
DragonBall SYS

A reincarnated man was blessed with a system. He doesn't know much about the dragon ball world and doesn't care much about the safety of the world. And he only has one goal. Defeat Son Goku.

Kin_Toki · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Raditz the menace(1)

With the number of points that he got during Goku's special mission Violet's power level skyrocketed.

And with the new system level that gives out even better rewards, he was able to get more points and update the system one more time.

The system also changed a lot.

In its levels 1 to 4 state, it possesses some kind of personality while starting from the system level 5 the level where Violet could obtain pills to increase one's strength the system lost its personality.

He gained 10,000 str for his system level 4 update, 100,000 str for his system level 5 update and 1,000,000 str for his system level 6 update.

Of course, he was still not invisible but at his current strength, he could solo Frieza as long as Frieza underestimate him and was not using his full power from the start.






Passive ability- Divine Soul(Z), Saiyan power(Z), Zenkai boost(S).

Inventory-Dark nimbus(S), Power pole(A), Gi(A), Space ring(A), Scouter(Z), Skill box(???)


Skills- Kamehameha(B), Afterimage technique(A), Sky dance(S), Self-taught martial arts(B), Devilmite beam(Sss)]

"I think this should be good enough to carry me through Saiyan Saga and Frieza Saga," Violet said as he checked the system Tab.

Then he noticed something fast fly above him at an insane speed.

"Huh. What was that?" Violet asked as he looked in the direction he felt the thing that passes over him go.

He didn't know the exact date when the Saiyans arrive on the planet.

So he just ignored it and goes back to meditating.


At that time back at Kame's house.

"Yo." Goku greeted Bulma, Krillin and master roshi.

"Son kun," Bulma said.

"Goku." Krillin was also excited to see goku.

"So this is Gohan, right?" Krillin said.

"Yeah. How do you know?" Goku asked.

"Well, the guy that you beat on the last world martial art tournament, Hercule Satan was talking about everything that he knew about you in all most any shows that are on Tv since you beat him last year," Krillin said.

"Ah. I see." Goku said while scratching his head.

"Good morning. My name is Son Gohan." Gohan introduced himself while bowing down.

"He is already pretty big. How old are you Gohan?" Bulma asked Gohan.

"Last year I am three years old so I am four years old," Gohan replied.

"He reminds me of the time that I first met you. Wait, is that a tail?" Bulma asked as she noticed something sticking out of Gohan's clothes.

"Yeah, I also used to have one too when I was younger. Remember." Goku said.

"Is he ever act strange?" Bulma asked in a panic.

"Ah, that's right?" Krillin also remember what bulma was talking about.

"Does he ever change during a full moon?" Master roshi asked.

"Full moon? No. He was not allowed to go outside after 6. Chichi said that he should be studying at that time and he can play during the daytime. She said about how she wanted him to be able to read and write unlike me." Goku replied.

"So is he strong like you Goku?" Krillin asked.

"Yeah. He might be even stronger than me when I was his age. Right Gohan." Goku said with a proud face.

"Right," Gohan replied.

"Huh?" Then goku sense something in the air.

"Goku do you feel it too," Krillin asked.

Krillin was also stronger than his main timeline counterpart as he occasionally trains with Goku during these past years.

"Yeah. Something strong. And something strange." goku said.

"It better not be Yamcha," Bulma said as she crossed her arms.

"No. I don't think it's him." Goku said as the black hair man landed in front of him.


"So we finally get to meet. You have certainly grown up, haven't you? But I could still recognize you at first glance." The black hair man said.

"You looked just like your father." The black hair man continued.

"Huh?" Goku was puzzled. A person that he has never seen before just comes towards you and started talking about his parents so he was a little confused.

"What's he talking about? And who is he?" Krillin asked goku.

"Kakarrot. What's with this planet? Your mission was to exterminate this species. What kind of game are you playing?" The black hair man said.

"Look, big guy. I don't know what or where you are from. But we don't need drunks like you hanging around." Krillin said as he approach the black-haired man.

"Bulma. Gohan gets back." Goku yelled out as the dark hair man slapped Krillin with something.

It was his tail.

Krillin was able to block the attack however it pushed him back a bit.

"A tail?" Goku said in shock.

"Hmm. You are still standing?" The man said while smirking.

"Ouch," Krillin said as he looked at his hands that got bruised from the tail smash attack.

"Goku I don't think I can face him alone," Krillin said to Goku.

"Don't worry. I will help you. Bulma can you evacuate master roshi and gohan out of here." Goku said.

"Daddy. I want to fight too." Gohan said however he was picked up by bulma and sent to Bulma's plane.