
Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

One day, the whole world gamified in the eyes of Su Mo. Not only could he use his lifespan to draw cards, but he could also see the hidden attributes of every item in life. As such, when he looked at the hanging lamp above him, he saw: [Item: An old hanging lamp] [Hint: It will drop after one minute and seven seconds.] When he looked at his right arm, he saw: [Item: The right arm of a young man] [Hint: The grip strength of his right arm is 3% stronger than that of his left arm due to continuous training.] When he looked at the ginseng on the table, he saw: [Item: A stalk of wild ginseng] [Hint: It is tinted with a layer of source power. Consuming it could make you feel energized.] … Excited, Su Mo rushed to meet his girlfriend, who was a school beauty and had just agreed to date him. He then saw a bright red HP bar on top of her head. [Item: A very thirsty fox demon] [Hint: You might not be able to put up a fight against her.]

Pears Are Fragrant · Games
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130 Chs

I Can Sell My Body

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The change at the door alarmed Su Mo and the fox demon.

The fox demon turned to the side of the bed with unimaginable agility, then stretched out her hand and grabbed Su Mo like she was grabbing a chick.

He was now both a shield and a hostage.

Looking at her smooth actions, she was probably very familiar with such a situation.

Su Mo did not even have time to feel emotional when a robust figure barged into his field of vision.

It was a mature woman who was dressed simply.

She had an oval face, shoulder-length hair, fair skin, and sharp eyes.

The most incredible thing about her was her long legs.

They were well-proportioned, slender, and fair, without the slightest flaw.

Even though Su Mo had watched countless films, he still had to say her legs were worthy of praise.

Just as the "beautiful legs" woman appeared, a complaint could be heard from outside the door, "My dear Miss Chu, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't tear down the buildings so casually, and try to make as little noise as possible. Don't kick the door open if you can unlock it by swiping the card. We're an official organization. After destroying things, we have to pay compensation. Where would the team get so much money for you?"

"It's more important to save people!" The "beautiful legs" lady said concisely.

A man in a suit who was in his early thirties walked in and glanced at Su Mo before saying confidently, "Look, isn't he still fine? My timing is perfect. I definitely won't let him die."

Hearing this, Su Mo was unable to even curse.

He had lost more than 30 years of his lifespan, and the other party called this "still fine"?

At this moment, the fox demon behind him also spoke, "Let me go, or I'll kill him!"

Its mouth revealed its inhuman sharp teeth and its slender hands also turned into fox claws.

Its fingernails reflected a cold light, causing goosebumps on Su Mo's neck.

"I accidentally let you go earlier. Do you think you can still escape now?" The "beautiful legs" lady snorted, took out a gun, and fired without looking.

"F*ck!" Seeing the gun pointed at him, Su Mo's heart instantly turned cold.

Was this an American-style rescue mission that killed both the robber and the hostage?

Just as he thought he was going to die at the hands of the official rescuers, the bullet suddenly made a turn in front of him and hit the fox demon's wrist on the spot.

The fox demon let out a cry of pain and released its claws.

Following this, the "beautiful legs" lady fired a few shots in succession.

Every single one of the shots was pointed at Su Mo, but instead, it was the fox demon who was forced to retreat in a sorry state.

Seeing this, Su Mo was completely dumbfounded.

Only then did he come to his senses and quickly looked at the notification on the "beautiful legs" lady.

[Item: Level 3 Gunner]

[Prompt: Transcendent, good at gun fighting, telekinesis, etc.]


Su Mo was slightly taken back.

He suddenly recalled the notification on the game interface.

He needed to get a new profession before he could draw a prize.

So the so-called "new profession" was referring to becoming a Transcendent?

Before Su Mo could figure it out, the fox demon let out a sharp cry and suddenly revealed its true form.

Its speed instantly increased as it turned around and pounced toward the window.

At this time, the man in a suit who had been standing at the side and watching the show suddenly shouted in a deep voice, "Freeze!"

In the next second, the fox demon that was about to pounce out of the window was frozen in place.

It maintained its forward pouncing posture, unable to move.

Su Mo was instantly amazed.

What the f*ck, his words had power?

He focused his gaze on the man in the suit.

[Item: Level 3 Warlock]

[Prompt: Transcendent, good at soul extraction, soul fixation, etc.]

The notification on the interface was very different from what he had imagined.

To think the other party was a warlock.

From the introduction, it seemed that this profession often had to deal with souls.

Although he didn't know what kind of warlock this was, since the prompt had said so, he would just look at it this way.

Which one should he choose?

Su Mo felt incredibly conflicted.

The [Gunner] profession was very cool, but [Warlock] was obviously even weirder.

The last time he was so conflicted was when he was in sixth grade, wondering where he should go to Qing University or Peking University in the future.

As for the result... Let's not talk about it.

Just as Su Mo was letting his thoughts run free, he suddenly heard a scream.

He looked up only to see that the fox demon had been shot in the forehead and died on the spot.

The beautiful campus Belle of Yan University was no longer there.

Only a four-eyed fox with messy fur was left.

As time passed, it gradually turned into a pool of pus.

During this transformation process, Su Mo suddenly felt a surge of life force continuously flowing toward him.

"This is... Lifespan?" He looked at his lifespan which was constantly increasing on the interface and felt incredibly overjoyed.

He had been worrying about the loss of his lifespan, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the interface had solved his biggest headache.

Under his fervent gaze, his lifespan slowly rose from 40 to 47.

When it reached 50, it finally stopped.

Su Mo knew that this was most likely the limit.

The fox demon had already been squeezed dry, and not a single drop was left.

Even though his original lifespan was as high as 72 and he had lost 22 years of his lifespan, Su Mo was already satisfied that he could get back 10 years of his lifespan.

After all, he was supposed to die here.

Moreover, Su Mo had another guess.

The fox demon was not the only one who could give him some lifespan.

Killing other demons should also have the same effect.

Assuming that one demon could increase his lifespan by ten years, what about a hundred? What about a thousand?

Would he still be worried about not having enough lifespan to carry out the lottery?

Would he still need to care if his luck in drawing lotteries was good or bad?

He could just draw the card pool dry!

At this moment, Su Mo's heart was filled with ambition.

However, no matter how ambitious he was, he knew that he had to solve the biggest problem at hand, and that was to get a profession.

[You have not chosen a profession, and are thus unable to draw a prize yet.]

This was a set rule.

He had to cross this threshold to welcome a more magnificent and vast life.

He had already found a solution.

Seeing the man in the suit turn around and walk towards him after dealing with the fox demon's remains as he took out an ancient little bell from his pocket, Su Mo hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the other party, saying, "Wait! I have something to say! Are you going to use this little bell to erase my memory?"

The man in a suit and the "beautiful legs" woman looked at each other and could not help but look at each other.

The "beautiful legs" lady crossed her arms and said in surprise, "You're right, so what?"

Su Mo said righteously, "Legs... Miss, I don't think you need to do this. I'm a handsome and talented man who has survived after coming into contact with a demon and am still able to maintain my rationality. I must be quite rare. I think you can try to rope me in. There's no need to erase my memory on the spot."

"Speak human language."

"I want to join you!"

The "beautiful legs" lady laughed, but her words were merciless, "No."


"Because you're not a Transcendent."

"Well, wouldn't I become a Transcendent if you taught me?"

"Do you think it's that easy to become a Transcendent?"

"I can bear hardships."

"It's not just about suffering."

"I can sell my body."

"..." The "beautiful legs" lady's mouth twitched.

For the first time, she was speechless.

She even began to wonder if there was a relationship between selling one's body and becoming a Transcendent.

The man in the suit laughed out loud.

He sized Su Mo up, his eyes filled with admiration, "I have to say, you do have the capital. We've been working on a case recently. Perhaps we need talent like you."

The "beautiful legs" lady's expression changed when she heard this, "You mean the heart-digging case?"

"What else?"

"No! I object! He's just an ordinary person. How can he be involved in such a dangerous case?"

"I'm not forcing him. It's just a suggestion. I'll also explain to him the dangers of this case. If he agrees, it would naturally be for the best. If he doesn't, it won't matter either. At most, we'll erase his memory according to protocol."

"In any case, absolutely not! Even if there's only a one in ten thousand chance, we can't drag innocent people into this!"

"Why don't we ask him for his opinion?" The man in a suit threw the question to the person involved.

Su Mo grinned and said, "If you were even a little late today, my whole person would've been left behind here. Now, not only has my life been saved for free, but I even have a chance to become a Transcendent. How can I not agree?"

The "beautiful legs" woman glared at Su Mo before looking at the man in the suit and coldly saying, "I'll write this into the report!"

The man in a suit laughed and gave Su Mo a big thumbs-up, "Kid, you have guts! The mission this time is quite dangerous, but if we successfully capture and kill the heart-digging demon, even if I have to sacrifice all my merit points, I'll apply for an origin pearl for you that will help you with choosing a profession. It'll help you become a Transcendent!"

Choosing a profession?

Su Mo's eyes immediately lit up.