
Dreambound: The Veiled Reality

Li Yanmei has a rare gift—the power to enter and shape the dreams of others. But in a world where dreams are more than mere illusions, this gift comes with a great responsibility. She joins the Midnight Society, a secret society of dream guardians who protect the delicate fabric of slumber from the forces of darkness. Under the guidance of Yue, a mysterious and wise mentor, Li Yanmei learns to master her gift and explore the wonders and dangers of the dream realm. She forms strong bonds with her fellow guardians, each with their own secrets and struggles. Together, they face the challenges and perils of their mission, while unraveling the mysteries of their own destinies. But a dark prophecy loom over the Midnight Society, threatening to shatter the balance between dreams and reality. A sinister enemy seeks to corrupt the dreams of the innocent, turning their deepest desires into nightmares. Li Yanmei must confront her own fears and doubts, as well as the shadows that lurk in the fringes of the dreamscape. "Dreambound: The Veiled Reality" is a captivating young adult fantasy novel that blends the magic of dreams with a gripping tale of suspense, friendship, and self-discovery. Will Li Yanmei be able to overcome the darkness that threatens to destroy the dream realm? Join her on this thrilling adventure, where dreams are the gateway to an extraordinary journey beyond the waking world.

Gongzi_Qi · Urban
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11 Chs

Dual Existence

Li Yanmei's senses slowly returned to the present, her mind still reeling from the ethereal encounter she had just experienced.

With trembling hands, she gingerly reached out and took hold of the envelope, its presence in her grasp a tangible reminder of the extraordinary path she had chosen.

As her fingertips brushed against the smooth surface, a sense of unreality washed over her. It was as if she was suspended between two worlds, connected by this small, mysterious object.

Caressing the plum blossom-shaped seal with her right thumb, she marveled at its delicate craftsmanship, the intricate details etched into its surface.

Suddenly, a burst of brilliant light erupted from the seal, blinding Li Yanmei momentarily.

"Ah!" She shielded her eyes, feeling the warmth and energy emanating from the radiant glow.

Slowly, as the light subsided, she peeked through her fingers, adjusting to the dimmer surroundings.

To her astonishment, the seal had vanished, leaving no trace of its existence.

Li Yanmei blinked, trying to make sense of the bizarre event.

Had it all been a figment of her imagination? Or was it a testament to the extraordinary powers that awaited her?

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself and turned her attention to the envelope.

Her eyes traced the elegant contours of each character written upon it, each stroke filled with a sense of purpose and ancient wisdom.

The letters seemed to move and vibrate with a life of their own, as if they contained the secrets of a world beyond understanding.

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, Li Yanmei carefully unfurled the letter, her gaze fixated on the contents within.

The words seemed to leap off the page, beckoning her to delve deeper into the mysteries they held.

She knew that within these pages lay the path she was meant to walk, the destiny intertwined with the Midnight Society and the realm of dreams.

Her eyes scanned the words, absorbing their significance.

A surge of emotions coursed through her as she read the invitation, the weight of its purpose settling upon her shoulders.

It was an invitation to embark on a journey beyond the realms of the ordinary, to become a guardian of dreams, a protector of the forgotten.

Li Yanmei's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

The doubts that had plagued her before now seemed trivial in the face of this calling.

The path ahead would be challenging, fraught with dangers and uncertainties, but she knew deep within that she had the strength to rise to the occasion.

"This is my destiny," Li Yanmei whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I will embrace the unknown, walk the path of dreams, and protect the fragile threads that connect our slumbering souls."

With those words, Li Yanmei folded the letter carefully and tucked it back into the envelope, holding it close to her heart.

She knew that this was only the beginning, that her journey would be filled with trials and revelations beyond her wildest imaginings.

But she was ready to step into the realm of dreams, to face the darkness that threatened to consume them, and to discover the boundless power that resided within her.

With newfound purpose and resolve, she took a deep breath and laid back down on her bed with a brilliant smile plastered on her face. This time, she fell into a dreamless slumber.

The next morning...

Li Yanmei's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through her curtains.

A sense of tranquility washed over her as she stretched, feeling a renewed energy coursing through her veins.

Today felt different, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

Excited to start the day, Li Yanmei did her morning routine with a spring in her step.

She cleaned her face, brushed her teeth, and neatly tied her long, black hair into a ponytail. Going down the stairs, the smell of a familiar Chinese breakfast filled the air, tempting her senses.

"Good morning, Meimei!" her mother greeted, a bright smile on her face as she arranged the table. "You look very happy today."

Li Yanmei returned the smile, feeling the happiness radiating from her mother. "Yes, Mom, I feel great. It's a wonderful day, isn't it?"

Her mother nodded, setting bowls of steaming congee and plates of savory Chinese dumplings on the table. "It sure is. Breakfast is ready. Call your dad and Ah Zhen so they can eat before they leave."

"Okay, Mom. I'll go get them." Li Yanmei went upstairs, humming a tune under her breath.

The wooden steps creaked softly beneath her feet, echoing in the quiet hallway.

"Dad, breakfast is ready," Li Yanmei called out as she knocked lightly on the door of her father's study.

There was a brief pause before her father's deep voice responded, "Thank you, Meimei. I'll be right down."

Satisfied with his response, Li Yanmei continued her journey to her brother Yanzhen's room.

The door was slightly ajar, and she pushed it open gently to find him still fast asleep, his tousled hair peeking out from beneath the blanket.

"Brother, wake up! You're gonna be late!" Li Yanmei urged; her voice filled with a playful tone. "Breakfast is waiting."

Li Yanzhen stirred, rubbing his eyes groggily. "Huh? Breakfast? Oh, right."

He sat up, stretching his arms above his head, and glanced at the clock on his nightstand.

"Oh shoot! Tell mom and dad to eat first. Don't wait for me. I'll be down in a hot minute!"

Watching as his brother run around his room like a busy bee, Li Yanmei laughed lightly for a bit before she considerately closed the door and went downstairs with Father Li, who had just emerged from the study.

"Where's Ah Zhen?" Mother Li asked when she only saw her husband and daughter entering the kitchen. "Didn't he say he'll need to go to the site early today?"

"Yup! He just woke up." Li Yanmei took her seat and put a dumpling on her bowl with her chopsticks. "He said not to wait for him."

Mother Li just shook her head at that, then sat next to her husband.

As they enjoyed their breakfast together, the flavors of the warm congee and fragrant dumplings danced upon Li Yanmei's taste buds.

The familiar taste brought back memories of countless mornings spent in their family's embrace, a sense of comfort that anchored her amidst the ever-changing world.

Soon, Father Li finished his meal and rose from the table, preparing to head to work. "Take care, Honey. You too, Meimei. I'll get going first."

After giving his wife a goodbye kiss, Father Li left for his duties, leaving Li Yanmei and her mother alone at the table.

Li Yanzhen soon followed suit, rushing out the door for his internship without eating his breakfast.

It was in these quiet moments that Li Yanmei felt the weight of her secret, the hidden world of dreams and the Midnight Society that awaited her.

As Li Yanmei washed the dishes, her mind was consumed with thoughts of her dual existence.

She understood the importance of keeping her newfound calling as a dream guardian hidden from her family, at least for now.

The time would come when she would reveal the truth, but for now, she would protect them from the shadows that lurked within the dream realm.

Once the dishes were neatly stacked, Li Yanmei returned to her study materials, ready to immerse herself in her board exam preparations.

As she delved into the complex equations and theories, a sense of purpose fueled her determination. She would conquer both the waking world and the realm of dreams, fulfilling her responsibilities to both.

With each passing day, Li Yanmei's understanding of her own potential grew, her desire to protect the forgotten dreams strengthening.

She knew that her journey would be arduous, but she was willing to sacrifice and persevere.

For now, her focus remained on her studies and her family, enjoying the peaceful moments before the dreams would summon her again.

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