
Dreams under Dreams

It's everything about the dream I saw last night..

It was evening, me with my family having pakoras (Indian snacks) and talks. I was playing with my little sister and with my brother. Then I went to my study table..I started to read a story "DREAMS UNDER DREAMS" My mom called me to have supper. I was really sleepy, I said to my mom that I want to sleep with my granny. I asked my granny to tell me a story while sleeping. She said " there was a little girl who loves thinking all day, she thinks herself as a princess, sometimes mermaid or sometimes a pirate. She ..." We slept. In the mid we heard some strange sounds like people were running, shouting, and firing sounds too. I and granny woke up and saw two strangers rushed into our room breaking the walls and said " a war is going on we need help.. common..fast.." They hand over some guns to our hands. I said that we didn't know how to use but I stood like a statue, I was shocked to see my granny using weapons. She rolled up her saree and said to me "what are you watching c'mon help us" . We had a long fight but we won. The strangers thanked us. When I supposed to ask their names a sudden earthquake came, we tried to run but there was a dust storm too, we couldn't see anything. We fell down and closed our eyes so that the dust won't get inside our eyes.

But when I opened my eyes I saw my mother. She was shaking and waking me up. I asked my mom about the war and the storm and she said that I was dreaming. What a horrific dream it was. I washed my face and came downstairs to have my breakfast. I said my mom "yesterday's pakoras were too yummy", she said "are you fine we just have tea yesterday before supper". I was confused. I left it "whatever" and got ready myself for school. I was in 6th standard. It was same like other days, studing and study, playing, sharing lunch and scoldings from our science teacher. Days passed and it came my birthday. I was really happy. I got birthday greetings and gifts. The best gift was the kitten gifted by my uncle. When I came out of the house to go to school I saw a castle, made by my dad. I wished to have a castle since I was small. I bye my cat and went to school. After I came back I saw a gift on my bed , when I opened it a charming crystal ball came out of it. I jumped with shock that a voice was coming from it. It said "I am a magic ball, I have some super powers which I give everyone on their birthday" . I asked what type of powers it gives. It replied that I can stop time once. I felt lucky to have that. On the very next morning, I remembered about the power. I was curious to use it. I went to school, I got an idea to check whether the power actually works or not. It was the time for prayer before going to class, all the students gathered in the school ground. While praying I used my power. I thought it was working. I went towards my crush and whispered that he is cute and I love him. He then laughed and the other students too. I felt very ashamed. We came back to our classes, it was the maths class and teacher took a surprise test. I love mathematics but I scored 0 in the test. I cried sitting at the last bench. At lunch time, I went to the canteen with my friends. Everyone teased me by calling my crush name. I felt that it was the worst day for me. After a while I and my classmates came to the playground as it was our games period. I fell on the ground.

But when I opened my eyes I saw the ceiling of my room. I was on the ground, it was 7 in the morning. My mom came to wake me up for school.

I searched my cat but I didn't find it out. When I asked my mom about it she said " are you sure you have a cat, because I don't remember that you have a pet". I was dreaming, there's no cat , no magic ball and no castle. And even I am not in 6th, I am a 10th class girl.

I am still curious to know was that a dream so far. Or am I still in my dreams...