
Aunt Risa

Graythes immediately descended after the destination city was seen from a afar. And they continued on foot.

"Actually, why did you take me to town? What are we going to do there?"

"Initially, to find you a place to live."

"Then now?"

"It seems you like to travel, so if you don't like living in the city, we can go for adventure."

"I don't know, we will send this letter first, then we will discuss about that. I was agree because I dont know what to do."


They walked down the tidy road to the city gates which began to appear.

The 4 meter high wall surrounds the city, the wall looks very old but still stands strong. Several small buildings standing outside the walls, looked like small settlements inhabited by certain groups.

There is a post on the side of the gate, but there is no guard. So Risa and Graythes just passed by.

Not long after they entered the city, crowd of people was seen, many traders and pedestrians were carrying out their routine activities.

Risa's presence in the crowd was a concern of many people. Her beautiful face made some people stop walking and forget what they were doing, as if the time had stopped for a moment because the presence of an angel descended from the sky.

"Uhh ..."

Risa feels disturbed and immediately covers her head with her hoody robe.

"Gray, you know where, ah, you certainly don't know."

Gray nodded, as if he understood that Risa wanted to ask where the Fox Nail Pub was.

"Eh? Let's try asking people here."

Risa saw two little girls who were arguing.

"Little sisters, can this big sister ask you something?"

"Who are you?"

"Yes, who are you?"

Answer the two girls in respond. Apparently they are twins.

Cute!!!! Risa was excited when she found out they were twins, plus they both looked very cute.

"Ah, my name is Risa, and this brother's name is Graythes."

"I don't know, Sil, do you know them?"

"If you don't know, then I also don't know."

"Sorry, we don't know, let's go, Sil."



Risa was dumbfounded where she stood. Damn kid! She is muttering in her heart.

"Hey, wait!"

"What's wrong, auntie?"

Whatt??? Risa doesn't believe what she heard, this is the first time she's been called auntie.

"We just want to ask, hehe."

Risa is still trying to smile, if not because they were cute, Risa would have kicked them already.

"We can't talk to strangers, especially aunts, because young girls like us might be kidnapped."


Risa is impatient, she vows to beat anyone who educates cute children like they are being rude.

"Ehh ?? Ivo! RUN!"

The little girl called out to her sister and immediately ran after seeing Risa's evil aura.

"Where do you want to go sweet girl !! This SISTER only wants to ask!"

Risa also chased them immediately, leaving Graythes who had only been watching them.

They ran around the city, unexpectedly the twin girls ran very fast. Risa, who had been chasing them, did not realize that she had entered the middle of the city.

In the middle of the city, the atmosphere seemed calmer. The streets are cleaner and some chairs are neatly arranged along the road.

Large rivers cut through Baiz city, lights lined up along the river, and short bridges were built wide, creating a quite romantic atmosphere.

"Uggh, how can they run so fast!"

Risa been chasing them for quite long,  but their distance only slightly closer, making Risa feel frustrated.

"Hey stop!"

"Don't wanna!!"

Moments later, the twin girls seemed to be getting tired. Risa who realized that seemed excited.

"Just give up!"

"*pant* *pant*  Okay! We give up!"

Finally they stopped, Risa felt successful, not realizing that what she was pursuing was only a small child, even though she herself ran so slowly.

"So what do you want to ask?"

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"Um, my name is Silvie. Why are you chasing us?"

"*pant* *pant* My name is Ivorie. She wants to kidnap us, Sil."

"Who wants to kidnap you? I told you just to ask!"

They finally sat down to take a break to catch their breath.

"By the way, you guys run so fast."

"No, its you who run slowly." Silvie answered.

"Ugg. So, do you know where the Fox Nail Pub is?"

The twin girls looked at each other. Then they answer Risa.

"Do you mean by the building in front?"


Risa saw a large building with a sign Fox Nail Pub above the door of the building. From the outside, the building does not look special, it is different from other buildings but of a similar color.

"Yeah, maybe that."

"Is that it?"

"It seems like that."

"Then we go first, auntie."

Risa is back in anger, are they calling all women with aunts?


"What's wrong? Eh?"

Risa stroked the two girls' heads with her hands and smiling brightly.

"You can't be like that. Cute girls like you must be polite and gentle and respectful to older people. Thats what cute girl should behave."

The two girls looked down silently.

"Are we really cute?"

"Yes, you are very sweet and cute, didn't others also said that?"

"... No, they said we were unwanted childrens, they said our parents threw us away."

"Sil !!"

Ivorie tried to stop Silvie from telling that, Risa who heard that feels like being struck by thunder. She did not expect this little girls to understand the bitter reality that had befallen them.

Risa pulled the two girls into his arms. She does not know what she has to say, this is a common occurrence in the story of the book she read. But even so, when she experienced it herself, she couldn't decide what to do.

"It's okay. Aunt Risa is here."

Risa felt their bodies tremble, and Risa also realized that their bodies felt so warm. Then Risa slowly let go of her arms.

"Where do you live now?"

"Anywhere near the gate, the guards often provide free food every day."

Risa tried to examine the bag she was carrying, and found the remaining fruit given by Pairin from that village. Then she took her dagger and cut it to two.

"Try it."

The two girls immediately bite the fruit, then an expression of surprise immediately reflected on their faces.

"This is so sweet!"

"Where do you get it?"

"Hehe, someone gave it to me."

Risa was glad they liked the fruit, their gloomy face slowly disappearing. Risa did not want to leave them, but also could not take them. That made her feel uncomfortable.

"Gray, what should we do? Eh?"


Risa checks her surrounding, but could not find Graythes.

Thank you for reading!

omimoskacreators' thoughts