
Frienemys part 2

Dusk thought for a minute, 'if I help Firestone I will be seen as a hero, if I help Frostfire I will be seen as a villan, what one do I want?'.

"Well?" Frostfire asked lining closer.

"Yes I'll help you" Dusk said the first thing that came from her heart.

"Splendid, what title would you like?" Frostfire sat up, Dusk couldn't help but see how beautiful Frostfire is. "Maby a spy, I need one and you'll be perfect" Frostfire nodded.

"Oh no I can't, I've always never been able to keep a secret, I mean Dawn found out I was gay before I knew" Dusk shook her head.

"Wait you're gay?" Sliverpig asked and her voice cracked.

"Yeah, I've never really been able to hide it" Dusk nodded.

"Well so what do you want to do?" Frostfire pushed of Sliverpig.

"Maby assassin" Dusk shrugged, 'who would she want dead? I mean she hasn't been out and about' Dusk thought.

"Good, I need a new assassin since my other one got court and sent to death" Frostfire nodded, "but for now I need to know I can trust you, you are staying with me for a while".

"Trust issues, much" Dusk said sycasticly.

"Yes I've had many that betrayed me" Frostfire squinted her eyes.

"Well ok then, so we're exactly would I be staying?" Dusk asked.

"You death, with me" Frostfire shoot at her.

"Oh but would it get cold?" Dusk could never stand being cold when she sleeps.

"You're from Jamobala, right?" Frostfire asked.

"Yes but-" Dusk was cut off.

"Then you'll be fine, all Jamobala people will be fine" Frostfire nodded.

"That's a little, never mind" Dusk didn't continue when she saw the look Frostfire gave her, 'how can she be adorable and beauty at the same time... I like this dragon don't I?' she asked herself.

"Well you should have a bed at least" Frostfire turned to the door, "servant!" she called.

A small boy walked in, "yes" his voice was quite.

"Get the nice blankets and pillows" she demanded.

"Yes Frostfire" he bowed and walked of.

"Wow you actually have people living here" Dusk felt a little impressed.

"Yeah she does but they can't sleep, due to her raoring all night!" Sliverpig complained.

"I don't rao all night, just in the middle of the night" Frostfire argued.

"Ok! I don't want an argument forming infront of me!" Dusk had enough.

"Hey you actually snapp, I like you" Frostfire declared.

"Yeah of course you do, because you know that she won't strike against you" Sliverpig hissed.

"Enough!" Dusk pushed Sliverpig of the large brick she was sitting on.

"Haha you little lycin, vampire hybrid, you had that coming!" Frostfire laughed.

"What's with you two, do you argue this much?" Dusk snapped.

"Yes" Frostfire admitted.

"I'm going to die here" Dusk sighed.

"No you won't, I won't allow that" Frostfire said.

"So what exactly do you have planned, a waiting game?" Dusk asked.

"Basically yes" Frostfire nodded.

"Yep we need a new plan" Dusk declared.

"So what exactly do you have in mind?" Frostfire challenged.

"So you plan to kill Firestone, correct?" Dusk asked.

"Yes" Frostfire leand in.

"Well I know her exsact location, just send Sliverpig to kill her, she is defenseless" Dusk pointed out.

"She is?" Sliverpig looked up.

"Yep, or I can walk in kill her since the elder even trust me" Dusk nodded, feeling proud.

"This could be a test of loyalty, kill her and you are my new assassin, don't kill her then Sliverpig gets an extra title and a new meal" Frostfire smiled.

"Ok when would you like me to go?" Dusk asked.

"Tomorrow, you can sleep on that wall there" she pointed her claws at a fallen wall that she can make into a bed, with enough blankets. "Quike literally" Dusk said sycasticly.

"Don't complain, soon you'll get an actual bed" Sliverpig assured.

"I wasn't complaining I was saying that I was literally sleeping on a wall" Dusk argued.

"I like her, she argues back" Frostfire laughed.

"I like you, you're pretty" Dusk blurded out but she made it sound like it's just a friend thing.

"Aww thank you, finally someone who can see" Frostfire shoot a look at Sliverpig.

"What, I never said your scales are off I said that you should polish them!" Sliverpig waved her arms, fed-up.

"I'm definitely missing something" Dusk sighed. Not long after the servant came in with fancy pillows and blankets. "Aa you give them to Dusk" Frostfire said.

"Umm who... who's Dusk?" the servant asked.

"Me" Dusk said and she heard how cold her tone was.

Frostfire nodded with a look that said, 'don't piss me off', the servant gave her the blankets and pillows and left, quickly. "Well I'm getting hungry, see you in the morning" she pointed to Frostfire, "and you two can get to know each other" Sliverpig made a look to Dusk that said, 'I know what you think'. Dusk placed all the blankets into a mack shift bed and put the pillows down comfortably. "So how did you find out you were gay?" Frostfire asked, Dusk froze.

"Oh umm that's a little complicated" Dusk said awkwardly.

"Really, but you did have some sort of brake throw, realisation?" Frostfire was breathing down her neck.

"Yes but I didn't realise right away, I mean I truly accepted it when I saw someone I liked" Dusk explained.

"Hum well I was thinking of some more exciting, any stories of the out side world you want to tell me" Frostfire had wide eyes.

"When was the last time you've been out?" Dusk asked concerned.

"Since I've been teleported here" Frostfire answered, "why?".

"You're starved for the out side, you need to get out" Dusk almost frecked out.

"I can't, I'll just crumble into myself" Frostfire hufft, "this stupid! Cursing! SPELL!" Frostfire smacked her head into an alone piller and it crumbled.

"Is there any cure?" Dusk asked.

"Sliverpig has this spell on the temple, it keeps me alive but I can't leave it" Frostfire answered sulking.