

(Currently Remaking) Firstly, let me say that I am writing for fun and this may or may not be finished, and also that this is my first time writing a fan-fiction! I look forward to it and well... don't judge me, haha... ok well, to the actual synopsis... Our main character, who's old name we shall keep veiled in mystery, was hit clichédly by the legendary Truck-kun and is reincarnated into his new world... The Central World (Tensura)! After death, he woke up to pitch blackness, and when confronted by what we can only assume is a ROB, he spins a wheel which determines how many wishes he can receive, before finally spinning for his wishes itself... and the world.. which well, we already know.

Zelphyr · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue: What Is Luck Anymore?

Walking down the road, I was reading a fanfiction on my phone, using the best website/app for it that there is (ahem*), when suddenly a... cat passed by my feet, making me trip and hit my head right into a streetlamp, and ahh... of course the cat is of black color.

"Ouch, damn it!" I groan, looking around and find that the black cat is strutting down the sidewalk the same way that I had just previously come from, "Damn cats, always spreading that bad luck around... even though I do love animals, cats especially..."

Rubbing my pounding head, I start to walk again, crossing the road safely before beginning to read my novel once more, when once again suddenly, I feel a hard metal against my spine, alongside a husky male voice saying, "Give me all the cash you have and don't turn around or I'll shoot you dead right here!"

Fear creeping into my voice, I respond, "All right, okay, just know it's not going to be much okay...?", I put my hand into my back pocket and pull out my wallet, only for him to snatch it quickly from me and run into an alleyway, disappearing into the night's darkness, never to be seen by me again.

"What the fuck is happening?!" I exclaim remorsefully, "This bad luck just because of a black cat?" I sigh, before throwing my hands up in frustration and continuing to walk the sidewalk again, to my destination- home.

"Well, at least this app never fails me..." I say with a dumb grin on my face, reading my novel and putting one foot in front of the other, moving slowly and mechanically.

"Hey dude! You on the phone grinning like an idiot, get out of the way quickly!" I hear another random male voice yell at who I am guessing would be me...

I look up and instinctively jumping backwards two steps, I just barely dodge a zooming car which crashes into a gas station, causing a chain of explosions that affect the surrounding area...

"What the- wow, that was a close- oh!" I jump forward, doing a roll along with it as I dodge a falling telephone pole that completely destroys the road that of which I was previously standing at.

Sighing and breathing heavily in exhaustion and disbelief at these miraculously crazy turn of events, completely unfortunate... yet slightly lucky number of encounters that I am experiencing, I turn to my left as I see a strange source of light that was getting ever so closer and feel my pupils dilate when...

Luck finally stops going my way, and I feel the incredibly thunderous impact of a truck slamming into my entire body, killing me off completely in a matter of seconds; my last thoughts in this life were, "Well, at least it was a truck, right?"

I wrote this all in one sitting, I barely proof-read it.. and uh, well... let's just say that I like periods... and it only took me around thirty minutes to an hour to make this prologue.

Zelphyrcreators' thoughts