
Dream of Turtle

Disclaimer: 1) This is a work of fiction 2) Contain violate content and profanities 3) Updates will be inconsistent

Pond0Fish · Urban
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4 Chs

The Wait

1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute you waited. You began thinking about the people outside that you knew.

the couple from across the street.

the worker of the shop right next to your nest.

your co-workers and manager of the MCDonald a 6 minute walk away.

You began listing them out, checking if you really care if any of them died and if they will die at all.

Then it came, the muffed explosion of the bomb. You had hope, hoped that it was just a false alarm, or a prank by some rich kid, but no reality in all it cruelty said no this is real.

Taking a moment to regain your balance as everything shook and the lights went out, you put a hand on your frightened pet, calming it down.

Waiting a moment for your back up generator to come online, you began to think back to the life that you have lived and let out a sigh knowing full well that those days were over.

Standing up as the lights came online you surveyed your stock of supplies. You saw the bottles of water and the boxes of cereal that you have placed here just in case and because your home was tiny, but you like to buy in bulk.

Thanking your past self for having such a habit you took note of the fact that you just shopped not that long ago because it was still just February and smiled.

Calculating you determined that your 27 boxes of cereal will last you no less than a month and began looking over your less impressive stock of can fruits that you liked to enjoy every once in a while.

Remembering that you have a friend to take care of, you look toward your tortoise who is now exploring the new environment.

Remembering that you move everything in here around not long ago you began reexamining everything in the room.

Looking in front of you saw the two bed in the right conner and a toilet on the left, which at a second glance remembered that you haven check on it in years so it may not work.

Pushing the thoughts about the functionality of the aside you walked over to the tub and read the text displayed upon the wall it was pushed against.

209.5/250 Gallon

Reading the text you realize you forgot how liquids were quantified so you have no idea how to calculate how long it will last.

You after realizing you have forgotten what gallon meant instinctively when for your phone just as you remember that there can be no signal because the city just got blown up.

Deciding that it was worth a try anyways you pull out your phone and saw both the wifi and data symbols were empty.

Putting your phone back in to your pocket you looked down and saw the assortment of cleaning product and began removing them from the tub you will properly at one point use.

After 5 minutes you managed to remove all random stuff in the sink before you decided to use a tiny cleaning brush you brought due to impulse to sweep the dust on the cleaning supplies and tub into the cup.

After the short session of cleaning thinking you have nothing to do anyways began cleaning all the dust of the things in your new home.

Once done after a good ten minutes, damn that was a lot of dust, you thought, as you try to find something to do.

After a good minute of thinking you found you have rather little to do now that you are stuck in a bomb shelter.

Unable to find anything to do you walk over to you bed and plop onto its harder than you expected surface, you begin to think and wait.