
Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

One day, the whole world gamified in the eyes of Su Mo. Not only could he use his lifespan to draw cards, but he could also see the hidden attributes of every item in life. As such, when he looked at the hanging lamp above him, he saw: [Item: An old hanging lamp] [Hint: It will drop after one minute and seven seconds.] When he looked at his right arm, he saw: [Item: The right arm of a young man] [Hint: The grip strength of his right arm is 3% stronger than that of his left arm due to continuous training.] When he looked at the ginseng on the table, he saw: [Item: A stalk of wild ginseng] [Hint: It is tinted with a layer of source power. Consuming it could make you feel energized.] … Excited, Su Mo rushed to meet his girlfriend, who was a school beauty and had just agreed to date him. He then saw a bright red HP bar on top of her head. [Item: A very thirsty fox demon] [Hint: You might not be able to put up a fight against her.]

Pears Are Fragrant · Games
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Dawn Bureau, Transcendent Professions!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sky was bright.

The working class was already busy preparing for a new day.

The bus on Route 28 was as crowded as usual.

Su Mo sat in the back seat and his gaze seemed to fall on the street view outside the window. In reality, he was staring at the virtual panel.

The lifespan on the upper right corner had reached 81.

He had only killed a level 3 fox demon, but it had given him 31 years of lifespan.

Compared to Lin Keke, who was at level 2, the reward had exceeded a three-fold increase.

However, Su Mo also knew that he had only gained the lifespan by benefiting from others.

If he had relied on his own strength, let alone the level 3 fox demon from last night, even Lin Keke could make him go reincarnate.

Before demons, ordinary people really did not have much ability to resist.

Even though his lifespan had reached 81 years, he still had to kneel when he encountered monsters.

He had to become a Transcendent to change everything!

"Even if this test shows that I don't have any talent, I still have to try my best to become a Transcendent!" Su Mo's eyes were bright as he made up his mind.

Half an hour later, he got off at Weigang Station.

He looked at the security bureau not far away, took a deep breath, and walked in.

The official organization for Transcendents was called the Dawn Bureau.

Its branches in various parts of the country were often set up in the local security bureaus.

Doing so would allow the bureau to quickly receive information about bizarre cases, as well as mobilize their forces to handle the cases as quickly as possible.

However, according to Zhang Zhenyu, dealing with the cases was a small matter.

They had more important responsibilities.

With the address that Zhang Zhenyu had written down in his hand, Su Mo looked at a small red building to the northwest of the security bureau's main building.

The small building only had three floors, and the red paint had peeled off in many places.

It seemed to have existed for a very long time.

Considering that this building was probably exclusive to the Dawn Bureau, it seemed that Transcendents had existed for many years.

Perhaps these people were also present in many wars in the past.

Su Mo's thoughts ran wild as he walked into the small building.

The first thing he saw was two young female receptionists sitting in front of the wood-colored counter.

On the left was a half-open work area where about a dozen people were busy in front of their computers.

"I didn't expect you to be here so early."

Su Mo looked up to see Chu Qingwu standing on the spiral staircase.

She was holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand.

After not seeing her for a night, she looked capable as ever today.

She was wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts, revealing her long, well-proportioned legs that had a pair of white sports shoes.

She didn't seem to like wearing socks.

Hmm, although her legs were very attractive, stockings would probably be great too.

He should probably raise his opinion to her in the future.

Just as Su Mo was thinking, Chu Qingwu continued, "Follow me."

As she spoke, she turned around and walked up.

Su Mo hurriedly followed.

Chu Qingwu introduced as she walked, "Our logistics partners are on the first floor. They are all ordinary people who are responsible for supporting us and don't usually go to the battlefield. If you don't have any aptitude to be a Transcendent, your job will probably be there. The second floor is for the combat team, all Transcendents. There aren't many people. Including Captain Zhang and me, there are only five in total. Our five-man team is mainly responsible for all kinds of Transcendent events in Furong District. Of course, there are times when we have to support our brother teams or follow the orders of our superiors to cross regions and complete missions there. You're early today. Other than me, Captain Zhang, and Old Master Zhou, I don't think you'll be able to meet the other two."

Chu Qingwu turned into the left hall on the second floor.

There was no one in the hall, only seven or eight work tables.

Compared to the first floor, the decorations were more casual.

In addition to the work area, there was a large rest area next to it with many snacks and drinks.

In fact, Su Mo even saw a Switch, a hand-muscle developer, and a bottle of white spirit.

Never mind the Switch and hand-muscle developer, but what the hell was a bottle of white spirit doing here?

Don't tell him that they drank during their break, wasn't this too free?

A question mark appeared in Su Mo's mind.

Chu Qingwu continued, "If you can become a Transcendent, your job station will be here. Our management here is relatively loose, and incidents don't happen every day. It's very common for us to be slacking off outside or doing other jobs. We don't reject this, rather, we even encourage the development of a second profession."

Su Mo's eyes lit up.

This job was too great.

Seeing his expression and the corners of Chu Qingwu's mouth curled up. She reminded him, "But there's one thing you must take note of, and that is to ensure smooth communication. When needed, you must be contactable. The same goes for even when you're sleeping at night. If you fail to respond three times, you'll be fired on the spot."

The smile on Su Mo's face instantly froze.

Wasn't this the 24-hour standby of a black-hearted company?

Weren't they violating the labor law?

That being said, Su Mo was only ridiculing in his heart.

He understood the necessity of being on standby 24/7.

After all, when the mirage demons came out to kill people, it didn't consider working hours.

"Alright, let's go do the test," Chu Qingwu put down her empty coffee cup, "Whether you'll be on the second floor or the first floor will depend on the results of today's test."

Su Mo was a bit nervous and followed Chu Qingwu to the right.

They soon arrived at Zhang Zhenyu's independent office.

Unlike last night, Zhang Zhenyu had changed into a blue suit, making him look less like a salesman now.

Other than Zhang Zhenyu, he also saw an old man drinking tea.

The old man had a head full of silver hair, a thin face, and deep wrinkles.

His figure was so thin that it seemed as if a gust of wind could send him flying.

This must be the Old Master Zhou that Chu Qingwu had mentioned.

Su Mo looked over and saw a notification on the virtual interface.

[Item: Level 3 Pugilist]

[Prompt: Transcendent, good at joint techniques, dislocation technique, Drunken Fist, etc.]

Seeing this, Su Mo's eyes could not help but twitch.

A level 3 pugilist? With this figure and age, was the interface sure it didn't make a mistake?

"I didn't expect you to come so early," Zhang Zhenyu stood up from his seat and greeted, "You were only dismissed at three in the morning. You didn't sleep all night, huh?"

"I've definitely slept. After all, what if staying up late affects my aptitude?"

"It's not that easy to affect one's aptitude," Zhang Zhenyu smiled and took out a compass from the drawer.

The compass was very small, only the size of a palm.

The center was sunken in, and a yin-yang Tai Chi diagram the size of a fingernail was drawn on it.

The surroundings of the Tai Chi diagram were engraved with countless tiny and twisted characters.

Just a glance at it made one feel a little dizzy.

"This is a star-fate compass. Not only can it test if you have Transcendent talent, but it also can also test your Transcendent aptitude inclination, thus determining the profession that suits you the most. Currently, Dawn Bureau has a total of 12 Transcendent classes. Of course, the number of Transcendent professions that have actually appeared is far more than this, but most of the transcendent professions would reach a dead end as they level up. We only have complete advancement paths for these 12. We can ensure that you can advance from low to high without any obstacles and achieve the true peak if you are within these 12 professions. For example, my warlock, Xiao Chu's gunner, and Old Zhou's pugilist are all within the 12 professions. What happens next will depend on your luck."

Hearing this, Su Mo could not help but gulp.

The situation was more complicated than he had imagined.

It seemed that not only did he have to successfully become a Transcendent, but he still had to find a way to fall into the 12 professions.

He didn't want a Transcendent profession that had no future.

Following Zhang Zhenyu's instructions, Su Mo pricked his little finger and dripped a drop of blood on the black and white Tai Chi diagram.

The next second, the blood disappeared.

The runes on the compass all lit up, emitting a demonic blood-red light.

Su Mo's heart was in his throat.