
Ch.9 Survival Class

The sealing of Danial's darkling power was successful. Skye, Jason, Danial, and Claire all slept in Akira's classroom. She brought everybody a change of uniform for the next day. Next morning, Akira found Jason and Skye basically took over the couch while Danial and Claire were sprawl out on the mat. Akira instantly took a picture of Claire and Danial.

"Gotta love peaceful siblings sleeping together." Akira said. She then look at the time and it was half a hour before classes start. "Well anyways, time to wake them up." Akira got out her giant fan and pop Jason upside the head.

"Oww, I am awake, I am awake!" Jason sprang up, waking up Skye whom instantly put her halberd to Jason's throat.

"Wanna die?" Skye snap then realized she slept with Jason and as soon as she tomatoed, she begin popping Jason.

"Skye really, ow ow ow, Akira!" Jason avoiding Skye's halberd as much as possible.

"Good everyone's awake, now run to the showers and clean y'all stinky asses up, classes bout to start." Akira said before she walked out. Claire got up and her top slid off some. Jason instantly turned around.

After everyone got dress in new uniform, Jason and Claire headed out while Skye and Danial stayed behind to wait on Akira.

"So did you see?" Claire question.

"I know the reaction you going to do and I am not obligated to answer." Jason answered.

"Probably the most wisest reply I ever gotten. Good. So what class you going to now?" Claire ask again to Jason.

"Survival. You got council duties?" Jason replied as Claire waved to a fellow student.

"Best not to be tardy and non of your freshie business." Claire and Jason waved back at each other as they split to go to their different classes.

"Now onto miss thing's class." Jason crying on the inside as he was going to be tardy again.


Jason's result of being tardy was a personal duel with the teacher. If he fail to win, he would fail her class for the semester. She was a female paladin, a step above an arch knight, two above a master knight and three steps above a regular knight. Her weapon was a rapier. What armor she had on was casted aside.

"There she goes..." one of the other students said as her armor landed with a light thud.

"Nobody haven't won against her..." another student sighing.

"So if I get knock out cold, I fail the class correct?" Jason question the teacher.

"You are correct. There no reward for winning since you are the accused." The teacher replied.

" So no bars hold huh?" Jason got into his stance, hand on his sword handle.

"You are correct again. Oh if you win which you will not, you get 100% credit for today." The teacher added almost making Jason fall out.

"So I do win something..." Jason eyeing the teacher. She then got into her own starting stance.

"Elija sound the start." The teacher commanded. One of the students stood up shyly.

"Start." The Mexican student said before the clash of swords sounded a second later. Jason done hits onto hits to try to brake the teacher's guard. He was fully marked. With each hit however, he slid off instantly.

"Your fighting style is on par but you patience is what going to be killing you." The teacher said as she blocked every strike Jason could throw at her.

"Well the class time is limited and I kinda wanna learn. So I want to end this as soon as possible Sansei." Jason replied.

"Smarter then some of these brats, it be bad if you lose." The teacher worn a smirk. Jason instantly back away from the knight. Her smirk grew. As soon as she sheath her rapier, multiple cuts appear on Jason. He kneeled down trying to think how she done that without him being able to trace her.

"2nd Rapier, Guard Cutter. Every hole in your guard just been cut. Even a well train dragonight eye can't see or foresee the attack." The teacher smiled at her results.

"Now for her second Guard Cutter and he going to be done for." One of the other students said to another.

"Bruh I am not done for till my heart is pierced." Jason replied to the comment. "Sensei, is it alright if get serious also?" Jason question the teacher.

"By all means since you going to be done for anyways." The teacher replied taking up the same stance as before.

"Thanks. 1st Reaper Art: Bloodborn." Jason commanded as a lightning shroud soon surrounded him. The shroud began to turn red as each cut on him turned into crimson marks. He then slit his hand. "2nd Reaper: Bloodstain Blade." Jason commanded once again and a solid katana formed from his blood. Jason then closed his eyes and whispered another command before opening his eyes to reveal slanted irises.