
DragonBall Twin Drive

A dragon ball fan died and he was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of dragon ball as the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. Now he has to find a way to become strong enough to live out his life to the fullest.

Lioleo · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The beginning of the end

"Huh. Wait. Where am I?" a boy in his teens said as he looked around his surrounding.

There was nothing but a white void surrounding him.

He started to walk around aimlessly in the void.

Until he saw a desk with a computer set up on it.

He walked towards the desk and saw the screen which was previously turned off lighted up.

"You are finally here." Then the boy heard a voice from behind him.

He looked backward and saw a man with a body made of white smoke-like gas.

"Welcome to the place between heaven and hell."The man greeted the boy.

"Heaven and hell? Wait do you mean I am dead?"The boy asked.

"Yes. Oh, I have not introduced myself. Hello. My name is *******. But you can call me Void." The man said.

"What happened? How did I die." the boy asked.

"Well, you were involved in a plane crash during your school trip. You weren't supposed to die but here we are." Void said as he shrugged off his hands.

"Since you are not someone who should have died there is no place for you in both heaven and hell. So I am supposed to help you find a place in another universe. Of course, you can reject our offer if you want to. If you reject our offer you will be put in a waiting room until a new place for you is opened in heaven."

"Wait what are my options? Can I pick a universe that I am going to be reincarnated in?" The boy asked.

"Yes. I recommend you choose from the universe that you already have a concept of." Void said.

"What do you mean by that?" The boy asked.

"Well, you see some universes are displayed in some universes in the form of entertainment such as books, movies, and even what you people called video games." Void said.

"Books, Movies and even Videos games. That means I can choose a universe of my liking from one of my precious childhood memories." The boy asked in enthusiasm.

"Yes. But you will not be able to replace an existing person in the universe. Instead, you will become a separate person. You can choose your Race, Appearance, Speciality, and Planet that you are going to be born on. Depending on your choice you will be put in the most suitable time zone and the suitable family that you can be born in as soon as possible." Void said.

"Well. if I can choose my Race and speciality there is one universe that I am interested in." the boy said with a smile on his face.



[Hair colour - Black]

[Eye colour - Black]

[Skin colour - Pale white]

[Body Type- slender/muscular build]

[Height- Medium]

[Race- Saiyan/Hybrid Saiyan]

[Speciality- Fast learner]

[Location- Earth]


"Finished. To be honest the customizations are pretty limited." The boy said.

"Thank you for filling out the information spreadsheet." With that voice, the boy fell unconscious he disappeared into the air.

"Black hair and black eyes. Saiyan race. Earth. I see. I think Son's family might be the best place for him to reincarnate." Void said.