
Dream-Weaver System

The story follows the protagonist, Max, as he discovers that he has been imbued with the Dream Weaver System, which allows him to enter the dream world. Max, who was previously an orphan, is now able to enter different parallel worlds and timelines and gather information and resources from them. However, he is not aware of the full extent of his abilities and struggles to figure out the full capabilities of the Dream Weaver System.

ThunderDoodle · Fantasy
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82 Chs

9. Identity Crisis

I couldn't help but feel a combination of emotions as I set out for the village. Excitement, apprehension, and a tinge of regret. For the past few weeks, I had become accustomed to the cabin, and the forest had become my home. But it was time to go on and see what the rest of the world had to offer.

I inhaled deeply and began my journey. The forest was dense, and the path was not always clear, but I had gotten very good at navigating the region. I kept my map open, and I could see the red dots that represented the enemies all around me. I knew I needed to be cautious and avoid them as much as possible.

I walked for hours, avoiding opponents by taking detours and going carefully. The sun was high in the sky, and the sun was scorching. I came to a halt to rest and sip some water. I checked my status and discovered that my Dream Essence was nearly depleted. I knew I had to be careful with my skill usage because the Dream Essence replenishment speed is quite slow.

As I continued my quest, I came across a tiny brook. I decided to follow it in the hopes of finding the village. The stream provided a good reprieve from the heat, and I relished the feel of cool water on my feet. I felt a twinge of hunger as I noticed some fish swimming in the stream. I decided to catch some fish for dinner.

I wandered all day, and as the sun began to drop, I came to a small open in the jungle. I opted to pitch my tent for the night. I started a small fire and cooked some of the fish I had caught with me. I ate my meal and then went to bed, tired yet satisfied.

I awoke early the next morning to continue my trek. The forest seemed different in the morning; the colors were brighter, and the air was cleaner. I wandered for hours until I saw the edge of the forest as the sun rose high in the sky. I could see the village in the distance, and my heart started racing. I'd made it.

I couldn't help but feel relieved as I got closer to the village. I'd been living in the woods for several weeks and was ready for some interaction with people. The settlement was enclosed by a timber wall, with soldiers stationed on the ramparts.

As I approached the village gates, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. After weeks of isolation in the forest, the prospect of finally interacting with people again was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. The village was protected by a tall timber wall, with guards stationed on the ramparts surveying the incoming traffic.

As I joined the line of merchants and travelers waiting to enter the village, I noticed that each person was showing some sort of identification to the guard before being allowed to pass. My heart sank as I realized that I had no such identification on me.

As I reached the front of the line and addressed the guard, he glanced at me and barked, "Identity Token". I explained my position to him meekly, but he seemed suspicious.

"Why don't you have an Identity Token?" he inquired. I had already planned an explanation, so I said that because my village was so isolated and backward, we had never required such things.

The guard looked at me for a bit before motioning to one of the guards behind him.

"Hey, Gareth," he said. "Please come here." When the other guard approached, the first instructed, "Take him to the Identity Token booth."

The second guard motioned for me to follow him with a nod. I returned his nod and followed him.

I couldn't help but feel mixed emotions as I walked behind the guard. On the one hand, I was happy that I would soon be able to visit the village and interact with the locals. On the other hand, I was concerned that they would refuse to let me in since I lacked an Identity Token.

We arrived at a small booth on the gate's side. A man sat behind a desk, a stack of papers in front of him, within. I entered after the guard motioned for me to do so.

"What's your name?" the man behind the counter inquired as he peered up at me.

"Max," I replied.

The man nodded and started going through his documents. After a brief pause, he asked, "Do you have any proof of your identity?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't. I came from a town far to the west where no Identity Token was required."

The man glanced at me for a bit before saying, "I see. To create an Identity Token for you, we'll need to collect your fingerprints and a photograph. It will take a few days, but you will be able to enter the village after it is completed."

I nodded, understanding the process. The man took my fingerprints and a photograph, then gave me a small slip of paper with a number on it. "This is your temporary Identity Token. Show it to the guards at the gate and they'll let you in. But you'll need to come back here in two days to pick up your permanent Identity Token."

I thanked the man and left the booth, showing my temporary Identity Token to the guard at the gate. He looked at it for a moment, then nodded and let me through.

As I walked into the village, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the difficulties I had faced, I made it to the village and was finally going to be able to interact with other people.