
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 13: Confirmation and Visitor

Hi, I have received a complaint about how Izumi is in a dxd world which means that he has to have a harem. I don't know about you guys, but I personally think that Highschool Dxd is a vast world where there is a lot of information missing which I can use for this fanfiction. The author of that story mostly revolved the story around Issei and friends. Second, Immortality, Izumi just received his Dark Matter, to be immortal, he has to literally destroy his body and create a new one with Dark Matter. He's not strong enough to do that yet. Harem? I will once again repeat. Izumi grew up in a modern society where harem was not legal in his old life. Literally, he lived 25 years where being with multiple women is frowned upon and you add 16 years in his new life as a human with almost all the same laws, it's going to be hard to change his views. It would be easier to accept if he was born a devil or fallen angel or any other mythical being, but he was born a human. To have a harem, he will need a lot of convincing from his girlfriend-to-be which is Hori and that will depend on the flow of this story. I didn't choose DxD for its harem, I chose It for its lore and world. If there is going to be a harem, it's going to be in a far future, but, for now, there is no harem. Even then, if there is a harem, there will not be a lot of girls. This ain't a waifu pokemon fanfiction! Also, it's the perfect world for Izumi to power up and become strong. I will stop putting bold characters for system messages and skills because it seems a lot of people can't read it.

Thank you for reading this and enjoy this chapter.


The bell for the school break just rang and Izumi went out of the class to get his lunch. It has been 2 weeks since Tony Stark joined the Multiverse Chat Group. After he had watched the movies, he had lots of questions in regards to his future that was depicted in Ironman 3 that Izumi and the others answered. The Ironman soon left the chat to prepare for his fight with the Mandarin and Adrian Killian. Life was peaceful for Izumi at the moment, he had almost gathered all the points for his Dark Matter and he only needed 2 more weeks of his no-magic ban before being able to use his magic again. He has also been visiting Hori and her brother a lot this past 2 weeks while his mother teased him constantly about it. As he was getting his lunch, he crossed paths with Ishikawa Toru. Ever since Izumi took the purification and enhancement pill, he had grown as tall as 180 cm making him just a little taller than Toru.

"Hey Miyamura, can I talk to you?" he asked.

Izumi raised his eyebrow, Ishikawa has almost never engaged in a conversation with him.

'Why start now?' he thought.

"Sure, let me grab my lunch and we can go somewhere private." Izumi bought his lunch and they both went onto the roof which was deserted. they walked to the entrance and they both sat down and ate their lunch in silence. Izumi only waited for Ishikawa to start whatever he wanted to say in the uncomfortable silence until he ran out of patience.

"So what did you want to talk about," he asked. Ishikawa only started in front in deep thought when he, suddenly, asked,

"Are you and Hori-san dating?" Izumi stood there without an answer so he just went with what he thought since he knew why he asked.

"Why are you asking? Could it be that you like her?"

Ishikawa spit-take the juice he was drinking when he heard the question.

"W-What a-are you talking about?" he asked stuttering.

Izumi only tilted his head in confusion.

"No, I don't like her that way," Ishikawa said whipping his mouth.

'Well, this is a surprise.' Izumi thought.

"Then why ask that question?" the black-haired teen asked. Ishikawa sighed and replied,

"You know, I have known Hori for about a year. We met in middle school and became we're friends."

'This is different than what I know, but I suppose it's to be expected.' Izumi thought as he was hearing Ishikawa's story.

"Then high school started with a new style of life. On the first day of school, I saw you." the latter continued. Izumi grimaced,

"You're not going to confess to me, are you? I know I'm pretty and you seem like a good guy, but I don't play for the other team."

"WHAT! NO, SHUT UP! This is not a confession! Let me finish!" Ishikawa shouted. He coughed and continued.

"Anyway, I saw you introduced yourself and you had this whole vibe of dark and gloomy. So I decided to not approach you."

"Thanks," Izumi replied wrily. Ishikawa simply ignored it.

"Then afterwards the rumours about you started to appear. They said that you were dark, gloomy and some sort of weird otaku who likes to fantasize with small girl figurines."

'The hell? Was my appearance that bad? I have to do something about it. I mean what did I expect, I dress like that, it was bound to happen' Izumi internally cringed.

"So when I saw Hori getting closer to you, I'm sorry to say, but I was concerned."

"I see, so you wanted to confirm the rumours and whatever thoughts you have yourself. Right?"

Ishikawa nodded and looked at the sky.

"Yeah, you're right, but I'm glad I was wrong." He got up and patted his pants.

"That's why I won't interfere between you and Hori. You seem like a good guy so let's be friends," he said and extended his hand to Izumi. Izumi looked at his hand and grabbed it as he smiled.

'This Ishikawa Toru is not the jealous type. He's more like a brother type. An overprotective one." Izumi thought.

When Izumi got up, the atmosphere around Ishikawa suddenly darkened as his grip hardened.

"But if you hurt her, I will beat you up," he said with a threatening tone, but to Izumi, who faced life and death events, it was like a chihuahua barking at a huge dog.

"Sure, if you can," Izumi said as he also hardened his grip.

"Owowowow! Stop Miyamura! Stop!" Ishikawa yelled in pain and Izumi let go of his hand.

"How are you so strong?" the purple-haired boy said as he was blowing his swollen hand.

"I work out."

"But, you look so skinny." Izumi simply chuckled.

"I just wear baggy clothes."

Ishikawa let his hurting hand go and said,

"Then let me introduce myself once more. My name is Ishikawa Toru and let's be friends/ You can call me Toru" he said as he held out his other hand.

"Then, my name is Miyamura Izumi and you can call me Izumi, Toru." Izumi took Toru's other hand and shook it.

"Now let's go to class because the bell is about to ring," Toru said, but as soon as the word left his mouth, a voice was heard.

"What are you guys doing here?" Both boys turned around and saw Hori leaning on the door of the rooftop access.

" We just had the start of our new friendship Hori," replied Ishikawa as he wrapped his arm around the taller boy. Hori started to walk toward the boys and she said,

"Well I'm glad you too got to meet, but class is about to start and I don't want you to be late. Come on Miyamura-kun." without hesitation, she grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Toru only offered a helpless smile to Izumi before going back to class. The rest of the day passed normally and soon the school day ended. Today, Izumi decided that he was going to help his mom at the cake shop since he finished all his homework.

As he reached home, he changed his clothes and put on the cake shop's uniform and went to the shop.

"Hey, Mom, I'm here" Izumi called out as he entered the cakery.

"Ah! I-kun. Come and get ready," replied his mother who was in the middle of baking a cake.

"All right," Izumi said.

He rolled his sleeves back, put on an apron and went to work. Using. his years of knowledge, he went to make a chocolate cake called the Devil's food. Izumi has always liked working at the shop. The calm and peaceful atmosphere helped him relax even if he was the one working. After 1 hour of work, he finished touching up the decorations on the chocolate cake when the bells tingled at the entrance announcing the arrival of a potential customer.

Izumi washed his hands and went out to the front to greet the customer. However, as soon as he passed the doors of the backroom. He was hit with a strong wave of power. Izumi stopped and tensed at the power. The power was nothing he ever encountered. The comforting aura that makes you feel safe, he could only describe one thing: Holy. Getting on his guard, he brought his Personal Reality and started producing Dark Matter. Since Dark Matter particles are elementary particles, it meant that they are as small as electrons and protons. A bonus is that since it wasn't magically produced, magically aware people would not be able to sense it. He walked out in the front and saw the source of the holy aura.

A man was standing there looking through the options on the cake menu. He was a tall man with blond hair and green eyes. He also wore priest clothes, but Izumi assumed that they were exorcist clothes. Even without activating his magic circuits, Izumi could sense the well of his power. Masking his expression and putting on a smile, he asked, in English,

"Hello sir, how may I help you?"

The man smiled at the teen and replied,

"Hi, I heard rumours about this place and came to buy some sweets from here. What are your recommendations?"

"We have the cheesecake and the strawberry cake that are famous in this shop. We also have samples that you can try." Izumi replied showing the samples.

"Oh! Then I'll try one." the man replied. He took a piece of cheesecake from the sample platter and ate it. Not a second later, he moaned in delight.

'That sounded so wrong,' Izumi thought as he heard the man moaning.

"This is so good! Who made these?" he asked sparkles shining in his eyes.

"My mom made these sir," Izumi replied feeling proud.

"Then tell your mother that it would be lovely to meet her." Izumi narrowed his eyes at that.

"You're not trying to court her or something are you?" he asked.

"What! Nonono! I simply wanted to express my joy at this sweet she made." he said waving his hands in front in denial.

"Izumi, is something wrong?" the voice of Izumi's mother.

"Nothing mom. There is just someone who wanted to speak to you." Izumi replied.

His mother came out of the back to see the man still enjoying his sample when he noticed the woman.

"Ah! Was it you who made these samples?" he rapidly asked.

"Yes I made it," she replied smiling.

"Well, this is simply exquisite! Simply marvellous! Ever since I came to Japan, this is the first cake shop that was this good. It might be even better than some in Italy!" Iori put her hand on her cheek and waved at him.

"Now I think you are exaggerating. We are just a simple cake shop," she said flattered by the compliments.

"So what brings you here in this area?" asks Izumi's mom. The teen turned his attention towards the man.

"Oh! I just have a business at the local church."

'A business? A person of his strength does not simply have a business. Did I miss something in the area?' thought Izumi.

"So what would you like from here?" asked his mom.

"Since these were so delicious. I will take a piece of everything." The man suddenly said.

"Everything?" Izumi asked in surprise.

"Everything." the man confirmed.

"Ok then, but may I ask your name?" asked Iori.

"Oh! How rude of me! My name is Dulio Gesualdo." the man introduced himself. That's when Izumi remembered. The man in front of him was one of the strongest humans on the planet. he also had the title of "The Strongest Exorcist" because of his prowess and his mastery over his sacred gear: Zenith Tempest. This sacred gear is a high-class Longinus that has the potential to destroy the world. It had the ability to control the weather and the elements of fire, water, earth, air, lightning and ice.

'Damn, something is going to happen here if this kind of person is here. I better check out soon before it's too late.' Izumi thought. Izumi snapped out of his thought when he heard the voice of his mother.

"Here you go, Mr. Gesualdo. It will be 8000 yen."

"Thanks, you can just put it on the Church's tab," he said jovially after handing a card.

'Is this going to be okay? Won't heaven ask him questions? Spending close to 10000 yen on sweets is a bit much.' Izumi sweatdropped as he handed the sweets to the man.

"Thank you and have a nice day." called out Iori.

"You too ma'am and also you kid," Dulio replied. Izumi waved and without the man noticing, the teen sent some of his Dark Matter and fused it with his clothes. Ever since he gained [Dark Matter], he also gained the passive ability to sense every particle of his Dark Matter. Fortunately, he could turn it off otherwise he would have headaches because of information overload. Imagine sensing every particle the size of electrons and protons, it would be really troublesome.

Soon, it was time for Izumi to go home. Leaving the shop, he went home. It was already nighttime and his mother left before in the evening leaving him to man the shop. As he was walking, he suddenly felt a sweet nauseating smell. It was also accompanied by a disgusting feeling. Izumi recognized it. It was the smell of demonic energy. Devils were here and they felt quite strong!