
Vanished / Tears

[Holly POV]


"What the hell is this thing"

I took out the device that was in my pocket.

I noticed that the switch and gone from off to on and wondered how that happen as the last time I had it, it was turned off


I didn't have time to think about it.

The last time I saw Mom she had lost a lot of blood

so I need to call an ambulance

I pulled out my phone


brrr brrr brrr

"Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency"

"uhh my family got into a really bad car crash, I need an ambulance immediately, my mother has lost a lot of blood"

"And where are you right now"

"I'm on Gale Street"

"That's pretty far out it might take some time for an ambulance it reach you, do you also need any police officers on the scene?"

"No I don't think so"

"Ok honey, I need you to stay on the lin~"

I hung up right after that

I needed to go check if the other people in the other car were ok.

I crossed the street and noticed that the car was also in a ditch.

I climbed down and slowly got closer to the car.

"Are you ok?"

I asked but heard no response, I then got closer

"Hello can you hear me"

When I called them and asked if they were ok I again got no response.

The car was flipped upside down.

I approached the car.

When I reached the side of the car, I bent down and looked into the car.


As I looked inside the car I noticed no one was inside.

The door had been closed and there didn't seem to be any signs of someone trying to get out on purpose, there were also no footprints surrounding the car which made it even weirder because the ground was kinda muddy, so anyone trying to leave the scene would have at least left some footprints.

5 Minutes Later


The ambulance had arrived

I got out of the ditch and called them over to where Mom and Aiden were.

I climbed down the ditch and approached our car.

I went to Mom's side first when I noticed.


I started to cry in Mom's arms, I shook her trying to wake her up but nothing would come out.

"Please let this be a dream"

I moved my hands left and right, getting rid of the tears was pointless. The tears that were falling on the ground giving life to vegetation around us, were tears made from death. No matter how many times I rubbed my eyes, tears continued to fall,

"Plea~e Mo~m, Pl~ese, d~on't be go~ne"

Flashbacks of my happiest moments with her were going around my head.

These moments didn't seem to matter to me much seeing as I could create new ones but now. The moments I had with her, I would never experience again.

I got up to see if Aiden was ok.

I ran across the car tumbling along the way, while still crying.

When I reached his side I dropped to the grown and shook his shoulders.



I continued to say his name while shaking him to see if he was ok.

The paramedics were right behind me.

"Girl, stand back"

They were about to move me when Aiden finally woke up

"AIDEN, M~om is gon~e"

He shook his head indicating he knew she had passed

I couldn't expect it

I grabbed Aiden and started crying on his shoulders

When the paramedics grabbed me and told me to get back I saw that Aiden had passed out

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