
Dream Of Abyss

Evil spirits are referenced in a variety of different cultures and religions. For example, Christianity refers to the devil, or Satan, as the embodiment of evil.In Islam, evil is referred to as Shaitan or Iblis. No matter your religious beliefs, dealing with evil is an experience that many of us have throughout our day-to-day lives. "But the most darkest,the wicked is not the devil but the man who walks the earth"

San_sue · Fantasy
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6 Chs


There was a terrifying legend in the Castle.

"You know, if you don't practice more, you'll end up like 'William'."

"Dude, lord will hear you."

"Who cares? It's the truth."


'William Leo Naye Lia°m '

A name synonymous with a failed Warrior.

A effort unable to attain knighthood.

A testament to 'failure'.

Those greenhorn knight apprentices used the name behind my back to motivate others to study.

My damned name.

When this happened, I put my hand on their shoulders, smiled sincerely, and said this.

"He's right, you know. If you keep that up, you'll become like me."

"my prince!"

"I-I apologize."

I was kind of a 'maverick of the castle'.

Well, currently I was a typical example of a 'Black sheep' of legendary Liam household.The shadow of empire.


"What is it?"

"Can I ask just one question?"


"When you first entered the knighthood, did you really enter as the best of the class?"

Someone worthy enough to enter the knighthood as the best of the knights.

At first, I was more talented than anyone.

At first, I was the most promising warrior than my brothers.

I was someone smart enough to memorise most of the battle strategies in the world.

While reminiscing about my glory days, I said,

"Yes. I was the best."

* * *

Most people knew the feeling of reminiscing about a better past.

That included me, since I used to be pretty well off.

Entering the knight trainee at the age of 7, most people in my vicinity associated the name 'William Leo Naye Lia°m ' with Sword Genius'.

The youngest son of a Lia°m household head , the genius of way of war.

But the light which was shining so bright was now dimming till the moment a shadow was caste on it and nothing but darkness was seen.

That's right.

A genius was now nothing but a stone near road.A bird whose wings were his parent were also fallen.

Now my own family is ready to caste aside me and take what is mine.Now my father has fallen.

So what ,a shadow had been caste upon me I will use this shadow to rise no....no .

I William Leo Naye Lia°m would even use the devil's darkness to be the shadow of empire.

" Samuel where are you...".

to be continued: