
Dream Arts Academy

Dream Arts Academy is a captivating journey into the world of creativity, imagination, and self-discovery. Set in a prestigious academy where dreams come to life, the story follows a group of young students with extraordinary talents as they navigate the challenges of mastering their abilities. Join Reign, her friends and the students of dream arts academy as they navigate the school and achieve their dreams. NOTE: For pictures of characters, places and certain objects, please visit Wattpad.

DerahE · Teen
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9 Chs

Fashion Dreams Ignited

Reign has always been an ambitious girl. Being a mixed kid, she has had her fair share of troubles. All throughout middle school she has been picked because of the way she looked. Even in highschool, she was always trolled but she always talked back and stood up for hrself. She was never one to be trampled upon and she made sure they knew that. To the teachers and some parents who asked her certain questions, she might not like those questions but she answered sincerely without any sarcasm or malice because she understood them. There weren't any mixed students in both her middle school and high school much less one with brown skin, afro hair and Asian facial features. So she took it all on the chin. From her early childhood, her parents taught her self confidence and self love so she didn't regret being mixed. Infact, she loved it. She loved being unique. Although, she made enemies, she also made friends because she was kind and generous. She was also very beautiful so it was no surprise that a lot of guys asked her out in highschool but she declined them all. But that didn't stop them from befriending her. Overall, her life in Philadelphia wasn't that great but it was also not so bad.

       Because Soraya was a fashion model,she had a great fashion sense and dressed accordingly. This caught Reign's eye and always fascinated her how her mother dressed so amazingly. This had aroused her interest in fashion but it wasn't until a particular day that Reign told herself that she would venture into fashion. Reign had always travelled with her mother and followed her to fashion shows. She was always backstage with her and other models when they were putting on their dresses. The first time Reign accompanied her mother to a fashion show was when she was six.

        Soraya's sister, Aaliyah who was also her manager, had driven them to the venue for New York fashion week and Soraya was walking the runway for a brand she often walks for,Balmain. She dropped them off in front of the venue. " Okay, you guys get off here while I go park the car , alright? "" Okay Liya, see you inside. c'mon Reign, let's head inside."" Okay, see you later, Aunt Liya." Reign said with a smile. "Alright, dear " Aaliyah said while smiling back. As they walked into the venue, Aaliyah drove off to park the car. Soraya held Reign's hand as they walked up the stairs of the venue to the backstage.

        It was a world unlike any Reign had seen before. The air buzzed with excitement, the clatter of high heels, and the whispers of silk and satin. The dressing areas was a whirlwind of activities, with models slipping on dresses, adjusting hemlines, and fastening intricate accessories. At the hair and makeup section, makeup artists and hairstylists work their magic on the models. As they walked, Reign's eyes grew wide with wonder. She saw models, tall and elegant, striking poses in front of the mirror.

"Raya, you're late " said Alonso, one of the directors as he walked towards her. "I know, I'm so sorry " Raya said remorsefully. Alonso sighed then said, "Nevermind, is that your kid? ""Yeah, I hope it's okay having her backstage?"Alonso looked into Reign's big brown eyes and said "it's alright as long as she doesn't touch anything. Now hurry up and get to hair and makeup so you can put your dress on " Then he turned around to walk away. "Thanks Al" yelled Soraya behind him. Soraya led Reign by the hand to a chair. "Oh my gosh, Raya, is that your kid, she is so cute "said one of the models, "Right?, she looked so much like you, Raya" said another model, other models also gushed about how cute and pretty Reign was. Reign smiled while Soraya laughed, "Thanks guys". As she sat Reign down on the chair, she said to her, "Now Reign, be good, sit here and wait for me while I get ready and don't touch anything, alright?"" Okay, mum"" Good girl"she said, pecked her forehead and went off to hair and makeup.

      As Reign was sitted, she looked around. She was in awe because of what she saw. To Reign, the dresses the models were wearing, was something she had never seen before, they were absolutely remarkable. She looked so her left and saw a rack of dresses made with different materials like silk, satin, sequin etc. Some even had beaded detailing. Her fingers itched. She wanted to touch the fabrics, to feel their textures against her skin. But she didn't want to disobey her mum. After a while, Alonso yelled "Okay people, take your places, two minutes to the start of the show ". Reign saw Aaliyah walking towards her and she ran to hug her." Aunt Liya, you're here " Aaliyah crouched down to hug her," Yes I am ". When they were done hugging, she said to Reign, "Okay, Reign, I spoke to your mum on my way here and told her that the guests have arrived and the show is about to start so we are going to take our seats in the audience and she said okay, so how about we go sit down?" " Okay "replied Reign. Then Aaliyah led them to their seats and they sat down. A little while later, the show started.

      The fashion show was a cascade of colors and fabrics, a symphony of style that unfolded before Reign's wide, sparkling eyes. As the show began, Reign's eyes glued to the runway. She watched, entranced, as the first model  sashayed down the catwalk, her confidence and poise inspiring her. The way the clothes moved with her, flowing and twirling, left her breathless. She watched, her heart pounding in her chest, as the models moved with an elegance that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. The clothes—oh, the clothes—they were like nothing Reign had ever seen. Then her mother came out.Her gown—a cascade of midnight blue—whispered secrets of moonlit gardens and forgotten ballrooms. The way Soraya walked ,with power and grace and poise,Reign decided that her mother was a queen, ruling over this ephemeral kingdom of style. She was awestruck.It was in this moment, as she watched the fabric flow around her mother's form like water, that Reign felt a spark—a desire not just to watch, but to create. She imagined herself behind the scenes, her tiny hands crafting the garments that would one day grace such a stage. She imagined making clothes that would make people feel confident and powerful. While Reign's attention was completely on the runway, Aaliyah was smiling knowingly as she was looking at her mesmerized face. She knew at that moment that Reign had caught the fashion bug.

        As the show was coming to an end, all the models came out at the same time to do their final walk. The show ended with a standing ovation, the applause a roaring sea that filled Reign's ears with a promise. As the guests began to depart and people were taking pictures with models while others were meeting with the designers, Reign and Aaliyah went to meet Soraya. She had changed back into her own clothes and was taking pictures with two popular influencers when they saw her. By the time they reached her, she was done with the pictures. When Soraya saw them, she smiled."Mummy" yelled Reign. Soraya picked her up. "Reign, did you enjoy the show "" Yes I did. You were amazing " replied Reign excitedly. "Really?" "Yeah. I liked the dresses. They were really pretty. One day, I'll make dresses like that " Reign said enthusiastically. "I know you will " Soraya said lovingly. "Ready to go, sis?" asked Aaliyah. "Sure, I'm beat. Let's go ". "Mum, can I follow you and Aunt Liya to other shows " asked Reign as they walked out of the venue. "You still have to go to school. I brought you with me today because it's Saturday." replied Soraya. "Oh"Reign said sadly. "But anytime there's no school, you can come with us " Aaliyah said. "Really?" Reign looked at her mother." Sure " replied Soraya. "Yay" exclaimed Reign.

      When they reached the place where Aaliyah parked the car, they all got in and Aaliyah drove them home.