he cooled down he went into a corner of his cell and just sat in the corner with no expression on his face. Another hour had passed as he was still in the same position as before, so I decided to ask him about all of this, why he had done all of this and he answered with

"Let me tell you a short story of this village and I am sure that all of the prisoners here would agree with me. About ten years ago our previous leader passed away a natural death and handed his reign over to the fatty that is now our head, since the day he felt this power he began to get hungry for more and was never going to be fulfilled until he took control over everything, every small system that helped this village advance and has had kept protected."

I laughed as I heard this and said, "Well, this certainly explains his health. By the way, did he eat all the people with the system as well?"

"Even when you are hung up with chains you like to make jokes, you seriously are a demon."

"You are saying this as if you have met any other demon before me."

"Who knows?"

"So what now?"

"We wait."

"For what? … Hey don't just go silent on me, speak you, damn idiot."

He stayed silent and didn't utter a word for a long time, a full month had gone by, and still, I was waiting for any instruction.

"What's your name? I never got to know your name."


"The burning bird, huh."

A guard came by and called Waleed, following the guard was a man. They both had a long conversation until the guard had to take the guy away. After that, he again went into complete silence and I took a really deep sleep. The next day as the sun was at its peak I heard a knock at my cell door, as I woke up and looked outside a cell, there was a silhouette, a silhouette of a man, in a frame of a minute, my sight came back to normal.

"So demon your finally awake."

"Waleed, your out? Did they let you go?"

"Demon get your self out, we need you, so hurry up."

"I thought you'd never say so." I break the chains and get out and then open the door by force.

"Note to you these chains would never be able to hold a demon."

"We just need our final piece now, and then we can start the coup d'etat."

"HUH! Wait a coup d'etat?"

"Are you joking? You didn't see that coming? Are all the demons this stupid?"

How would I know that a guy as stupid as him would plan a coup d'etat, I really need to be vary of him and his cunning moves.

"What are you thinking Phenex?"

"Nothing much, just what your next step is and what is the final piece."

"The next step is to attack the village head's residence and for the final piece is not what, it is a who."

"So what's the strategy here?"

"We are just gonna walk through the main gate and on top of that we have you."

"Wait am I going to be the one to overthrow him?"

"Just go wild."

"This demon will do as the master says."

Upon reaching the residence I saw a big group of people hoarding around the residence and the one who was leading them was the same person who came and talked to Waleed at the cell door.

"Dad you are as punctual as always."

"Waleed my son, I am the rightful heir to the throne, so I must be punctual."

I was in utter shock, "WAIT! You two are father and son? Like for real."

"No, I was a son of a prostitute."

"You imbecile, You dare call your mother a prostitute."

His dad grabbed his hair and started to swing him around as if he was a rag doll.

"It was a joke dad." It was as if he was screaming for his dear life.

"So dad I think it's time we let it loose."

"Hey I am not an it, I am a living being myself"

They all just giggled and started to walk forward into the Head's residence. We entered the residence and found out that there is an army waiting for us, and Waleed's father calls out to me

"So demon boy, your up."

"Thank you your highness for giving me the opportunity."

I draw out my claws and head into the battle. The soldiers were all armed with swords and spears and some even had shields. The first one to come up to face me was a swordsman, as I was getting ready to go into my fighting stance the swordsman charged in and swung his sword, at a moment's notice I realized that this wasn't going to be some child's play. I grabbed the sword by its blade and cut his hands in an instance and used the same hand that grabbed the sword to stab him. He fell down and my gaze went down as his body fell to the ground, with a smirk on my face I raised my gaze and saw the shields in a formation and the swordsman and spearmen behind them, in a blink of an eye they all shot a fire blast and set me ablaze. In that instant, I saw my life flashing before me.

Waleed screamed, "Phenex are you ok." as I burned and screamed for my life. Waleed's father ordered some of his followers to come for my help but they were shot too and were burned to their death. At the moment of my death I heard a voice it was a voice of a female, saying

"Harness the flames that have set yourself ablaze, your name will be your soul, the flames will be your roar. So arise my Phoenix."

"Hmph, it's time I show some more tricks."