
Ch. 11: Time For Magical Arts

Jason in a sling and Skye trailing behind him, both of them along with some other students headed to the stadium of the academy. The academy's stadium is the freshmen to sophomore magical classes classroom. The stadium is also where the school's tournament duels are held. The rectangular prism look of the stadium go well for the Meridan's architecture of the school as a whole. As for magic, the stadium is the safe haven area of the school besides the overall barrier that protects the campus from outside harm. For the last day of the first week of school however, Jason and his fellow classmates be tested for the first time.

"Alrighty lads, everyone been changed into their combat uniform and gear. Y'all youngins have your first of many weekly tests on your magical abilities. Many of your upperclassmen may or may not spilled the beans but here the spilled beans anyways. Every single one of you runts under your own ability weight simply have to make it to the dais in the middle of the arena. If you can not handle your own weight then you be on Exile till further questioned by the headmaster himself." the magical arts teacher boomed over his mere 15 students whom four are in Exiled. *Sophomores are the ones that been exiled to the freshman's class for this semester*. Everyone just smiled except Jason, Skye, Eliza whom almost daily get eyed at from Skye, and the four sophomores. "Yes Timothy, what is your question before my assistant pass out the bracelets?" the teacher picked the freshman's hand.

"By ability weight, do you mean how hard it be to get to the dais or by actual weight?" Timothy questioned.

"That's the concept but I am gonna leave it at that lad. Anymore questions? Oh Skye, you be exempt from the test. We humans have our ego to muster and it be hard for some lads to muster any ego if you passed them up with your rider." the teacher answered. Skye sticking her tongue out at both Eliza and Jason. After a minute gone by of silence, the teacher's assistant passed out the bracelets.

"The bracelets will activate as soon as you step onto the arena area. Please be careful." the assistant warned as he passed out the bracelets.


Everyone soon gather at the entrance to the arena. Sitting around the table were the teacher, Skye, and a discipline student council member that was going to observe the test. The sophomores hung towards the rear as the first freshie stepped out. He did not feel nothing and begun to walk to the dais. The student was halfway before the others step out. A few trip as they came out. It was then that they begin to notice what was the test.

"Hey Jason, whatever your name is. Show the rest of the class how it's done." one of the sophomores smirk.

"Well I really do not know if the arena ground can support my weight you know. So how bout my upperclassman show me how to get to the dais without messing the ground up?" Jason threw the comment back with a smile.

"Now now you two. Really have to have a beautiful gal like myself show how it is done?" a female sophomore replied as a breeze begin to stir. A moment later, she ran to the exit and jumped. "Support thy way and blow thy way, Winda no Nolic Ma!" she chanted as she blasted the ground with wind to ease her descent with an enormous dust cloud. She came skating out, passing everyone up. She became the first to get onto the dais.

"Miranda, you....!" the boy upperclassman that stood Jason up also made a run for it. "Aston, EQUIP!" the boy commanded as he pulled his show laces mid jump. The top of the ground crumbled when he landed. He blasted dirt when he took off and skidded to the dais. Every freshmen were dumbfounded.

"Well I did not say anything bout not using magic!" the teacher bust out laughing at their faces. "This is a magic test." He added. The other two sophomore tried to hold their laughter in. Jason then walk to the exit. He then back up and made a run for it. Not heeding what was holding the other freshies up, he literally buckled onto the ground when he landed. His dead weight arm weighing a ton when trying to stand up. The ground buckled some when he tried to lightning aura up, kneeling back down.

"Jason, DO IT!!!" Eliza shouted from the arena entrance tunnel.

"Witch, shut up with your distracting witch hat you broom stick!" Skye begin to snap while the teacher's assistant holding her back.

"Foxtails, you shut it!" Eliza snapped back.

"These two...." Jason sighed. He then worn a wicked grin as a sigil appear in his right eye as he marked up. "Ghost Snap." Jason commanded as he literally swoosh into thin black smoke only to appear right beside the sophomore that stood him up. "Howdy." He gave the sophomore a cheesy grin. Couple of minutes before the bell, the magic arts teacher deactivated the bracelets and announce the results.

"Three sophomores, y'all magic classes now back to standard while the forth of y'all be seeing the headmaster after the bell to plead your case. As for six of y'all runts, I suggest transferring to a normal public school as Meridan Magical Academy not for you. For the five survivors, congrats for continuing to be my pupils." the teacher broke down in tears at Eliza's feet.

O.o Jason learning some dark moves??? Blood control+darkness=the perfect reaper with a bloodborn scythe :D <3

*fanboying intensifies*

lets see if we can pass the 5k view mark for the next chapter? LETS DO THIS MY YOUNG BLOODS!!!!!!!!

Zia_Alexandercreators' thoughts