
Dream World Creation System

Jee Yon is a regular boy, after the death of his parents, he was under the care of his maternal Grandfather, who was a famous person, for having 3 skills, Jee Won however, only had one, World Creation System - However, he never really took it seriously, since he can only use it while he's asleep. So he always thought it was a dream. However, it all changed when he was caught in a accident, andspent 2 and a half years in a coma.

KojiroHineri · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Back to sleep - Skill Evolution requirements.

As I stood on my room, my head was filled with everything that had happened that day.

For someone who was used to counting specks of dust to pass the time, having this much stuff happen in a single day was really absurd.

But at the same time, it felt good having connected with my grandfather like I did. It was something I wouldn't even think about back then. And also, the feeling of being missed, being cared about...It was such a long time since I've felt any of those.

But I also had a lot to do. A lot of responsibilities were thrown at me all at once. My skill was not something to take lightly, it was real, and so were the repercussions of me using it. 

Not only that, but similar skills were out there, somewhere, and it was causing the world I lived in, to become overlapped with other worlds... Could the world's I've created also have that effect on someone else's world?

It was too much... And, for once, I was tired...

Can't remember the last time I was ever tired. But, was it okay to fall asleep? Would I be able to come back? I did had the "Force Awake" skill, but... Would I cause more pain to the worlds I've created if I went back to sleep? Would I cause more harm? And what about this world...

The tiredness was hitting me hard, It was getting harder and harder to focus, my eyes, felt sooo heavy... that sometimes they would close without me noticing...

Something is wrong...

I think...

I'm falling...



Welcome Jee Yon, since you've have used a forced awakening, would you like to return to the world you were working on?

I've fallen asleep... How did I? Was I really that much tired? But... I was glad for one thing, the world that allowed me to wake up, was still there.

-Yes, please continue the world.

The second I said that, the system window flashed, and took on a light form, similar to mine. I knew instantly, my second ego had also integrated with the system on this side of my skill.

-So that's why my mind has been so quiet?

-Yes, the integration was still underway, the progress rate was slow while we were awake, once you went to sleep, the integration skyrocketed.

He was way more talkative than usual, maybe it was because of the system integration.

-Just for the record... You never did named me. So you can call me Duo from now on.

-Duo? Okay... You feel, different somehow.

-The system is a concept that was created in your subconscious, it holded a great deal of your instincts, emotions, and many other concepts that were outside of my knowledge, I was only a copy of your visible ego, once the system integrated with me, a pseudo personality was given. It's not a perfect copy, but I can at least interact better with you now. 

And with a wave of his hand, a lot of screens showed up all around us

-Not just with you, I can now help you interact with the system on a more complete and easier way. I also found out that, as powerful as this skill is, most of it is blocked by outside interference. Here, let me show you in a way you can understand.

   -World Creation System - Registered User: Jee Won.

   -User access level - 2/5

   -User access to higher functions are currently locked due to dimensional interference

-What? So... All of my skills only amount to 40% of the system?

-Yes, basically that's it. When I integrated with the system, a lot of functions were released, but not fully released, so, I don't think however is interfering with your skill, knew about our dual thought processing skill. But that's not the important issue right now. There is more that I wanted to show you.

A window popped up in front of me, with a lot of the skills from the achievements, and I could see that some were still underway, but I could see what the skill would be once completed.

What got my attention however, was a new message box in some of the skills.

    - Skill Evolution Requirements -

-It looks like some of the skills we get here, can be evolved in our own world, however, I have no idea on how to do it. The only one that evolved so far, was the Dual Thought process, it was thanks to it leveling up that the integration with the system went perfectly. Casanova is also on the verge of evolving for some reason.

Please, dont...Casanova, you can stay the way you are, please.

But there were several skills I really wanted to evolve out of the ones I've got. 

-We can look at it later. First, we need to fix some stuff on this world. Before we went back to our world, this Earth was in the middle of a spatial revolution. And Mars was almost at its limit on how much life it could hold. What happened?

-You can see it here. 

A screen was showing a Earth filled with lushfull green forests, and circled by spatial colonies, Mars was also filled with colonies, and most of his moons were all filled with artificial environments. 

-The people from this solar system, they worked together, and are using the Earth as a huge farm, while focusing on stellar colonies, this way, they have more "space" to grow into.

-DONNTTTT....Dont do that joke, please... It's enough to handle grandfather in our world, don't need someone pulling lame jokes here as well.

While looking at the screens, it did seem like everything was going okay, the solar system was filled life, the problem was, they were nearing the edge of what I had created. If they went over the edge, to found out that the stars they see at a distance are nothing but a fleeting light... I don't know what they would do... And to make matters worse, time moved so much faster for them, that one day awaken, had already evolved them to this point.

-Do time stay still if we save the file and go back to our world? By waking up?

-That...No, actually, time keeps on going, the save file is only for a blueprint of the universe, to locate the universe we create, we just never noticed it, since there were never sentient life forms on the worlds we created before. So, this world will keep on existing, even while we are awake, it will keep moving forward long after we stop watching over it. As did every world before this one. The "World" in our skill, is not referring to the planet itself, It's just another way to say "Realm", what our skill does, is create different realms of existence. 

-So, there's a realm out there, were the only thing that exists is a black piece of rock shaped like a dog's turd?

-Unfortunately, yes... And one in the shape of our kindergarten teacher, and one in the shape of Kam** R***r b*ack, one in the shape of a katana...

-Okay, okay, I got it, I did a lot of bad things in the past.

-Like the one shaped like a evil eye that spills lava from the wound on it's iris? That you called, "The forbidden eye of truth".

-Stop. I get it. Okay. Can we please focus on this one from now on? Since you integrated with the system, can you auto-save the file, so we won't lose the coordinates for this universe?

-Already done. What else?

-First, lets create a few galaxies, it should be easier now, to start them off, that's all we need to do right? Set the elements for creation, and allow chaos and casualty to do the rest?

-Yes, they won't develop has fast as it would if we were keeping watch, but they should develop.

-Okay, let's make them as far away from this solar system as possible, that way, it will take some time for them to reach new stars.

And with that in mind, we spent a few weeks setting the groundworks for new stars, planets, comets, and everything else that a universe should have. If I was to be responsible for the realms I create, I should at least make it so they could survive after I was gone.

After all, if I left them as they were, once they reached the end of the solar system that I've had created, they would drive into a void, without any resources, and someday, all the resources on the planets that I've had created, would die out, their star would burst, and this would be a dead realm.

As many of the ones that I've created surelly are now.

Once I realized the groundwork for the new resources were good, I woke up. My grandfather was sleeping nearby. It seems like he went to check up on me, and fell asleep on the couch near my bed.

I couldn't blame him. It must have been hard for him, to lose another family member, but... I dont think that's the only reason.

His new skill, gave him the ability to divinate the future, and it was not a bright one...

If my skill could somehow change that future, I would be more than happy to do so. Maybe by doing so, I could learn more, about who was tampering with my world, who gave us all skills, and why.

There's no way such a coincident would happen, my grandfather getting just the correct skill to see how much my skill can interfere with the future, it was too much, someone did this, and I would find out who that someone was.

No matter what, that way, maybe I could make some sense of everything that has happened to me so far, and to those around me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'm still quite new to writing novels, and english is not my mother language.

So please let me know if you think the story is fun to read.

Also, if anyone can draw me a cover page, I have 0 skills in drawing, so I would appreciate if someone offered a cover design for my work.

I'll try to keep a steady chapter flow, I'll try to make it at least one chapter per day for as long as I can!

KojiroHinericreators' thoughts