
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Schnee's bless you

after the night where me and Mordred kissed, we confirmed our relationship so now I'm dating Mordred pendragon the badass.im very happy with how things turned out.

so, I went out on a date with her which somehow ended in a spar, but it was a fun time. I had a few things to do while waiting for willow one of them is trying to find neo as she should be here right now. I'm going into the brokers places and asking around and finally got a lead she seems to be hanging with the spiders. honestly i should have guessed as she did work for them for a while before roman got to her.

so, I'm going to the spiders' nest and see if i can get neo and maybe talk to her well kind of as she is a born mute. I have a theory that will hopefully work to heal her voice and maybe that will get me in her good graces I truly want to help her as she has had a bad childhood and her parents were assholes.

as i walk into the nest everyone looks at me even though I'm wearing a cloak to hide my appearance their instincts are still sensing danger. so, I walk to the leader also known as lil miss malachite and her daughters near her. I can tell that they are on guard as the sister step forward to act as guards.

I spoke to lil mis " hello lil miss I'm here for some info that you will be able to get well really you already have who I'm looking for so I'm wanting to pay any debt she has and ask her to come with me."

she looked at me with curiousness on her face and spoke " who are you looking for I might be able to help you're going to have to pay for the info of course."

I nodded and put a couple hundred lien on then the table and spoke " I'm looking for Neopolitan a girl with a bad past and she has different colored hair and eyes."

she looked a bit surprised but hid it quickly and said, " very well she is here i can get a private room and have her meet you there as some things are better to be left in silence."

I nodded and she showed me to a room and i waited for neo silently. soon after i saw lil miss and neo looking at me in curiosity and tilter her head in confusion as to who I am. I spoke " hello Neopolitan I will say my name a different time so just call me dragon, if need be, right now. sorry lil miss but I don't trust you with my name."

she just laughed and said," as you should be good on Ya but even if I did, I don't want to cross you as my instincts are also saying that your dangerous." I nodded in understanding and said, " may I speak to Neopolitan alone as it involves her and a bit of me, please?" she looked at neo who nodded and left soon after.

as neo sat across from me i spoke " so I'm here to see if you want to help me with a few things and offer you help in a way and before you say no, please hear me out as it could change your life."

she looked at me for a minute and nodded so i spoke again " so I want your help later to bring Jaques Gele to me and maybe more thing later on. you have a lot of talent and potential for things. for how ill help you is I have an ability to heal people in a way but more like i heal the soul. so, I want to try healing your soul to see if I can heal how your mute and even if I can't right now I will in the future."

she looked at me shocked a bit and thought a bit but before she could respond i spoke again " I want you to follow me around in the future to help some unfortunate souls and defeat someone later. and i know of your past you could say I'm a knower of things to a certain point and one of the things could bring destruction to the world if not handled."

she looked shocked and scared as right now she still hasn't fully gone bad she still has a chance. she looked down in thought for a bit and I was patient as it is a tough decision. she looked at me with determined eyes and a smile so spoke " I take it you agree with what I said if later on after following me you want to leave then you can but I want you to follow me for a while understand?"

she nodded again so i stood up and raised my hand in front of her and used my soul heal and she was looking at me in curiosity as she started glowing and did a bit of coughing then she spoke " what" she stopped in shock and happiness as she heard her voice for the first time, and she started crying tears of joy as she hugged me.

her voice was sweet and soft I guess neo as her name fits a lot more. she started thanking me in tears. I was happy as well as this would help down the line for sure. after she was done, I told her to go get her stuff so we could leave and say bye to her friends. her friends were shocked but we didn't stay long as I got a notification about willow, so we left.

I dropped her off at the hotel and did a quick into to her and left to willow and after I got there I saw her waiting a bit worried that I wouldn't come. so, after checking everything I spoke " I'm here willow sorry to keep you waiting."

she jumped a bit and turned to my voice and spoke " did you have to do that I almost had a heart attack." I chuckled and said, " well it seemed fun, and you can't have a heart attack because of my healing."

she looked a bit embarrassed but composed herself and spoke " ok I have the papers and also got papers ready to stop mining for a while to get everything done."

I spoke soon after " ok that's perfect now i am going to publish what he did along with what he did to you and your family some of it you will not like but he has no chance once it goes public."

she nodded so i uploaded it and soon it went viral so now I just wait, and willow forwards the documents to her lawyer, and he said Hes on it right away. after that I saw the military here to arrest Jaques and it looked like he was panicking and wanted to run but he had no chance and it seemed that the officer arresting him is winter so she should be around 20 at this time.

willow was walking to say bye and go to the company and work on damage control. as Jaques saw her he knew it was her that did it or at least thought she did as she had a smile that seemed like she was finally free. Jaques was yelling about how they can't do this and how he was framed and all that cliche lines.

winter who saw her mother was shocked to see her smiling and healthy looking but still maintained her professional face as she spoke" hello again after I finish this, we will have to talk mother as a family."

willow nodded in agreement and let her do her work as Weiss and Whitley were watching what happened. Weiss looked uncertain at how to feel, and Whitley looked sad as he was still young and not under his father's control yet.

so, willow told them that later when winter comes, we will talk about it, and they accepted. so later that night I was still there as willow wanted to introduce me to them but won't say that she sold herself in a way and I will explain what I got out of it which will be the Faunus that needed help.

so, once winter showed up, they went into a room to speak, and willow spoke first " so to start the explanation is I didn't do this alone as someone helped get the evidence of what Jaques did and i will introduce him now." after she said that i undid my invisibility and spoke in a playful voice " hello~~ I'm the one who collected the evidence. my name now that I don't have to worry about Jaques is Doryu dragonsvayne and right now I'm 15 and a half just a few months away from my 16th. I'm also the creator of the company that now rivals the Schnee dust company otherwise known as quad dragon industries."

they got spooked as appeared but calmed down soon and got shocked at my intro even willow as she looked to be going through a crisis at me being so young. Wiess spoke first " i refuse to believe that you're my age and created a company that rivals ours and that you were able to get the evidence on my father."

I shook my head as that is how I kind of expected that so I spoke " I understand where you're coming from but my iq is high absurdly so I started getting proof on your dad when I was 6 and just studied and trained till 14 where I left and went to mistral and won the tournament there made a friend and then I went to menagerie and stayed there to create and terraform the city it is now along with opening a company to let the Faunus earn a better rep and give them work instead of in the mines. I also made an ai at 7 and its with me now say hello Jarvis." as i said that Jarvis spoke in a robotic voice from my phone " hello Schnee family I'm happy to see that person got what was due."

they were shocked again but got over it quickly as winter spoke next " I don't know what to say other than thank you for the help but what do you get out of helping us you already have a company it seems like you aren't lacking anything so what."

I nodded and spoke " what i get out of this is the freedom of those Faunus in the mines and them getting help and if you had info of someone's wrongs and could do something why wouldn't you use it to help people and that's what i did by getting your mom on board. as she will now step up to CEO and clean up the company that he destroyed."

they looked in thought and nodded Whitley spoke now " so what will happen now that father is gone?" I looked at him and said " well your mother is going to do what I just said but I'm going to help make things for the workers, so they are safe. and after those are implemented check to see if anything else needs to be taken care of. but what i want to ask you Weiss and Whitley as your father is no longer controlling what you want to do what is it you want to do?" they looked down in thought as Weiss spoke " my dream still hasn't changed if anything it feels more achievable than before so i will be a huntress like my grandfather and learn more about this world like he did."

I smiled and spoke " well that's good if you want, I can help train you as I'm really strong and I'm sure you sister and mother will help with your semblance." she looked at me in disbelief as she said, " how could you be so much stronger when your my age even if you trained since young how would you be better than a professional."

I smiled and said, " if you don't believe me then I'll have to prove it so, winter will you spar with me no holds barred and i might be able to help you as well."

they all looked shocked, and winter looked down in thought and finally said " sure might as well let's see if your all talk lets go to the training hall."

after a short walk we were in a big hall which was similar to where Weiss fought the statue Grimm. so, winter now has her cutlass and is standing in ready position and the others are off to the side. i take out my blades and get ready as well and then we start.

winter rushes at me first with a diagonal slash to my shoulder and I parry it and do a side slash and it hit a bit as she was a bit late to dodge. she then gets in her stance again and then runs at me and does a feint and multi slash on my lower body as i flip out of the way. after that i do a quick rush and sweep her legs as she falls and slash at her aura as it broke. they were shocked at how fast I won I wasn't too surprised she close to the level of qrow but not there yet.

i speak after helping her up " you need to Varie your moves a bit and your projecting where you are going and what you will do that's only part of it but I think I've made my point if you want more advice come to me." she looked down a bit sad that she lost but took my advice and thought about it and nodded as she spoke " thank you for that offer I might take you up on it later on. Weiss he is the real deal you would benefit a lot having him teach you even a bit."

She looked down and was about to walk away but I said " hold on winter let me say something before you leave. this is to all of you there's a quote I like to remember " it is not wrong to accept weakness, but it is you to accept them but do nothing about it." so do not think if something is wrong to suffer alone ask someone for help if no one is there for you I'll be there just ask."

they looked at me and said thanks as they left willow walked up to me and decided to speak alone. so, she spoke first " so were you going to say your age before or after you had me?"

I had a wry smile as I spoke " well I was planning on telling you soon either way and the reason I didn't before was if I said my age before would you have accepted my help from a 15-year-old."

she looked at and said with a sigh " Yeah I suppose your right but i guess that deal where you take me is out Haha." I looked at her and i walked up to her and said with me lifting her head to look at me " you know i would be willing to keep it regardless of age as like I said before you are a beautiful woman willow. I don't care what others think about me, and you should care what they think of you either. your finally free to choose what you want and who. you did what you could to protect your kids and that is something i love about you willow your will while in a cage never wavered for your kids and only gave up on yourself."

she looked at me with tears flowing out of her eyes and smiled and said, " thank you Doryu that means a lot but why would you want me an old woman that has 3 kids?"

I put my head against hers and said " because your you and I'll tell you a secret age won't matter for what i am and a ability i have. i have the ability to grant eternal youth to whom i choose and just so you know I'm a partial dragon so i have a lot of stamina and wanting a harem and i guess i have 2 girls already one fully in a relationship and the other is waiting till we go to beacon. so, I don't care for age what truly matters is if you are willing to love that person no matter what."

she looked at me shocked and looked to be in thought and said " if that's true that's amazing and thank you for the compliments. I guess I'd be willing to give it a try sound fun I guess and if what you said was true then i won't be able to handle you alone Haha."

I nodded at her and said, " thank you for giving me a chance willow you won't regret it and look forward to getting to know you more." after I said that I hugged her, and she hugged back and spoke after a bit " so are my daughters on that list for potential harem members?" I had coughed and turned my head away with a blush. when she saw she laughed and said, " well if they are fine with it, I'm ok with it but wait till Weiss is 18 at least."

i nodded and finally said my goodbyes and went back home with a smile. when i got there i saw Mordred and neo with some ice cream and watching tv and I just shake my head then hop in the shower and go to bed soon after as I was finally able to get rid of Jaques now i just need to go dome Remy and train jaune a bit.

the chapter title was a pun i was thinking it would be fun main story is soon thank you for reading

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