
Draw Close

Life's a roller coater, where we experience intense emotions of joy, pain, love, sadness. Without any one emotion we can not understand the other emotions. Hence it's necessary to live every moment of life, not run, because all these experience of varied emotions are short lived. The moment Ryan laid his eyes on her, he fell for her. His life began to revolve around her, he now, did everything to make her happy. The moment Mia laid eyes one him, she knew he was trouble. She couldn’t fall for him. So she did everything possible to stay away from him. But fate had something else planned for them. Will he ever be able to forget her ? and will she ever be able to love him? Dive into their world and find out how their lives changed with just one small misunderstanding.

RKC29 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chap 1: First Sight


"Guys I have a long day tomorrow" I looked at John and Keith, who were more interested to shove me inside the car. I reached home from another country jet-lagged and sleep-deprived. The last 3 months had been hectic as our company was on the final stage to venture into another line of business. My erratic and busy work schedule made it difficult to meet my family or my best friends, Keith and John. Finally, they had enough of it and came to my house unannounced.

I desperately wanted to sleep, and get myself refresh for tomorrow's important meeting. I sat at the back seat and Keith in the front passenger with John driving.

"We are meeting after a long time Ry, show some excitement!" John looked excited while he saw me from the rear view mirror but I had the opposite reaction.

"I am working this Saturday," I said in exhaustion, while I could only think of my bed.

"Ryan!" Keith turned to look at me and gave a stern look "I understand work is important but you need to unwind " I knew from the looks that he disliked my behavior and wanted me to agree with what ever they planned to do tonight. Keith spoke rarely, but when he did he made sense. He's more of an observer, highly intelligent and academically driven. John and I met Keith in 3rd grade and since then we have been together through thick and thin. Keith's black medium wavy hair, big caramel eyes, a small button nose, perfect sculpted jaw, honey skinned and athletic-lean body made girls swoon over him. The attention never bothered him until he met Beth. He fell hard for her in junior college but she didn't. His persistence and love for her never made him give up and he continued to work hard for their love. After a year and half of patience, she finally agreed to be his girlfriend and soon they became high school sweetheart goals for everyone. A month back they completed 7-years with a year of long-distance. She had to move across another continent to pursue her masters. But even with a year apart, their love has not quaver at all.

"Can't we make it tomorrow night," I said in despair, I looked out of the window and saw the tall trees pass by in a line.

"You will be in another country" Keith said in a disdainful tone. I knew I shouldn't have welcomed them so late at night.

"We have been trying to get a hold of you for a long time. Finally, got the chance and we are not giving it away buddy!" John replied bluntly. John's lean build, short blond hair, decent size green eyes, and sleek long nose made him look average, but his affable, easy-going, and well-mannered personality made people gel along with him. He could make anyone laugh and feel comfortable within seconds. Every guy wanted to be his best friend and every girl wanted to marry him. I met John in primary school and he was my first ever friend.

"How long are we planning to stay?"

"Why?" Keith questioned with curiosity.

"I have to give a presentation tomorrow," I had valid reasons to avoid this dinner. I had to board a flight early in the morning to travel to another continent and give a million-dollar presentation. Our presentation was crucial as it could determine our status with the others in the venturing engagement.

"Can't you tell Rick to go on your behalf?" Keith asked. It always bothered them as to why I always took the load and Rick did all the parties.

"They need me and not Rick" I replied with arrogance and looked outside the car window. Rick, my partner, good at people skills but never with presentation, as for me, It was the other way around. I could feel Keith's cold eyes on me. "Have you seen yourself? when was the last time you slept properly?" he questioned with irritation.

"Keith," I said his name in exhaustion.

"You need to stop investing so much time in work Ryan! Don't You understand?" He continued to fume. He hated that I worked hard and never looked after my health.

"I love my job," I said, agitated with both of them.

We looked eye to eye with each other, I knew what he meant and I didn't want to discuss more on it especially when I was exhausted. After we parked, I groggily dragged myself out of the car while I cursed my friends. When we entered the restaurant I saw Ariel and a black-hair lady sitting in a 6 seater table. They both sat on a three seater cushion seat and left three chairs for us, which were placed opposite. I looked at Keith and in return he gave an apologetic look. He knew I loathed Ariel.

"Could this night be any worse!" I expressed my irritation to both but they ignored.

"Hey! girls," John said and showed googly eyes to Ariel. John was head over heels in love with her. Anyone who saw them together, could see his profanity for her. But every one knew that she was in love with me. The plan to meet was always made by Ariel and John always took the responsibility to turn it into a successful event.

"What took you so long? let me guess, Ryan?" Ariel said and gave an unimpressive look to me. While John took the opposite seat to Ariel, Keith sat opposite to the other girl and I sat opposite to an empty seat.

"It's 10:30?!" I said in an agitated tone to her. "You might have a day off at college tomorrow but I have an early flight to catch." I retaliated with the same sassy tone she used at me.

"Ryan it's just a dinner" Ariel defended herself.

"Talk to me when you have to travel out of the country in the next 6 hours and give a very important presentation," I fumed at her. She always got me in black moods. I don't know what it was about her but I just couldn't stand her. We were never friends, right from the day I met her in high school. I knew she was interested only in my looks, and wanted to show me off to her new friends, and this dinner was just about this.

"Ryan!" John warned.

"Why can't you ever have a normal conversation?" Ariel said In a disdain voice and looked at me like she was about to cry.

"I do but only with friends" I replied bluntly and gave my attention to the menu.

"You are such a jerk". Ariel said in a hurtful tone.

"Ryan this is Emily, Ariel's roommate." Keith chimed in before things could get worse. I acknowledged politely. Emily, a beautiful girl, with clear charcoal skin, curly black shoulder-length hair, big azure coloured eyes, with fuller lips, and a small nose. She looked like a barbie doll. Emily introduced herself to me with some hesitation to which I could understand, especially after what she just witnessed with her friend. She didn't look happy to meet me and I was fine with it. Soon everyone began to talk, Ariel and Emily talked about their MBA college and their expectations from some tests which they had given just a few days ago. While John and Keith sweetly responded to them and I got bored minute by minute. I looked at my phone, went through my mails made sure everything was in place for tomorrow's meeting. Then I looked up at the ambiance of the small restaurant, and from my peripheral vision, I saw a girl enter the restaurant while she laughed. Curiosity piqued, and I looked in her direction. The moment I laid my eyes on her, all my irritation, restlessness went out of the window. Her long fawn hair, light peach skin, big brown colored eyes and pink lips, all complemented her oval face so beautifully. She laughed while she spoke on the phone and walked towards our side of the table. With each step she took, the more closely I could see and hear her. Her laugh was contagious that I started to smile sheepishly. She finally noticed me and looked straight in the eye while she continued to talk on the phone. What the hell was wrong with me? Why did I flash my smile at her? Why couldn't I stop myself to stare at her? I never showed emotions or any kind of interest for anyone and for sure never stared at girls like a complete fool. The closer she got the louder I felt my heartbeat and more butterflies swarmed through the insides of my stomach. Stop Staring! Stop Staring! was all my brain could process but I still maintained it. Thankfully after a few seconds, she broke the stare and stood next to our table. She looked at my friends with a smile.

"Hey guys," she said in the most melodious voice I ever heard. Did they all know each other? How?! Oh! Of course, she knew all of them. Whenever they made plans they met unlike me because I was too busy with work. She sat next to Ariel and opposite to me. My heart started to dance from inside like I had just cracked a billion-dollar deal.

"Hey" Keith replied

"Hey Sweetheart," John said to her. I immediately turned my head towards John, Sweetheart?! I didn't like it at all but I shook off the weird feeling.

"Spoke to your folks?" Ariel inquired,

"Yes!" She replied sweetly with a cute smile and my heart just melted. She wore a crochet loose white top and had paired it with blue jeans and flat white sandals. She was 5'3 height and probably the first girl without makeup. The ladies in the restaurant looked all dolled up with their attractive dresses, high heels, and good makeup but here she was dressed up as if she was in a grocery store. From up close I could see dark circles and few acne scars on both the sides of her cheeks. She had put a light color lipstick and a black eyeliner. She definitely had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I had to know more about her. Before anyone could speak more to her I propelled to get her attention,

"Hi, I am Ryan," I said as I initiated the conversation and extended my hand to her. She looked at me with a warm smile,

"Nice to finally meet you, I am Mia" She accepted my hand with a firm grip. I gawked at her, as I just couldn't take my eyes off her, Gosh! she was the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

Open to criticism. Any issues with the storyline or any aspect of the book, reach out to me through the comments.

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