
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 35: Making Money!

Izumi woke up refreshed from his sleep. As he lay in his bed, he thought back at the battle he had yesterday against Vali. He was satisfied with the result and he was able to get three spells during his short time with them. A teleportation spell, a healing spell and the conceptual spell (Divide). Yesterday, he tried out the healing spell on himself and was happy with the results. He didn't spot any injuries after using it. He then decided to get up from the bed as he needed to get ready for school.

'Should I find a way to reproduce the (Shadow clone) Jutsu from naruto or should I find a way to just go there? Then I wouldn't have to go to school every day.' he thought.

He shook his head and shelved that thought for later.

Half, an hour later, he closed his apartment door and locked it before making his way towards Katagiri Senior Highschool. As he made his way to his school, he began thinking about earning money.

'I'm going to need more freedom if I want to continue living in the supernatural world. To do so, I'm gonna need to buy my own house or something. And for that I need money. My own money, not the one I earn from mom's cake shop. I could use knowledge from my old world. Maybe write a light-novel like Sword Art Online.' Izumi thought as he walked.

Soon he arrived in his class and went to his seat. As he sat in his seat, he saw the door open once more and saw Hori enter the classroom. Her smile brightened when she saw Miyamura.

"Ah, Miyamura-kun!" she called

"Hello, Hori-san! How are you?" he replied?

"I'm great! And you?"

"I'm fine. What got you so happy today?" Izumi asked curious at her attitude today.

"Yesterday, Souta got a friend!" she said with a smile.

Izumi rose an eyebrow,

"Isn't that normal for him?"

"No, no. Yesterday, he brought a friend of the female gender to our house."

"Really? that's great! But, I didn't think you would pay attention to that." Hori put her hands on her hips,

"Of course, I would pay attention. He's my little brother. As her older sister, it is my duty to see what kind of friends he makes."

"Hori-san, he's ten," Izumi deadpanned.

Hori blushed a little,

"So what? You don't know what kind of friends he makes. They usually start young you know."

"Hori-san, he's ten," Izumi emphasized on Souta's age, "Besides, you sound like an old woman when you talk like."

"Shut up!" Hori tried to karate chop Izumi on the head. Unfortunately, Izumi tilted his head to the side and the girl missed. She tried again but missed again.

"You missed," Izumi said teasingly.

"Thank you Captain Obvious. Now stay still so I may hit you. I'm not old," growled Hori.

"What are you guys doing?" a voice asked.

The duo turned around and saw Yoshikawa and Tooru by their desk.

"I'm being assaulted by a dangerous woman," Izumi said emotionlessly.

"You shouldn't hit Miyamura Hori." scolded Yoshikawa with a hidden smirk.

"That's not nice Hori. I didn't peg you as a violent woman." joined Tooru as he struggled to hold his laugh.

"You... You... You guys are mean!" pouted Hori before storming to her seat.

All three burst into laughter seeing her reactions.

"I'm sorry Hori. You were just too easy to tease right now," Yoshikawa said as she went to hug her best friend.

"I'm sorry Hori, but it was too funny to pass up." apologized Tooru.

Hori glared cutely at Izumi who smiled wryly,

"I'm sorry Hori-san you walked right into it and I couldn't resist teasing you." Izumi apologized with a smirk as he raised his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

"Humph!" Hori looked to the other side and the bell rang signalling the beginning of English class. The whole class was spent translating different lines of a novel that they had to read before the class. During the class, Izumi continued to think about his money-making plan and decided to write a light novel.

'Now, it's only a matter of which one to write. I could write Sword Art Online since it doesn't exist in this world, but I am also fond of Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody. Well, since I will write a novel, why not make my life a little easier and buy a skill for it.' thought Izumi.

He opened the system and went to the shop.

[What would you like to search?]

Izumi then types "Literary skills"

[Results found]

[Writing: 100 points

Drawing: 100 points

Painting: 100 points]

Seeing the skills he decided to buy "Writing" and "Drawing" since he will be writing a light-novels and there would be images to draw.

[Would you like to buy "Writing" and Drawing? The cost will be 200 points.]


Izumi pressed "Y".

[200 points deducted]

[Balance: 3200 points]

As soon as he pressed "Y", knowledge about writing skills and drawing skills entered his mind and he now felt that he would easily be able to put his imagination on paper. It was as if he practiced the skills for years and mastered them. Smiling at the gain, he went back to decide on what to write and how to write. Ever since he got a perfect memory from the purification pill he had consumed more than a month ago, he could perfectly recall any moment from both of his lives. In Izumi's opinion, it was both a blessing and a curse. It was good that he could remember everything, but he could also remember everything. Emphasize on "everything". This means that he could recall every embarrassing moment of his life and he could remember his previous family. Fortunately, he had 16 years to move on and he had long let go of his old life. He would not dwell any further except for searching memories like the ones about the different mangas and light-novels he read.

Soon the bell rang, and it was time to go to another class.

And so, the day went by with nothing happening as usual.

'Well since Kuoh Town is just the next city and everything happens over there. Should I move over there?' Izumi thought before quickly dismissing it, 'Nononono, I like my life here.'

Right now, Izumi went to buy a new phone that he would use only for supernatural purposes. He would then create an encryption program and install it in it using his programming skills to make the phone untraceable. He wanted to keep his mundane life and supernatural life separate as much as possible.

He went home and changed clothes before heading for the shopping center. He already had the money that he had gotten from Saiki's world. Fortunately, they were the same as this world so it was usable.

One hour later, he came out of the store with a brand new smartphone. Satisfied, he made his way to his home and went to his room before turning on his laptop and started working on his encryption program. At least this way, no one would track him using modern tools.

Another two hours later, he finally finished his program, he went to grab his new smartphone and turned it on to plug it into his computer. Suddenly, as soon as he turned his phone on, a message from the system appeared in front of him.

[New smartphone detected!]

[Would you like to connect it with the group chat?]


[Reminder: The group chat will only be available to the user. Anyone else will not notice its existence]

Seeing the message, Izumi thought,

'I thought I was only able to connect one cellphone at the time. I guess I was wrong.'

He pressed "Y" and saw the app appear on the home screen of his new phone. He then installed the encryption program. Once it was installed, he added Vali's number.

'All set!' thought Izumi seeing his new phone.

Seeing that he had nothing else to do, he decided to go on the internet to check what kind of light novels were there that matched the ones he had in his old life. He grabbed his laptop once more and simply went on Google and typed the names of all the light novels he had read. He then wrote all the novels that did not exist.

After two hours of non-stop research, he had finally come up with a list and finally chose one.

'Alright, I'm going to write Sword Art Online. It was one of the most popular series in my past life. So it is likely to make the most money, I could also ask Kuroneko or Aiura to send copies of Sword Art Online to the chat group.' thought Izumi.

He opened up the chat group and texted.

[Izumi]: Yo! @Kuroneko!

A few minutes later, she answered.

[Kuroneko]: Hey Izumi, what's up?

[Izumi]: Does Sword Art Online exist in your world?

[Kuroneko]: Yeah, what about it?

[Izumi]: Do you mind sending copies here?

[Korosensei]: Oh? Are you planning on selling it?

[Izumi]: How did you know?

[Korosensei]: Hehe! Because I would've done the same if it didn't exist in my world.

[Miki]: Oh! We also have Sword Art Online here! I could send it too

[Tony]: So you're going to plagiarize?

[Izumi]: No, I'm merely going to spread the joy of reading this story in my world.

[Tony]: But, you're going to make profits?

[Izumi]: A simple consequence of spreading this masterpiece.

[Tony]: I stand corrected.

[Kuroneko]: I found it! Here.

[Kuroneko has sent Sword Art Online volume 1 to 15]

[Izumi]: Thanks!

[Izumi]: Wait, do you not have the rest?

[Kuroneko]: What do you mean? That's the latest volume available.

[Izumi]: Oh.

[Miki]: Wait, I have the rest.

[Miki has sent Sword Art Online volume 16 to 26]

[Izumi]: Thanks, guys! Besides, I just needed it for reference since I already have the story in my head thanks to my perfect memory ability. I could also add my own bit to it.

[Izumi]: Bye!

[Korosensei]: Good Luck!

[Kuroneko]: Alright! Then I'll just read what Miki sent. Bye

[Tony]: Alright, good luck kid.

Izumi closed the chat and downloaded the files on his phone. He meant it when he said that he already had the story in his head. The books were only there in case he make mistakes when he adds his own blend in it.

Izumi was now ready. He opened a new document on his laptop and began to type. Stretching his hands and cracking his fingers, he then rested them on his laptop before starting to type. As he typed, he entered a sort of trance as he recalled the memories of the anime and light novel of this story and wrote it. The blank file began to fill with characters as he continued to type.

Suddenly, Izumi heard a knock on his door,

"I-kun, I'm home! Did you eat?" called out Iori from the other side of Izumi's bedroom.

Izumi snapped out of his writer's trance as soon as he heard his mother's voice.

"Huh? Huh, No, I didn't eat yet Mom!"

"Ok then, I will prepare the food make sure to come in fifteen minutes," Iori said and Izumi could hear his mother's footsteps growing fainter as she made her way to the kitchen.

He stretched himself and heard his bones crack after sitting in one position for too long. Looking at the time, his eyebrows rose in surprise.

'Damn! It's already 8:00 PM.'

He looked back to his laptop and saw his work in progress.

'I already wrote 5 chapters of the draft. Let's finish next time.'

He closed his laptop and sat on his chair and relaxed. Even if his brainpower was getting closer to a computer's processing power, it still needed rest. At that moment, his mind wandered to Hori. Izumi realized that he was having more than a crush on her.

'Should I make a move or not. Would she be creeped out? Would she run away? Should I just do nothing or should I wait for her?' multiple questions were running in Izumi's mind as he thought about her.

"Izumi, that food is ready!" called out his mom.

Shaking his head, he smelled the delicious aroma of his mom's cooking. Over the years, he always wondered why she never opened a restaurant. When he asked, she would always answer,

"It was your father and my dream to open a cake shop and live a calm life manning it," she answers with a nostalgic smile.

'You were one lucky man father. I never met you, but I can tell how much mom loves you and how much you loved her by the stories she tells.' thought Izumi as he smiled a little.

He got up from his seat and went to the kitchen to see what his mom whipped up and left his love life problems for next time.