
Dream Hero Anime Man: Hyperdimension Crisis Zone (Webnovel version)

Kamen here and here is a little synopsis on what this story unfolds. Hando Kawasaki, a well-known gamer is going to be warped to the world of Hyoerdimension as he is destined to company with Neptune and her friends as he battles hordes of various monsters, encounter nasty bosses and antagonists and many shenanigans all over the place with fanservices and fourth wall breaks. There will be also some mature content for those degenerate ones so keep an eye okay? Well then, have fun and Dream On!

DreamReader555 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6:Lowee's Powers Achieved, Battle Against CFW Trick

"Kamen here and welcome back to another exciting chapter of Dream Hero Anime Man: Hyperdimension Crisis Zone (DHAM:HCZ). I have done some drafting for this chapter while I am now currently studying at univeristy at the time of this wrtiting remake. It's been a while since my last chapter for my fan-fiction book to be published but I'm back for more nonetheless. Anyway, last time which is chapter 5, Dreamer and the others are arrived on Lowee and meet up with the rest of the characters in the main series. While the girls are stocking some supplies, Dreamer is trying to experiment many elemental attachments to his weapons while Blanc and Vert are peaking of him. Suddenly,Blanc's sisters, Ram and Rom, are getting caught by a mysterious enemy that will known as CFW Trick (spoilers). They are shock but determined to save them without getting caught."

Blanc: Errr, Kamen-kun. Don't you forgot to mention that we have done some preparations and planning to save my twin sisters from that guy... I think?

"Yes, Blanc. I am gonna to mention that as well but thanks for the cover up for me. Well then, time to continue where we left off. So, buckle your seatbelts as this is going to be a bumpy and slimy battle. Let's go!"

Blanc: To the world of dreams.... Dream On! *giggle a little while blushing* Hihi.....

With the plans has been set, they are currently on standby behind the bush area where Dreamer is checking to see if there are sudden change to the mansion. It turns out that it has not been change since yesterday because he is almost like reading their moves. Just as he expected, there are many servant enemies with some of them are in viral state. He knows that we are almost out with our league but we can deal these enemies one by one to gain experience while we head to the garden area or junkyard area (either one of them). Meanwhile, there are some arguments during the standby phase which can be a little cringe or laughable.

Neptune: *starting to get impatient* Aww....Come on~ We need to save Blanc's sisters really bad. Even she can't wait any longer.

Blanc: *also impatient with little angeron her face* Yeah, me too! How long this is going to take?!!

Vert: Calm down you two. He is still trying to confirm their (Blanc's sisters as hostages) location so please be patient, okay?

Neptune and Blanc: *sigh as they take a breath* Okay...

Noire: Oh, by the way, Dreamer-kun. Where are the candidates and others because I can't see them anywhere?

Dreamer: *while looking through Dream Scope Eyes* I send them not far away from our location to wait as backup. They will be needed if we get into nasty trouble. Also,they are probably level grinding ahead of us for the next fights. I also ask to IF and Compa to follow them just to keep them safe.

Noire: Ah.... I get it. Now I know about your plan. Cool though.

-Few Minutes Later-

Dreamer: Okay. I think that we better invade the mansion (or Bascilicom) to save them while grinding many level ups cause the candidates are getting a good start. I also know that they are maybe somewhere at the junkyard because the park is full of minions and it will be an ambush trap.

Goddesses: Okay. Got it. Let's go!

With that, they are straight invading the mansion as it planned to find Ram and Rom while doing level grinding. Along the way, he senses that there is a mysterious DLC character who follows around and wants to be a hero or something. Than again, she is probably not important to the main story so he ignores it and continues level grinding. Once all the minions have defeated and they gain level ups, they walk to the only room they have not been checked to find out that they are alive and well. Just as things go well, Dreamer notices that Ram and Rom have collars on their neck which has been activated.

They have no idea that they have been planted with a tracker and a plasma bomb device on then. Just then, CFW Trick's voice comes out from the collars and he is very sneaky perverted villain to him but no pressure, readers. Anyway, he wants a contract demand from Blanc where he is a part of ASIC, an evil and powerful organization. Obviously, Blanc denied his demand but if she will do that, her sisters will die in a plasma explosion. What he doesn't know is Dreamer is intelligently crack the bomb code on their lockers from being explode.

CFW Trick: Well then, sorry to say that but I am run out of patient here. Time to take them as my bride and a part of team ASIC. Go minions, attack!!! *accidentally press the bomb button* Oh, oooo...

*Nothing happened and the girls are unaware of the situation*

Dreamer: *inside voice* Man, he really should be known about the explosion part that it's not meaning anything. Also, he might wanna remind himself that all the minions are now destroyed.

Ram and Rom: Ahh..... We're survived. Thank goodness for that.

CFW Trick: What the-How all of my minions are completely knock out in silence?!!

Dreamer: No idea but show yourself, you creep!!

Thus, CFW Trick comes out from the shadow and immediately take Ram and Rom with his slimy tongue. "Somebody Help Us!!!...." as they talk in sync as they have been taken by him to the junkyard. "Hahaha....Come and get me!!" as he gives then a nasty look on his face. Blanc is very angry especially she is very much a high temper when she is being mocking around. Dreamer know that this one will be a hard fight but he has a plan to save them while Trick is unaware for the time being. He says to them, "Girls. I have a plan. Noire, Neptune, Nepgear and Uni go ahead to block him while the rest of us go charge ahead."

The girls agree his plan but Vert is been called from the Leanbox Oracle, Chika that there is a event meeting tonight. She really needs to head back to her nation or the event will be in trouble so he is okay to release her for now. She then apologize to everyone else that she is have some business to do and they are okay for that. With Vert heads back to Leanbox, the rest of the girls are proceeding his plan as usual when she wants to say something to him.

Blanc: Hey, Dreamer. Are you ready?

Dreamer: Yup. I'm ready as I can be. Let's Rock it!

Blanc: Okay. Don't scare in front of me if I in rage cause-*rage mode activate*HERE I COME,BICHES!!!!!Access!*Here is my transformation from the animation series by the way*

Dreamer: *inside voice while facepalm* Oh, mama mia.... Forth wall disease is spread like madness....

A/N: The video of Blanc's transformation from the animation can be found at Youtube since the link is come from Wattpad. Just so you know.

White Heart (Blanc): What do you think about my HDD Form?

Dreamer: Okay. Not bad for the goddess like yourself. Now it's my turn. Dream Watch Activate. *Switch On*

-Meanwhile at the Junkyard-

CFW Trick: *hearing the faint sound from the distant loud and clear* Huh? What is that sound? It's little to recall....

Ram and Rom: *hearing too* Huuuuhhh....??

-Meanwhile at the Junkyard entrance-

Neptune: *hear the sound as well* Girls, do you hear that...?

Noire, Nepgear and Uni: Hear what??

Neptune: That sound indicates that he is going HDD Mode.!

Noire, Nepgear and Uni: Oh.... *realise later* Ehhhh!!!???

-Now at the mansion-

Dreamer: Dream Acess - HHD Mode. *Lowee's Power in Contact state* A-Man Change.. Haah!!! *Change Shift Go -entering Lowee's HHD Armor-* Alright!!! White Heart - Link up!

White Heart: Okay, Dreamer!! *Accessing Command Squesnce* Initiate command code of Dream Quota. White Heart - On Air...

A-Man: *Link Confirmed* Okay. Time to get show on the road. Let's go, White Heart.

White Heart: Right on, Anime Man-kun.

After his transformation, the Dream Team (A/N: His team's code name) are going with the plan to stall Trick while White Heart and Dreamer saving her sisters without hurting them in the process. Firstly, he sets up smokescreen around CFW Trick to get him blind sight his surroundings. Then, White Heart uses her Processor Axe to likely chop Trick's slimy tongue to free her sisters. Once that's done, Nepgear and Uni are taking Ram and Rom to cover themselves from danger. CFW Trick then says to them, "Gaahh!!! Why are you ruining our plans to take over Gamindustri as a part of ASIC vision?!"

White Heart says to Trick, "ASIC!!?? Plans to take over the whole Gamindustri!!??WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT,YOU NUMBSKULL PERVERT!!??" A-Man calms her down and says, "Relax, White Heart. He is not going to screw around or anything in between. Let's just deal him ASAP cause Kamen (which is me BTW) does only touch on actions and main story in this book."

"Yeah, I never know that from the beginning so I kind a lost from awhile. Hehe... *rubbing her head as she is blushed so easily and gets his point* O///O".Other girls then say, "Come On, You Two! He is waiting patiently to battle us!!! Duuuhhh!!!!". They reply, "Oops..... Our bad. Hehehe.....", as they rub their head to hide their embarrassment. Trick furiously says, "*gripping his hand with anger* GGRRR!!!!WHY YOU...TONGUE TWISTER!", as he starts the battle. They evade very well and do the counter attack at him with charge attacks. White heart uses Zerstorung to hit Trick's tongue whereas Dreamer in HDD form uses Hard Hammer Impact to knock him away from her sisters.

Nepgear and Noire grab Ram and Rom from falling on his grasp and they head towards safety because they are little worn out. In the meantime, Neptune and Uni are helping them as a backup line while dealing CFW Trick in the mix. Neptune then says to then, "Guys, he is topple down hard. Deal him with a finisher fast cause he is recovering very fast. "A-Man replies to her, "Okay. We'll do that in seconds." as he looks at White Heart with full manliness. She sees blush light red that she knows that he can help her dealing CFW Trick before she says, "A-Alright! Let's do this!"

CFW Trick: Oh, ooo..... That is not GOOD for me... *gulp in pure defeat*

Dreamer: Time for finale.... Dream Finish!! *Accessing-Full Charge* Link Up!

White Heart: You're Dead Meat!! Here's the finisher!! *Analyzing* Link System is fully maxed out. Commence Dream Finisher.

Neptune: *full excitement* Hi!!! It's time....for a final beatdown. Guys, let's do this!

Everyone else: Okay!!!!! Elemental...

White Heart and A-Man: Hard Breaker!!! *use Link Finisher Skill that consist of Hard Break and Elemental Breaker and deals additional damage when fused with elemental power* GO FOR IT!!!

CFW Trick: *gets hit hard from multi-combo and high damage finisher* AAARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!! *gets knock back like a rocket* I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS IN THE NAME OF ASIC'S LEADER, ARFOIREEEE!!!!...

A-Man: Okay...That probably spoil that part but I digest. Anyway, mission is complete so...

Everyone: Got you. *thumbs up then thumbs down *like Dekaranger's pose**

A-Man: Now that's down. Dream Recharge. *Charging* Return. *back to usual self/normal form*

White Heart: That teaches him a lesson. I'm satisfied nonetheless so I can - Why I can't change back to my original self?!

Dreamer: That is because I need you for awhile before the next event kicks in Leanbox. In the meantime, let's check on your sisters first. Then, I can free you. With that be do for now.?

White Heart: Sure. I okay with that cause you give me unlimited energy so I can't get tired easily.

Dreamer: Yeah but we have no time so take a way, Kamen. Do the end chapter for this one.

"Thanks dude for reminding me because I write this very long on a limited time and it can be tiresome sometimes. Anyway, to summaries the end chapter, he and White Heart as well as the others are checking on her sisters to see if they get hurt. They then head back to the palace to get some rest and check on the next day. On the next day however follows like the animation and I will spoil you all the main details. They are having a tea time where a maid comes in to tell Blanc that there are stacks of boxes in here. There boxes contains her published books and she is fully shock about that."

"Just then, her sisters comes to her to show her the sketchy book but little does she knows that her friends read her books in a nutshell. Nepgear and Uni are reading the books she has published while Neptune and others are questioning on how these boxes are here in her Bascilicom. She has gone furious like an angry ogre and she releases the anger with a single yell that she want these books back to republished. All set a side, let's go to the next preview with Ram and Rom and sorry for the advance. Take it away."

Ram and Rom: Hey,guys. We're the CPU candidates for Lowee and we also are Blanc's little twin sisters. We're are going to check on the next preview for chapter 7. Let's go!!.

Ram: Next time on DHAM: HCZ, Dreamer and other goddesses are now on Lowee to see 5bp-Chan's performance follow by an unexpected super boss fight during the performance. Then, they are checking on Vert on the next day and see what is going on but it's unknown for now. Also, we will see his next form when he will link up with Vert as Green Heart to fight against an unknown enemy.

Rom: T-Thus, see you all in chapter 7:Leanbox Has A Show?!, Criminal Madness on High Alert. We hope that you like it as much as we do.... *chuckle a little* Hihihi...

Everyone: Bye for now and see you all next time.... Dream On!!!