
New mission

Dawn was in a tree, 'how do I turn back!' she rubbed her head, 'were is Dusk?' she cried.

"Dawn! were are you?!" Artonia called for her.

"Up here!" Dawn responded.

"Come down we might have an answer!" Artonia was by the psychic hut, 'yay anuther telling of my future' she thought sycasticly.

Dawn sat down on the pillows and let the smoke do its thing, she saw a deep orange, then light blue, pink and then black. "Your friend is on the island of Marlablico, at the ruins of the temple of knowledge" Have said calmly.

"Really, but what about me turning back? does it say?" Dawn was desperate at this point.

"No sorry but I did see that a friend of hers will show you how" Haev smiled friendly.

"Well that's something" Dawn shrugged.

"You should head to Marlablico you could find her as soon as possible" Haev suggested.

"Yes I should, do you have a boat or something?" Dawn asked.

"No, we don't need boats" Haev shook her head.

"Maby the elder has one" Dawn thought out loud.

"Who?" Haev asked.

"Oh the elder is the one who realised that I'm the one to have to jackolope form" Dawn explained.

"Well would you like someone to show you the way out of the jungle or are you ok?" Artonia asked.

"Yeah I would like someone show me the way, Dusk was the one who had the map" Dawn smiled.

"I'll get someone" Artonia agreed. Dawn waited for someone at the entrance, it didn't take long but it felt like it took for ever. An orange drag tail showed up and lead the way, Dawn could hear much more then before.

She got to the end and the drag tail headed back, Dawn was about to dash of to the mountain but she smelled blood. Dawn followed it and she saw a man with very clearly vampire bit marks on its neck. Dawn could smell Sliverpig and most importantly Dusk.

'Dusk! what was she doing here? where is she?'. Dawn followed the sent to the opposite end of the mountain from the temple and on the ground where the sent ended was the purple dust. "No! did Sliverpig kidnapped her!?" Dawn screamed. She ran straight to the temple and burst through the door, a priest jumped back when she did. "What? you found the jackolope spirits!" the priest said in aw.

"Where is the elder?" Dawn demanded.

The priest pointed to the door where Firestone was, Dawn went in, in a hurry. "Dusk has been kidnapped!" Dawn declared panting.

"What!?" Firestone jumped to her feet.

"Sliverpig and Dusk seemed to be in a chase and that purple dust was everything" Dawn reported.

"No! this is bad no, no, no!" Firestone shook her head violently.

"Thy psychic said that she's on the other island" Dawn mentioned.

"No! that means she's at the temple of knowledge, my sister lives in that one" Firestone did a wired hiss.

"We need to move now, then" Dawn said.

"Yes I'll take you" the elder nodded.

"I can't, these wounds won't heal" Firestone looked guilty.

"No need to apologise, I'll fix it!" Dawn was already out the door and at the entrance.

The elder had a car ready, "why didn't you use the car when we went to the jungle?" Dawn asked.

"The horses needed exercise" the priest explained, "we you getting in or not?".

"I don't know how to turn back" Dawn smiled as she stood next to the car that is smaller then her.

"Juna! get the horses ready!" the elder called.

"Ok!" she called back.

Shortly a priest came from the back with the horses and cart, Dawn got in and they headed out. They road down the mountain, across the fild and to the docks. "Hey can I get a fairy to Marlablico?" the elder asked.

"Yes, there is one last space left" the man said.

"Oh I needed two" the elder said, "Dawn you're going by your self".

"Ok, when does it leave?" Dawn asked the man and he had a look of shook. "I did know how to turn back, so queit the look" Dawn snapped.

"Ok" the man gave her the ticket, "it leaves in a hour".

Dawn sat in the waiting room staring at the time bored. "The fairy to Marlablico leaves in 10 minutes, all passengers aboard now" the speaker announced. Dawn ran to the line and she was at the front, "ticket pleas- umm" the staff had a shocked look.

"Here" Dawn gave it to him and got to the deck. The fairy left shortly after and they were out on the sea. On the boat she got looks, shrugs and kids screaming out in fear. "Excuse me mame, or man but could you turn into a human, you're scaring most of the passengers here" the captain asked.

"I can't I don't know how and I'm tired of people asking me that" Dawn twitched her ear, she saw the captain stepped back.

"Sorry, I... I didn't... I" she stuttered.

"No don't apologise, I'm sorry I shouldn't of snapped, I'll stay here and everyone who is afraid of me can go elsewhere" Dawn leaned over the rails sighing. The captain walked away and after a few hours they arrived, Dawn had to be taken to a different way out when a kid pointed at her and fainted.

"Thank you, have a nice day" Dawn thanked and she ran of to the ruins of the temple. Dawn had to run up hills and across rivers, she even had to jump across a revin. She dashed as fast as she could but then a storm came out of nowhere and she had to stop and duck when a lightning striked a few feet away from her.

'I have to turn back, these kind of storms kill hurds of cows' she thought and ran to a cave. Dawn sat near the entrance waiting the storm out, "you know that storm is casted when someone doesn't want you to go near them" a voice echoed.

"What?" Dawn turned around and saw wight and pink fox.

"It's a magic storm" she nodded, "hello I'm Misun" she greeted.