
The bone doctor

running for your life as she runs and runs faster than ever before getting away from her abusive boyfriend. She turns in side a building and runs to the top and trips off the building. Rushing to the hospital, She doesn't know her name when she wakes up. She says," Where am I? Where's my boyfriend at? Who are you people?" The bone doctor says go to sleep. As she wakes up and sees her boyfriend, She says," Where am I? I'm glad your here." Her boyfriend said," I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to keep hurting you." She cried that night as she falls sleep and wakes up again. She ask," What is this place?." The Bone doctor said," This place is my bone hospital. What is your name sweetheart?" She said," Which city is this?. My name is not important." The bone doctor said," Yes your name is important thats what we do here. Were animals trying to find out why your not an animal? This is called ZOO Walker City. What is your name?" " My name is Scarlet. How did I come here? I have no where to stay and no way to pay my hospital fee." The bone doctor said," Than get out of here. you must have money or else you can't be here. But you broken a lot of bones, Wait until your healed before walking out." As she falls asleep again, She wakes up to the real world. The nurse said,"You are released early you healed up just fine." Scarlet said," How did I heal up so quick?." The nurse said," Sweetheart im sorry but its been 5 years and you owe no money cause your family covered it all." Scarlet said," Wow! I didn't know that. What about my job?." The nurse said," Your job is not around anymore. your not welcome back." Than someone she knew walked in and said," I'm sorry for how I treated you. Its me I broken your heart when I should of been their for you." Scarlett knew that voice but he looked different so does she touching her face in the mirror." Than he said," Your famas now. Don't forget your a Utuber. I kept your Utube skills alive on the show to keep the viewers entertained to repay you." Scarlett said," Stop coming to see me. You didn't have to do that." Scarlett sleeps again and wakes up to the bone doctor. The bone doctor said," Where have you been?." Scarlett said," I been here the whole time." The bone doctor said," ok your werid. Here's a place to stay and explore the city. I'm hiring you to be a cleaner." Scarlett said," How much do you pay?" The bone doctor said," We pay by breaking your bones." Scarlett said," What!!!! Why?!?" The bone doctor said," I'm just messing with you. We pay 15 bucks an hour." Scarlett said," Can I be a famas Utuber instead?" The bone doctor said," Whats a Utuber? and we never had one before." Scarlett said," Than why do you all have phones?" The bone doctor said," We have phones to call and text each other." Scarlett went and said goodbye to the bone doctor, walking to her apartment. Scarlett began uploading a video that night of her dancing in cheerleading moves. Scarlett sleeps and wakes up again. "Scarlett wake up its time for you to find a job. says her best friend.