
Dreams Suffered

A girl imprisoned in her memories. For some reason she can not wake up, all she can do is walk for every moment of her life, be it painful or happy. In search of the last memory, of when she was still awake.

YGhutty · General
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1 Chs


Everything remains dark, even if she felt it and was sure she opened her eyes, it was still dark. In his ears a buzzing, a noise that made him uncomfortable. Slowly her body seemed to be disappearing, losing control of him.

"What is happening? Where am I?" Her voice echoed in the darkness, she knew she was somewhere, but she could not tell where.

Suddenly your hearing calms, the sensation of your body returning slowly, fragments of lights and colors begin to cross the darkness, like a blade that cuts a black tissue. Gradually that lifeless world is painted as a work of art, there are several shades of purple, this is certainly unusual.

Hana, like a leaf in the wind, has her body taken to that new world, created before her eyes. She was taken to a small street of whitish stones, lifeless walls and dark windows. There apparently, if someone lived in those streets, hundreds of years must have passed, therefore, the state of the structures and the vegetation that covers, taking care of the buildings is remarkable.

"Can you hear me?" A voice trails through her body, a familiar voice, but she can not remember who.

"Please, do not close your eyes!" That voice screams in despair, Hana feels those words pierce her chest, and her heart.

Still not quite understanding what's going on, Hana bends down, hands on her head, her dark clothes now bathed in the violet light of that world, and her eyes that shed tears, on her face it is remarkable that she feels lost , alone.