
Ch. 14: Skye Does What!?

At the peak of their flight is when Jason stood up and free fall downward. The dragon soon was diving around him as they descend to the target. Jason eyes closed as he chanted his attack as multiple beads of lightning soon surround them. Skye on the ground also worn a wicked grin as she knew what Jason was going to do. At the split second, Jason swish both arms in as he commanded the activation of the attack.

"Lightning Maelstorm, Hundred Shots!" Jason commanded as what looks like lightning aura wings coming in for a landing. The Cliffhanger dragon mimicking the quickly fading aura as Jason remounted as all hundred lightning beads pelted the target in a dust cloud. As the pair rejoined, nobody wanted near Jason up in the sky. "Guessing hundred cherries were overkill on a stationary target...?" Jason shyly replied to everyone's reaction.

"Lucky the target was not real...Anyways class, that is the basic of cherry shots. Pelt the target so the target will not have time to react as you either go in for the kill...Jason...or time for you to flee from the scene. Any questions bout cherry shots?" the teacher question the class.

"What if the target be armored or have a barrier?" one of the students question the teacher back.

"Penetrating magic be discuss in the later three of your school years." the teacher answered.

"Cherry shots be able to track your target?" another person questioned the teacher.

"Tracking magic for both rider and dragon be high level magic. Takes great concentration and skill to pull off a tracking skill. For cherry shots youngin, the answer to your question be a no. Anymore questions?" the teacher answered. Everyone looking at each other and nodding the answer. Before the teacher spoke, a hand on the ground was raised. It was Skye's.

"This not a question bout cherry shots, instead, when we get to know bout dra-gon abi-li-ties? If that be the question everyone actually want to ask." Skye wink to everyone in the sky. The class beamed in agreement.

"Uhhhh, good question, a question that be answered starting tomorrow. Now land and dismount. Change yall clothes and wait for the bell to dismiss yall to your dorms." The teacher landed first followed by the others.


After the bell rung and everyone been dismissed, Jason and Skye headed to the survivor class classroom for their punishment for what happened during lunch. Eliza was already in the classroom when they arrived. Akira, Harvey, and two government officials were the others that were in the classroom as well. One of the officials were carrying a briefcase. Skye grasp Jason's shoulder for support as she knew what was in the briefcase. As everyone was seated, Harvey started.

"Welcome to you brats' first and hopefully ONLY detention hearing you three will get. As per what was said earlier in the Headmaster's office, Jason and Eliza, you two have cleaning duties of the school's stadium for the week. I suspect every single blade, tile, bathrooms speck free when either I or Akira comes in to inspect. My highness I guess, your mission be discussed after these two brats leave. Am I clear dragon contractee?" The survivor teacher said, throwing the last bit to Jason. He nodded.

"Any questions you two before we dismiss you to clean the stadium?" Akira questioned. It was Skye that answered however.

"We-we-well be-be-before they leave......under your authority and if it be alright with the officers....can me and Jason perform the Marriage?!!!!!!!!" Skye busted out, red as a tomato. One of the officials spew his drink.

"WHAAAAAAAT!" Jason turned crismon and Akira felled out.

"The fu...?" Harvey did not get what was being question.

"The what now?" Eliza the most innocent soul in the room looking at everybody.

Sorry for the wait. 11k views, noice

If yall enjoy, add to your collection and there's more to come and NO they not getting married you peanut gallery.

Zia_Alexandercreators' thoughts