
Dream Over Love

Anna, a girl flashing different personalities can never be mistaken to be put in the category of usual girls. The ability of covering her true nature by make up becomes the major attraction for the other characters in the story, where they are always keen to know the truth of the protagonist. This story also travels with the characters who are exactly like her and travel the same path of hiding the truth. Yes, just like how it sounds, she is an unsolved puzzle where one acts according to her needs whereas the other acts according to the opposite person. But is it possible to always wear on the fake mask of makeup? She believed that problems always had loopholes, where escapism was a piece of cake for her. Until the reality of a huge storm wipes everything that Anna had held in for a long time, making her face all of it and come out with every possible tearful pain - the resemblance of a perfect collision between dream and love.

Amaya_Raziel · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Wait, this isn't our usual way of starting a conference. What about the norms and templates we follow? On top of that, how can she host instead of Hazel? Did you go talk to Ms Williams about the problem?" Eric said while giving me an eagle eye look, as though it was all my fault.

"Eric, did you notice me even moving away from here by an inch? I asked her but didn't get anything useful as an answer to the situation and I have been fucking standing here with you from the start, having no idea on what's going on. So, stop giving me that look," I said as I averted my gaze.

"And now, we welcome the executive boards of Panache and Mini Crystals to the stage to sign the MOA," Smith said as she stepped back to the stage's corner.

MOA? What the hell is happening here? What about Menzen?

Ms Williams was accompanied by a young man with a radiant smile on his face. He simply paired his light blue coat and pants with a plain white shirt. I could see his expensive Rolex watch gleaming and his beard was perfectly trimmed, making him look great. Ms Williams smiled as he gestured for her to take the stage before him. He appeared to be too young to be the CEO of a non-profit organisation, I thought. He pulled the chair for Ms Williams as she was about to take her seat and displayed his mannerism in front of the media. They were having a conversation while signing the memorandums, which made her smile even brighter.

If she is signing it now, what is that she was signing back in her office, of the Mini Crystal file?

While the photographers were doing their job, the staff and partners sitting across from us were perplexed by the entire situation. "Did Robert know about this? Why this sudden change of company?" one of our partners questioned the other. There was a slight bit of commotion within them which was of course expected because of the situation.

True, because none of the executive board members who were on stage acted strangely or appeared clueless about the signing. They were calm and unconcerned about the sudden change, indicating that everyone knew except us. Even our regular reporters were baffled and tensed by what was going on because nothing was going as planned.

While I was fixing my hair, I noticed Lucas, who was sitting in the first row of the conference, still present in the meeting. In curiosity I came forward to observe his reaction, which was priceless. He tried to appear calm by crossing his legs, but his hand was busy crushing a piece of paper that he almost burnt under his fist in rage. Even though he had a forceful smile on his face, he had his teeth clenched tightly. Seeing his burning red eyes, it was obvious that a volcano was about to erupt soon.

They exchanged files after signing their documents and enjoying their moment in front of the media as they clapped and clicked the moment for the headlines. They got up to pose for the media, and soon returned to their seats with a satisfied smile while leaving the others confused.

"I would like to take this moment to congratulate Ms Williams and Mr Peter Mathew on joining our lovely family of Panaché," Smith said with a smile on her face.

"And I'm delighted and ecstatic to be joining hands with you, Mr Peter Mathew. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that Mr Peter has also invested in our company, becoming one of our family's major shareholders," Ms Williams stated proudly.

"What the fuck is going on? Did she just tell us he'll be sitting at the same table as us? We didn't have any clue about this merger, is this even fair?" Eric was surprised. They exchanged a smile and continued, "Hope both can reach greater heights and benefit the entire economy."

The sound of applause was louder than before and I wondered "What is left for me to get surprised now? The days are getting tougher than before."

"I request that Mr. Peter share his thoughts with us," Smith said.

While Peter was talking to the press, Lucas was on the phone, speaking angrily, but keeping his voice low. With heavy steps, he abruptly exited the conference room. I didn't feel right about him suddenly leaving the room and wondered what he was going to do next after being insulted in front of the entire media. But when I looked at Ms Williams on stage, she seemed completely serene. Is it possible that I was overthinking? I couldn't make up my mind about what was going on around me.

Ms Williams, what are you up to? Why do you feel the need to humiliate a man like him in front of the entire world? What is the game plan you have in your head that you're executing right now? How many more secrets?

He returned to the hall a few minutes later, but this time he was accompanied by four other men. They were standing near the exit doors, looking bulky and enormous while he came in with the same smile. They seemed to be his bodyguards, so I immediately looked for Smith. When I saw her standing in the corner of the stage with extra male bodyguards, I felt at ease.

Was he planning to do something in between a press conference? Ryan, you're such a moron, stop thinking. Still, I hoped he wouldn't make a scene at the conference.

One of the reporters raised his hand as soon as the main agenda had come towards its end. But, looking at Ms Williams, it was clear that she wasn't prepared for the blizzard of questions that were in the heads of the journalists that were to be thrown at her. But still she was willing to take a chance and agreed to answer his concerns.

He asked, "First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate you on your partnership with Mini Crystals. But wasn't the plan different from what we actually know? Don't you presume you've chosen the wrong side, Ms Williams? Menzen is one of the best law firms in the country and it is a more than fifty-year-old law firm with a huge number of reputable lawyers. Also, not to mention that a high-profit company, extending its hands to merge with yours, but you declined. A large number of MNCs are interested in forming a partnership with them too but why this sudden rejection to a great future. Is there any personal source of motivation that made you decline this merger?"

That clearly was a leading question.

But she simply smiled and said, "Well, first and above all, thank you so much for your well wishes. Now coming to your question, we absolutely did not choose the wrong path, but rather the better path. Mini Crystals is not only a non-profit organisation, but it is also a subsidiary of a world-renowned jewellery company based in Switzerland. If you had done your research right you would have known about the brand called miniature diamonds, which also has a great amount of profit along with a good motive for the society. Sometimes it's better to do a small bit of homework isn't it?" she said as she ended her answer with a sarcastic scoff.


When I looked at Eric, his mouth was already wide open in surprise and I couldn't believe the subtle heated situation taking place. Every single person in the conference room was deafeningly silent, as if we were in a meditation class.

She went on, "Also for the fact, let me make it clear to all that, it is not me who decides everything and this is solely the CEOs and the board's decision. We do what we're advised and guided to along that we've been informed that he's not willing to merge with Menzen with valid points which cannot be of course presented to the public. But yes, he was really excited to work with Mini crystals because we have similar goals. We are driven by a desire to help those in need while also keeping up with global trends, our style. I personally feel that collaborating with them was the best decision Panache has ever made. So yeah, I hope I have answered your question."

I never expected her tight slap response to leave the entire two hundred people in eerie silence. When she asked for any more questions, almost all of the reporters raised their hands to ask their own, which was completely unexpected to her but expected to me.

"Even if they were a small subsidiary of a jewel company, what exactly is your goal in merging with different industries that have nothing to do with your fashion industry? I'm talking about a non-profit organisation with a modelling and fashion agency."

"Also, we got word that you're going to merge with Menzen. Why is there such a sudden shift of plan? Are there any personal or any professional conflicts among the members of the company?"

"Do you have any history with Menzen that you are not willing to merge?"

"Do you have any personal motive to merge with miniature diamonds? Is that the reason why you don't get along with Menzen?" And she was bombarded with brutal questions.

Smith immediately declared, "One at a time, please!"

She replied, "I really enjoyed your questions, so let me clear all of them all at once," and she made herself comfortable.

"As I previously stated, we make no decisions solely based on the opinions of a single person and all of your questions appear to imply that I am the reason behind the decision of collaboration with Mini crystals rather than Menzen. So, taking that out of the frame, for the last time, none of us have the authority to make our own decisions. Just like the regulations, we sit down with our board members and decide which option is best for our company. As you, yourself have stated in front of me that MENZEN is the one who wants to collaborate with us and not the other way around, I guess the worth of each of two companies is proven pretty much over there. But when we come to Mini crystal, it is a company which focuses more on society development and also carries a great profit rate every year along with that. It would be a great opportunity to merge with a jewellery company which has one of the great diamonds in the whole world along with the fact of such a great leader of the company. We did not receive any queries about anything from the media houses, and those who did receive them, are not present at the conference today. Also yeah, I don't think you would have received any confirmation of the merger from our side. As a matter of fact, these questions are supposed to be pointed out to the other party and not ours. If necessary, we can provide you with all of the sources that show, we have not agreed to the merger with Menzen to any of the media houses. As part of your responsibilities, you should have also confirmed the rumour that was around the air as professionals. Did you all do it? No! As a result, it is not our obligation and we thank you for your inquiries. Panaché is more than an independent firm who has worked hard to stand in the place it stands and doesn't really require any merger to become great. It stands out in the globe, and about the profit-making company you are speaking about, maybe one day we'll rack up enough power to break down the fifty-year company and take it over entirely. I mean, who knows what the future holds?" She ended it with a savagely strong note.

"YAANN!!!" Eric wiggled my body to bring me back to the moment, shouting my name supposedly.

I wondered out loud, "Did she just mention that we would take over Menzen, or was I ...?"

"Maybe one day we'll rack up enough power to break down the fifty-year company and take it over entirely. I mean, who knows what the future holds?" Eric stated, "These are the exact words she told the press, I repeat, exact."

One of the reporters sitting behind us said, "I haven't witnessed this kind of a brave woman for a long time, who literally took a challenge in front of the world that she will break down a blue-chip company soon. This is completely insane."

I would say it as bullshit. What is she trying to prove?

As they were about to end the conference, all of the reporters began yelling for one last chance to put forward their questions. I immediately signalled Hazel to go up to the stage and wrap it up soon because the reporters were posting questions that were out of the way. Before Hazel took over, Ms Williams said, "Okay fine, one last question, I'll pick the person."

She took a look around and chose the man who was typing something on his laptop. Why would she put herself on the front line, that too willingly?

He inquired, "Recently, your share prices have fallen, and this has had an impact on your revenue of the recent quarter. Your first project as Panaché, in Paris, was on the verge of falling into the abyss because there were some kinds of issues in regard with the models. Is it because you didn't know how to run an event, or it's just that you're woefully under qualified for the position you hold? Is it also accurate that Ms Williams barely knows the world of fashion? Are you making Panaché your guinea pig?"

After giving a small laugh, hearing him out, she started, "Thank you for reminding me of my position in the company, thoughtful of you. What you forgot to mention is that our highlight ballgown pair event was a big time hit in that very same project. Though I shouldn't brag, since you bought it up, I'd like to mention that the pair ball themed designs were completely sold out in less than eight hours. And, for the record, why should I be concerned about the models, when I have four top brilliant ones, who always score the top of the list in everything? It's a waste of concern."

And all the eyes turned towards us. Fuck!

She continued to say, "And yes, I am too young to be the COO of a high-profiled company. But that doesn't mean I don't understand what the fashion world is about. I represent the capable young generation and know what needs to be done better than anyone else in this room to make my designs a success, not everything is about age. Because you all come from the packaged knowledge group, allow me to refresh your memory on the virtue of our fashion house. It's not just about the clothes you would wear to cover yourself, it's more about presenting the world what kind of character you are made up of. Will a thousand-dollar suit earn respect or just a pair of boxers? I may be young, but not stupid enough to stand in front of the world and represent my company without knowing anything about it. For us it is more than just trends and colours; it's about adding the personal touch, which is where Panache gets its niche. With our clothing, we connect to people's souls and expel their personalities into the world. That's why people want to work with us I suppose," she chuckled and said, "Anyway, if you understood what I meant, I'm sure you're smart enough to move on."

Hazel made her announcement without even a second's pause, "We've planned a small gathering for all of the guests and reporters. I hope you like them. Please join us there."

"She slayed it all. Damn this woman, yas queen," as the reporters were leaving, Eric exclaimed with glee. All of the partners and the guest congratulated them on stage.

"Now I understand why she was given the position of COO. Well, she deserves it," Mark said as he joined us.

"We have a lot to learn from the lady to be honest," James said as he looked at her on stage.

"Totally bro! I misinterpreted her based on her initial intimidating attitude. If I had been in her shoes, I would have definitely messed up. She was able to respond composedly and yet dismembered them with her sharp responses, impressive," Eric was completely captivated by her.

"Why don't we go up on stage and congratulate her?" James inquired. I was the only one who said NO when everyone else agreed with him. As I was about to leave the spot, Mark kept nagging me to accompany him. When Eric and James left before us, Mark lost his cool and began shoving me up, towards the stage. The majority of the reporters had left and the hall was nearly empty.

Getting on the stage, unwillingly, just as I was about to shake hands with them, Peter whispered something into Ms Williams' ears and exited the place, leaving me alone with her as an awkward alarm rang in my head. To break the ice, I decided to just act professionally and leave the place soon but before I could say anything, I heard someone clapping their hands loudly and saying, "Congratulations Ms Williams, I believe you hit the jackpot this time," he said, squeezing her hand roughly in the name of a handshake.

"Glad you liked my gift, Mr Lucas Deveis," she smiled.

It was a perfect love triangle and I was in the centre of it all, still clueless. It annoyed me tremendously when he went to hug her, holding her hand as if she belonged to him. I was not interested in watching their romantic gestures, standing in between and moving away was a wise thing to do. "You little piece of shit, how dare you turn it on me?" Lucas said into her ears as I turned the other side to leave.

"Do you want me to believe that nonsense of yours? Everything is decided by the CEO and board? Bullshit. I am very well aware that it's your plan, but are you going to crush my company now? That's a joke to even utter. If you don't want to go through hell again, you better announce to the crowd by tomorrow that you'll be merging with Menzen as well. If you don't, I'll make sure your company goes under water and obviously you'll come running to me. Never misunderstand that you will always be able to win. You may this time, but I have the power to control you entirely, got it. So don't irritate me further honey otherwise I won't have an option to spare your father any longer. Don't you know who I am?" he said, smiling innocently as he walked back.

What was that, anyway? What is Lucas's motive in bringing her down to him? Why so much passion to pull each other?

Rather than ignoring him, she took a step forward and said, "Dar-lin, I'm not the old girlfriend of yours, who would listen to all your threats and allow you to control me like a doll. You really thought I was that dumb to believe you wanted to just merge for professional reasons and show the world your innocence and non-existence goodness. I know you're going to screw me and my company over if we went through with this merger. Just to remind you, I WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND and know what shady things you are capable of to make every single thing happen in favour of your side. I know how much you paid my largest shareholders to favour you but trust me, your spell will no longer cast me. I wasn't interested in the world of business honey, but you forced me to get in. So, I'll make sure you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. And no, I wasn't joking about destroying your company. I'll make it a point to do it. You also know who I am, don't you?"

He made another aggressive move towards her, clutching his fist. I stopped him by pulling his wrist as he was about to throw his paw at her.

Ms Smith immediately appeared in front of me, pointing her gun at him, and said, "Don't you dare try to move a step forward," Lucas's bodyguards surrounded the stage with their guns instantly.

When Smith yelled, "MOVE!" fifteen guards which were under her surrounded his small troop and charged at Lucas.

The reporters attempted to photograph this, but the guards stopped and escorted them. He was clearly taken aback when he saw Smith closely and his expression indicated that he was at a loss for words. "Do you recall me? You do of course. Didn't we share a great relationship? Yeah, the ending was not good, wasn't it?" Smith inquired, a grin on her face.

Suddenly, his shock changed into laughter and he asked, "You? It's you. I thought you were dead. Didn't you like, die?" he asked as he took a step forward.

How are they familiarised with each other? Her words didn't say much, but her hands did; she quickly loaded her gun and pointed it at him again with fingers on the trigger, ready.

"So, two chicks have joined hands to break me. I'm really surprised and it's great to see you back in the game. Nice to see you both, especially this sexy," his sarcasm did the job.

"Get out! RIGHT NOW!" Ms Williams yelled at the top of her lungs and it echoed even louder in the convention hall. She showed him the exit doors by pointing her hand in the direction of the exit. The head of the guards immediately declared, "Sir it will be better if you move out with these guys of yours instead of creating more troubles, otherwise we will have to call the cops and hand over the footage of you assaulting our boss," which really disturbed Lucas's ego.

"Get ready for something you would never have imagined in this small life of yours," he said and stormed out of the room with his guards.

What the hell is going on here? Guns and guards surrounding such a simple conference?

When I turned to check on her, I could see how terrified she was while she clutched Smith's blazer tightly in panic and fear, after he went. Despite having faced monsters like Lucas in her life, she was still a timid young lady. Because Smith was with her, I decided to leave instead of poking my nose into the situation not knowing anything.

"Ryan, take her to her office," Ms Smith ordered.

Why should I? But all I did was nod to her. Mark and Eric rushed towards us as we walked out of the hall and I held her hands in mine unknowingly.

"Are you okay, guys? As we were going, we saw all those guards rushing inside the room like some kind of a drill and I heard Ms Williams shouting, telling someone to get out. What happened?" Eric described in tension and when he noticed Ms Williams standing there, soulless, facing down on the floor as he signalled me and asked what had happened to her.

"Ryan, it's fine, we'll handle the media and those hungry bastards for headlines. Just make sure she's okay and take her with you," Mark said as he walked away with Eric.

I tried letting go of her hand as we walked towards her office, but she still held onto mine tight. Her nose was pink-red and her eyes were closed, preventing tears from flooding. She was distracted and appeared to be lost in her own thoughts.

When we entered her office, I made her sit on her couch but she still remained silent, not asserting anything. I wasn't sure what it was, but knew she was keeping something away from both me and the company. There were a lot of questions in my head for her and I wanted to get them answered. So, I took a step back and calmed myself before approaching her.

I got down on my knees in front of her and lifted her chin while she remained motionless on her seat. Her eyes were as red as blood and I hadn't seen her cry before, it was the worst thing. I felt terrible and immediately hugged her.

I patted her on the back and said, "It's okay, he's gone now, we are alone here. I know it's hard, and what you did was right babe. I'm here with you and you are the strongest woman I've ever seen. I believe in you."

She began to shred her tears in a matter of seconds and I could feel the drops on my shirt. I was perplexed and felt helpless because I didn't know how to console her. She began to sob even more loudly and I knew this was not the Ms Williams I mentioned before. I had seen her as a strong woman who successfully ran the company without anything letting her pause, and despite having gone through so much for the sake of the company, she never bowed down for any reason. That's when I realised, I knew everything about Ms Williams but didn't know anything about Anna.

Anna, I want to know everything about you, and I suppose I should be aware of your life, that is going on in order to protect her.

Don't worry Anna, I'll be there for you and take care of you.

Suddenly, she began to tremble and was unable to complete a sentence. "Okay, now take a deep breath and slowly exhale," I tried to reassure her.

"Let me just go get you some hot water for you. Just second. You'll be fine," I informed her as I placed her back onto the couch. When I opened the doors to leave, I heard someone yelling her name in a harsh timbre from the hallway. It sounded like Lucas, and it was. He was marching towards me, incensed, with heavy steps. "How in the world did you get here? Who let you..." and his guard immediately grabbed both of my hands. He gave me a repulsive look as he passed by and ordered his guards to take me away from there.

His bodyguard tried to entice me away from that spot, but I didn't dare leave that son of a b*tch alone with her. When I looked at her, she was acting perfectly normal, sitting casually with crossed legs, checking her file with no signs of tears.

Wait a second! Is she the same as the girl I just saw two minutes ago? Was she the same lady who was sobbing like a baby and now is sitting in the room with her legs crossed with that confident demeanour?

"Do you want me to remind you of all your worst nightmares so that I show you where the fuck you stand in my league?" Lucas asked as he approached her.

"I should have killed you both that very day, and now you bloody bitches, who were fucking beneath my feet, have had the audacity to scrawl up to my eye level," he yelled and slammed the desk.

She gave him a casual look and said, "Lucas, you lost. You lost to me this time, accept it already will you," she said, closing the file. Literally she got on his nerves when she started laughing at him and folded her hands on her chest. She was about to get up when he pushed her down and said, "Never, I can never lose to you. Don't even try to pull these pranks on me. I'm not going to act like the Lucas who falls for your beauty all the time. You're still that whore who tries to exploit men for your own gain."

"The same goes for you too. You expected me to be the same girl who would obey and listen to your orders? But I'm sorry to disappoint you. That Anna has died and please allow me to introduce you to this Anna Williams," she said, attempting to free herself from his grip.

"Then I'll make sure I meet you at your next birth, bitch," he said, intending to choke her.

She tried but couldn't get his hands off her neck as he was too strong for her. After the struggle, she kicked his abdomen hard and he landed on the glass table next to her. When she tried to flee, he grabbed her neck from behind instantly. She wanted to break free from him, but he caught her collar and dragged her to the desk. He attempted to push her against the glass table and that's when I realised what was going on would make either one land in the hospital. I immediately pushed his guard to the side, taking the opportunity when his concentration was away, losing his grip on me and causing him to collapse on the ground in agony. I dashed over to them and shoved Lucas aside, pulling Anna behind me. When he noticed me, he pounced towards my direction and punched me in the face with all his might which made the corners of my lips bleed.

"RYANN!" she exclaimed, startled.

I lost it and screamed, "You son of a bitch!" and punched him in the face back. I kicked the lower leg hard to knock his balance off and soon hit his nose with my knees before he could understand what happened to him.

Taking the chance, I immediately twisted his hand, locking him in pain and said, "You bastard, don't you dare try to touch my girl ever again,"

Listening to me, he plunged into my abdomen and made me back off in the pain which was like hell. Seeing the flower vase on the table, "Your girl? "Are you sure?" he asked, sarcastically laughing at me as he picked it right away to hit me with it. Anna came running towards us and tried to stop Lucas's out of control actions, "Lucas are you mad? Stop it right now," as she struggled to take the vase away from him but he was strong. I didn't want Anna to get hurt in the process of stopping him and rushed to them where I pushed her away from him. Lucas was standing there like a devil who was ready to kill anyone who came in front of him but my push was forceful that Anna fell on the sofa and the sharp edge grazed her forehead. Since I was more focused on stopping Lucas, my eyes didn't witness Anna falling and getting hurt. We had gone through all enough and I pounced on him, forgetting my pain, throwing the vase away from his hand.

His steps suddenly started to go back where he slipped and fell down on his back. "LUCASS," I screamed, and jumped on top of him.

I punched his cheeks with all my might and said, "Yes, she's mine," and he laughed again even though he was bleeding. I could tell he was trying to get me to hit him. "The only person she cares about is me and she is my girl. I mean, sorry, she is my Dar-lin." I could not take it more and punched him in the face continuously saying, "Bastard, she is MINE," feeling out of control because of my rage.

Looking at the situation, Anna quickly ran towards her table to press the emergency button, summoning the security guards and shouted on her desk phone for someone to come into her office immediately. I was not in my senses and was focused more on punching the shit out of Lucas. I heard Mark say, "Ryannnnn, what the hell are you doing?" as he entered the room. My rage was about to erupt, and I wanted to grab his throat while watching him die right in front of me. Mark rushed up to me and tried to pull me away from him. Soon Ms Smith arrived at the office with ten bodyguards and directed the team to drag Lucas away from me, helping Mark.

Ultimately Mark had managed to pull me away from Lucas with the help of the guards and said, "Ms Williams, are you all, right?" Mark questioned, and he said, "Ryan, stop this shit. Would you like to be imprisoned?"

Even after being dragged by the guards Lucas's shamelessness had not stopped, "Dar-lin, you know I own you completely, don't you?" he said as he looked at her. I wanted to punch him in the face again for mentioning her darling, when he said in his soft tone. I again was ready to pin him down dirty, trying to get out of Mark's grip. I didn't mind going to the prison after killing to be honest. "Ryan stop it now, what's wrong with you? Get back to your senses" Mark said trying to stop me.

"How the fuck he has the guts to call my girlfriend, his girl with that filthy mouth of his. I am fucking going to break him. She is mine and he dares to touch my girl, he is a dead piece of meat."

Smith, controlling the situation, ordered them to throw Lucas outside, and he began to yell at them "Don't come near me. I can go by myself."

"You started it, Anna, and I'm going to destroy you," he screamed and stormed out of the office. This time, Smith and Anna kept their mouths shut until he left. When he left, Smith remarked, "This bastard is never worth the shit," as Anna starts to sob loudly with hiccups, while Smith continues to console her.

"Seriously? Stop the acting, already, will you? I am literally sick of this sobbing, that too only in front of me. Say something for god's sake and tell me why are you crying, why is he acting like a monster, why is he desperately trying to bring us down and jeopardise you? Is he actually having a great time? What the hell are you both hiding?" I was really hyper and wanted to throw things around me. "Ryan, calm down please, why are you shouting like this?"

I was literally shocked at her question, "Me? You want me to calm down? You must be really out of your mind. Look at me, my face, my fist? Do you think I am a fool to fight with him and bleed like this?" I shout to the top of my voice at Smith to which Anna gets a shiver on her body.

Mark tried to calm me down, saying, "Ryan, you're scaring people. Keep a cool head..." but I was in no mood to listen to him.

I jerked her body, holding her shoulder and asked, "Will you open your mouth now at least and simply stop crying. Fucking tells me what's wrong with you? I sound like a retard to ask you the same thing again and again. Are you going to still remain silent until he murders you or me? Don't tell me you are waiting for him to go extreme? Playing around with both of us, acting differently with him and me." Despite this, she chose to remain silent while crying harder.

"Ryan, what the fuck is wrong with you? What are you doing to that poor woman? Return to your senses," Mark tried to pull me away from her, and I let go of him, annoyed.

"How am I supposed to remain calm when he is striving to victimise my girlfriend right in front of my eyes?" I yelled at him, "Also Mark, just leave the place! I need to clarify a few things with her, privately."

He tried to drag me along with him by saying, "Ryan! What exactly are your words? You know what, let's come back when you have cooled down. You're not in the right frame of mind, and this is..."

"Mark, I need to talk with my girlfriend privately. So, will you give me the space I need? Don't push over to the edge, just leave for now," I said as I turned the other way.

He marched out of the office saying, "Fine but, be careful with your words." When I looked at Smith, she was still standing near Anna, consoling, "Do I have to say it again, Ms Smith?" Since she was her guard, I asked her in a lower voice.

"I'm not leaving her side," she said sternly.

"Well, you shouldn't have left her alone until that beast left the building and it's done. You're irrelevant right now and I know how to keep my girlfriend safe. So, leave us alone please" I said.

She walked away after glancing at Anna. I had to get myself together in order to understand her so I walked to the glass view to calm myself and my adrenaline. Though he had left, his face was constantly twirling in my mind and I kept replaying the entire conversation, including every word he uttered from his mouth. The fact that he referred to Anna as "my girl" enraged me even more.

Ryan, you've got to do it yourself. Get your act together. I approached her politely, relaxing myself down. Don't become enraged towards her and pay attention to what she says while trying to understand her with your best.

I reached her and knelt down to face her but she had been looking at her nails. Her face was tired and her eyes were heavy. Glancing at her, I could tell she was in a world of pain, both mentally and physically. I slowly held her cheeks and lifted her head up, making her look at me, telling, "Anna."

Immediately she said, "I am really sorry Ryan, I just, I just... ," and she started to sob heavily again, not being able to complete her sentence. I knew I had to give her the trust and faith in me so that she could relax and open up.

I said politely, "Anna, no, look at me, listen. I am sorry and want to tell you this one thing. I love you. I absolutely love you with all of my soul. I don't bother a damn about your past or your relationship with him. But now he's attempting to smash you down, which I'm not going to let him do. Just look at me baby, I am literally bleeding. I fought for you, I risked everything at stake just for you, even though I knew nothing. So, could you please explain what's happening here? Who is he? Why is he still referring to you as his "girl" even though you've broken up with him? I don't want you to be a life mystery where I can't begin a chapter with you. Please allow me to help you with your problem and be a part of your solution. I am confident that we will find a solution to your troubles if we work together, but first I need you to come out clean and explain everything to me. Can you please trust in me? I want to know everything about Anna, not Ms Williams," I stated.

"I'm sorry, Ryan," she said, hugging me tightly.

I got up and sat beside her and whispered gently to her, "It's okay, we got this."

"I should not have gotten you involved in this mess of mine. Ryan, I'm extremely sorry. I will, I will tell you what happened exactly and honestly," she said wiping her tears and then she started.