
sleep again

I looked at my alarm clock it was only 1:27am.

I turned over to sleep again wondering if he'll be in my dreams again. But all of a sudden i could feel a strong pull, i close my eyes in terrier. then a cold wind hit me, and some how i was no longer in my bed

I spun around as a voice shattered the stillness of the night air, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I was running as fast as i could through the woods not knowing were i was going there was no further sounds anywhere, so I stood still in the clearing, looking around myself, taking it in. For some reason, I couldn't shake the feeling that the location was familiar to me.

the trees are swayed in the wind there was beautiful beams of lights going across the sky and stars shining brighter than I've ever seen before. It was easily the most beautiful setting I'd ever seen, and as I stated climbing the rocky path, I come to a stop And as always there he stood looking towards the sky, in a daze.

i always felt a pull towards him like i was supposed to be there with him,