
Dreambound: The Veiled Reality

Li Yanmei has a rare gift—the power to enter and shape the dreams of others. But in a world where dreams are more than mere illusions, this gift comes with a great responsibility. She joins the Midnight Society, a secret society of dream guardians who protect the delicate fabric of slumber from the forces of darkness. Under the guidance of Yue, a mysterious and wise mentor, Li Yanmei learns to master her gift and explore the wonders and dangers of the dream realm. She forms strong bonds with her fellow guardians, each with their own secrets and struggles. Together, they face the challenges and perils of their mission, while unraveling the mysteries of their own destinies. But a dark prophecy loom over the Midnight Society, threatening to shatter the balance between dreams and reality. A sinister enemy seeks to corrupt the dreams of the innocent, turning their deepest desires into nightmares. Li Yanmei must confront her own fears and doubts, as well as the shadows that lurk in the fringes of the dreamscape. "Dreambound: The Veiled Reality" is a captivating young adult fantasy novel that blends the magic of dreams with a gripping tale of suspense, friendship, and self-discovery. Will Li Yanmei be able to overcome the darkness that threatens to destroy the dream realm? Join her on this thrilling adventure, where dreams are the gateway to an extraordinary journey beyond the waking world.

Gongzi_Qi · Urban
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11 Chs

Little Treasure

Li Yanmei sat at her desk, subconsciously spinning a pen as she read her Engineering Mathematics textbook carefully.

The soft glow of the desk lamp illuminated the room, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Determination flickered in her eyes as she delved into the world of algebra, determined to master its intricacies.

With a pencil in hand, Li Yanmei meticulously worked through each problem, starting from the basics.

She understood the importance of building a solid foundation.

Sharpening the axe wouldn't make the wood-splitting take longer, would it?

It might take more time—it would definitely be a painstaking process—but Li Yanmei knew that it's better to grasp the principles behind the formulas rather than merely memorizing them.

Another problem solved.

Li Yanmei held the draft paper and checked her answer against the textbook.

A triumphant smile graced her lips as she confirmed, "Nice, I got it right!"

Feeling a surge of confidence, she eagerly moved on to the next problem.

As the days passed, Li Yanmei remained steadfast in dedicating most of her time and effort to mastering algebra.

She spent hours each day, her mind focused and eager to unravel the mysteries of equations and variables.

She refused to rush through the material, knowing that a solid understanding would enable her to tackle more complex mathematical concepts in the future.

In her pursuit of mathematical knowledge, Li Yanmei sought real-life applications for the algebraic principles she learned.

She drew upon examples from her immediate surroundings, transforming abstract concepts into tangible scenarios.

The days fell into a rhythm, a harmonious blend of studying, family time, and household chores.

Li Yanmei relished in the routine, finding solace in the simplicity of her daily life.

She embraced the responsibility of maintaining a clean and tidy home, taking pride in each dish she washed and every floor she swept.

Evenings brought a sense of anticipation as Li Yanmei prepared for her nightly journey into the dream realm.

Ever since her initial encounter with Yue, she had yearned for another meeting, another chance to delve into the wonders of the dreamscapes.

But as the nights passed, Yue remained elusive, her presence a mere whisper in Li Yanmei's memories.

Undeterred, Li Yanmei ventured into her dreamscape, armed with her newfound knowledge of algebra.

The dream world unfolded before her, a surreal landscape filled with geometric shapes, swirling equations, and infinite possibilities.

It was a realm where mathematical concepts came alive, where she could apply the principles that she had painstakingly learned during the day.

Within the dreamscape, Li Yanmei found herself confronted with intricate puzzles and mathematical challenges.

She embraced the opportunity to test her understanding, to manipulate equations and variables in ways that defied the constraints of the waking world.

Each dream became a canvas upon which she could paint with the brushstrokes of algebra, unraveling the mysteries that lay hidden within the dream realm.

Tonight, however, the surreal kaleidoscope of geometric shapes that had consumed Li Yanmei's vision dissipated like mist, giving way to an unfamiliar and captivating realm.

Her eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the opulent surroundings of the room she now found herself in.

Yet, what truly left her breathless was the abundance of panda plushies that adorned every available space, their presence both whimsical and overwhelming.

"Wow!" Li Yanmei's voice escaped in a hushed breath, filled with wonder and intrigue.

She extended her hand towards the nearest panda plushie, only to be met with the ethereal sensation of her fingers passing through the plush fabric.

With a casual shrug, Li Yanmei decided to venture further into this peculiar place, her curiosity propelling her forward.

As she traversed the lavish corridors, she couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur that enveloped her.

However, she dismissed any sense of unease, attributing the extravagance to the vivid imaginings of an anonymous dreamer.

"I wonder if I'm alone here..." Li Yanmei's voice echoed through the air, the words hanging delicately.

And just as she voiced her query aloud, her gaze fell upon another plushie, perched comfortably on the couch, its fluffy head turned away from her.

On the television screen, a captivating documentary about wildlife preservation unfolded, showcasing scientists delving into the intricacies of mathematical models used to estimate the population size and growth rate of endangered species.

"Pfft! A panda watching scientists explain the population size and growth rate of endangered species. How amusing!" Li Yanmei chuckled softly to herself, savoring the irony of the moment.

At the instance her voice fell, the seemingly stationary panda, once mistaken for a lifeless plushie, swiveled its head in Li Yanmei's direction.

The abrupt movement jolted her heart, causing it to leap into her throat, and instinctively, she took a hesitant step back.

To her astonishment, the "panda plushie" grabbed the remote control and paused the documentary.

It then rose from its seated position to face Li Yanmei directly; its voice, bearing a childlike innocence, pierced the air as it curiously inquired, "Who are you?"

Li Yanmei's surprise lingered momentarily.

It had been quite some time since she had encountered another person inside the dreamscape.

However, she swiftly regained her composure, the sparkle of intrigue dancing in her eyes.

It soon became evident that the "panda plushie" was, in fact, an adorable child donning a snug panda onesie.

This delightful revelation elicited a warm smile from Li Yanmei.

With gentle affection, she cooed, "My name is Li Yanmei! And what might be your name, cutie pie?"

A delicate blush painted the child's cheeks, his face reflecting an endearing shyness in response to Li Yanmei's affectionate words.

With hesitant steps, he closed the distance between them, extending a plush panda paw in a gesture of introduction.

His voice, filled with youthful innocence, resonated through the air as he shared, "Mommy and Daddy call me Xiao Bao."

As Li Yanmei beheld this adorable sight, her heart melted into a tender concoction of warmth and adoration.

The "little treasure" standing before her exuded an irresistible charm, captivating her every sense.

For a fleeting moment, Li Yanmei's immersion in the dreamscape caused her to overlook her own limitations.

Ignoring the fact that she couldn't normally touch solid objects within this realm, she instinctively extended her hand, closing the gap between them.

Her fingertips brushed against the soft, fluffy texture of Xiao Bao's paw, a sensation she hadn't anticipated.

"Oh!" A dawning realization washed over Li Yanmei, evoking a mixture of surprise and delight.

It seemed that in this extraordinary realm, she had the ability to not only interact with Yue but other people as well.

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