
Welcome to the jungle

Dusk and Dawn listen to the elder for over an hour of the jungle, were to head, how to navigate and where the temple is located. Dusk felt as if she would fall asleep at the end of it, "Dawn you got all that right?" Dust asked.

"Yep, you?" Dawn said wide awake and alert.

"Yep but to be sure you are having the map" Dusk said.

"Ok but you're having the compass" Dawn said, 'she probably remembers when at summer camp, there was a compass activity and she failed miserably' Dusk couldn't hold back a snicker. "Don't laugh, that was ages ago!" Dawn wacked Dusk on the head.

"Ow, I couldn't help it" Dusk covered her head.

"Anyway keep calm and if you see something you don't know, do not walk too it" the elder added.

"Alright but you said that you would use the horses to get us to the edge of the jungle" Dusk mentioned.

"Yep but tomorrow, you both need a rest" the elder said then guided them to a guest room.

Dusk was impressed by how nice the room was, it had a bunck bed with plenty of pillows and blankets, lamps on the bedside table and a chest of drawers for temporary to put things in. "I'm having top bunck" Dawn was already up the ladder.

"Alright but now I can have a tent" Dusk teased.

"I have the high ground" Dawn smiled, "you can't upset me".

They had there dinner brought to them and then once they were done asked one of the priest to take them to the kitchen to be cleaned. She then found the guest pajamas. It was rather cold that night, "at least we have all these blankets" Dusk said to Dawn.

"Yep" Dawn said sleepily. Dusk slept well that night that when she woke up that morning she wanted to go back to sleep. "Come on Dusk we have a prophesy to forfill" Dawn shook Dusks shoulder.

"10 more minutes" Dusk pleaded.

"No, you wake up now" Dawn then got to her other side and pushed her out of the bed, Dusk fell right on her hip.

"Ow! I need my hip to walk" Dusk exclaimed.

"You'll be fine, now come on" Dawn dragged her of the floor and they both got dressed. They went to the main room and saw the elder doing her duties, "Dawn, Dusk, follow me" she called out to them.

They followed her to the back entrance, she saw the horses and cart was already set up and on the extended table was some food for them. "At least the roof is up" Dusk muttered to herself. They got on the cart and began to eat there breakfast, they had a nice fry up with, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, beens and sausages. They put all the plates and cutlery in the little storage under the seets, Dusk pit her phone on and watched there show on the Internet.

After about 3 hours if Dusk was correct, the horses started to freak put and buck. "Whow there, this is as far as I can take you, the jungle is right there" the elder pointed to the wall of large and tall trees.

"Thank you" Dawn waved good bye.

"See you if we make it out alive" Dusk said sycasticly. She stared at the jungle and it looked like the trees were growing taller the more she looked at it, "too late to turn back now" Dusk said to Dawn then they both walked into the jungle.

They hiked in and for a cople of times, Dusk thought that they were going in circles. "The elder said it will take about a day to get to the temple" Dawn reminded Dusk.

"I know but it all looks the same" Dusk complained. Dusk keeped turning to look back as she thought she heard something but Dawn always dismissed it. After a long while they had to stop at the river that flowed down the jungle to have a little rest.

"So where do you think we are? What were we thinking? no expert got out of here alive" Dusk keeped over thinking every little thing that went wrong.

"Don't worry, we're fine and we are actually close" Dawn hold the map up to Dusk and she was pointing to a bit in the river that was right next to the temple.

"So we just have to travel up streem" Dusk sighed, a little exhorted.

After there brack they started to walk up then saw the ruins of an old bridge, "I wonder who made that" Dawn studied it for a split second.

"Who knows, maby before the jungle wasn't so inhabitable" Dusk shrugged, the heard something against and turned to see what it is. "Calm down it's most likely a bird or frog" Dawn shook her head.

"Alright but if something happens I'm blaming it on you" Dusk pushed Dawn forward.

They kept seeing scraps of old bridges, some were just a stump in the ground. Dusk still heard that noise behind them, "right, we are definitely being followed" Dusk said sternly, looking back.

"No we are not, it's all in your head" Dawn sighed.

"Explane the exsact same sound I keep hearing" Duak challenged.

"You do know that the, lyrebird lives in this forest, right? witch means it's probably two or three are mimicking the same sound and are curious of what we are, they tend to do that" Dawn said without taking a moment to think.

Dusk felt a little stupid, forgetting that the lurebird lives here, it's the main fact about the jungle that everyone knows. "Fine then let's just get the temple and face Lakarr" Dusk gave up.

"Good then it should be up here" Dawn pointed to the shallow part of the river, were they can cross. Dawn went first and past without any problems, Dusk followed and nothing happened, 'why was I worried?' Dusk shook of the thought. It was only midday, recording to her watch, so they decided to take one more brake to try and fight the humidity.

"Can you pass me the empty bottle? I'm gona fill it then we can drench our foreheads" Dusk explained.

"Yes please, I can't stand it for much longer" Dawn complained. Dusk took it from Dawn and filled it to the rim, she heard the sound against and she lost it. "Right you little birds shut up or I'll make you!" Dusk threatened, she then heard laughter from Dawn. "Just leave me alone Dawn" Dusk begged, "Dawn?" Dusk asked when she didn't respond. 'She always responds, why isn't she now?' Dusk began to panic and dash back to were she was but she was not there. "Ow!" she felt a sting in her neck and then passed out.