
Days in Seoul

Next day in Seoul..... I was awake at 5 am and I was happy to see that I was in the hotel... I wasn't a dream I was actually in Seoul .... I rushed to the window and saw the street.

I was planning that what I should do next then I decided to go to see the BIGHIT ...... I was so thrilled and the time was still 5:30am... I went and took shower and got ready to leave the hotel earlier.... now that city was so familiar and the language too ... I was learning Korean and still learning it by watching tons of kdrama...

while I was walking in the empty street, I bowed to a stranger ( I always wanted to bow) that stranger smiled at me and I smiled back..... ( he probably have thought that I was lunatic) .... I walked in the path way of han river bridge.... seeing the sun rises made me more enthusiastic to meet my Angels (BTS).

then time was passing and I was hungry. I went to the nearby convenience store and had banana milk and some cookies....

I went to the bighit and saw the huge poster of BTS .....when I saw that poster I was overwhelmed and started crying..... It was like dream come true. for atleast one hour I was staring at the poster........ and after that I went to park and was still amazed by poster........