
Dragon Trainer: My Dragon Lord Reaches Full Level Automatically

When the dimensional barrier shattered, the game became reality. A large number of fierce beasts went on the rampage, and the secret realm of the abyss appeared. The survival space of human beings was continuously encroached on. The good thing was that after each person came of age, they could become a summoner of a certain class. They could summon beasts to fight against their enemies. Su Ce crossed over and switched to a special class 'Dragon Trainer'. However, cultivating a dragon god was definitely not something easy. Everyone felt pity for him. Only Su Ce knew that he had awakened a divine talent. All dragon gods automatically reached full level! "Blue Dragon God - Fury of the Sea Tide" "Red Dragon God - Inferno of Extinction" "Light Dragon God - Heart of Life" "Dark Dragon God - Wings of Death" ... When Su Ce swept through everything with his dragon, the world trembled!

Dragonball · Fantasy
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40 Chs

General Class Advancement Quest, Digging His Own Grave

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Subconsciously, she wanted to use her detection skill to see Su Ce's current level.

But it ended in failure several times in a row.

"Little brother, we're about to get off work. Don't make fun of us. It's very torturous!" the staff member who was wiping a counter at the side said with a smile, her face filled with disbelief.

"That's right. If you want to undergo the Rank 2 class ceremony, you must reach Level 30. Even just accepting the class advancement quest requires you to be at Level 28," the receptionist reminded kindly.

"Alright, since you don't believe the truth, let's prove it with facts." Su Ce shrugged and walked to the quest acceptance counter not far away.

The two ladies looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't know what Su Ce wanted to do.

He went to a piece of equipment beside the counter. "This thing should be able to identify the level of a Professional, right? You'll know if I meet the prerequisites to accept the class advancement quest after taking a look."

It was a crystal ball embedded in a black platform that was half the height of a person.

The crystal ball was about the size of a basketball, and the translucent interior had a warm luster. It looked very magical.

This was the identification apparatus that was only available in Class Temples and educational institutions.

It could analyze the level of a Professional through data such as skin, temperature, and blood.

Under the surprised gazes of the staff members, Su Ce stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on the crystal ball.

About a second later, the crystal ball instantly erupted with a dazzling light. At the same time, the words Level 28 appeared on the LCD screen in front of him.

When the receptionist saw the words on the screen, she was shocked! "Ah! He's actually reached Level 28!"

Su Ce had just completed the Rank 1 ceremony a few hours ago! How long has it been? But he had already raised his level to 28.

This speed was simply unprecedented. Even rockets couldn't keep up!

Looking at the scene in front of her, the receptionist subconsciously said, "Heavens, he's indeed a genius who completed the Cape of Storms quest alone. He's actually going to break through to Rank 2 so quickly!

"This… this kind of talent is once-in-a-century. I have to report it to the leader as soon as possible."

She immediately picked up the phone and prepared to report this matter to her leader, wanting to divert more resources to him. Perhaps he could really become the youngest Rank 2 Professional in the history of Bo'an City.

But before the young lady could dial, the young Professional who had just been tested rushed over. "No, please don't. The reason why I was able to reach Level 28 so quickly was mainly because I completed the Cape of Storms quest. The rewards for becoming Rank 1 were relatively rich. Moreover, I was lucky and obtained a Book of Experience.

"After using it, I was lucky enough to reach Level 28. It's not because I'm talented."

Su Ce spoke confidently. In order to stop the other party's next move, he even displayed good acting skills.

"Think about it. I'm just a lucky Professional. In terms of strength, anyone might be better than me.

"If you report it just like that, I won't care. But the key is that when the leader finds out that my ability is average and not worth nurturing, won't you disappoint him and be scolded?"

He was using emotions to reason with her. After spending a lot of effort to persuade her, he finally got her to dispel the idea of reporting him to the leader.

The young lady put down the phone, pursed her lips, and smiled. "You're right. Okay, since you're so handsome, I won't report it to the leader."

Hearing this, Su Ce heaved a sigh of relief.

When he identified his level earlier, he had almost personally shattered his plan. It had been too dangerous.

But Su Ce was still a little happy that he could resolve this crisis by relying on his appearance.

Who said that being handsome was useless other than being pleasing to the eye? Wasn't this able to resolve the crisis?

"Follow me. Since your level is high enough, you can officially accept the quest to become a Rank 2 Professional."

Su Ce followed the lady to the counter. He had originally thought that he would draw a card like last time.

But there was only one card in front of him. There was no choice at all.

"The quest to become a Rank 2 Professional is unified for all classes. As for the details of the quest, you will know it after touching the card." The receptionist handed over the card with a smile.

Hearing her explanation, Su Ce finally understood.

He took the card. The moment he touched it, the details of the class advancement quest sounded in his mind.

[Prompt: You have accepted the Rank 2 class advancement quest - Element Collection!]

[Element Collection]

Quest Difficulty: Three Stars

Quest Reward: Rank 2 Class Advancement Certificate

Quest Requirement: Collect 100 materials of the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth. After tuning them in, you can successfully advance your class.

Quest Description: Go to places with matching elements to hunt monsters. The chances of obtaining elemental materials there are higher.

System Comment: This is a streamlined quest that aims to help Professionals recover a portion of the cost required to train. By paying a certain amount of materials and proving your usefulness, you can undergo the Rank 2 advancement ceremony for free.

He looked at the quest details in front of him.

Su Ce shook his head noncommittally.

Four hundred materials of different elements was actually not precious.

The main difficulty was that he needed a lot of materials. If he collected them alone, he would probably need at least half a month.

Moreover, elemental materials were only produced in fixed areas.

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the class advancement quest.

Su Ce had reason to suspect that the person who created this quest was definitely trying to slow down the speed at which Professionals could increase their strength.

After all, every time people advanced classes, they would obtain a lot of attribute bonuses. At the same time, they would also have the chance to comprehend new specialization skills. This was very important to every Professional.

Raising his head, Su Ce asked tentatively, "May I ask if I can purchase these elemental materials?"

He wanted to complete the quest as soon as possible and become a Rank 2 Professional.

His current situation was rather special. He didn't want to waste half a month on the general class advancement quest.

Especially since he couldn't casually summon a dragon, this period of time would feel infinitely extended.

"I'm sorry. Originally, this general quest mission could be completed by purchasing the materials. But because the barrier of Leyton Academy was damaged twice, all the cheap elemental materials in the city have been swept clean by the academy and used to repair the barrier.

"So, even if you want to buy them now, I'm afraid they're out of stock."

Su Ce was completely speechless. "Um… Alright, thank you. I'll think of another way."

He didn't expect Leyton Academy to sweep away all the materials in the city to repair the barrier.

He had dug his own grave.